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MAGIA // o, intro - Printable Version

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MAGIA // o, intro - tristitia - 09-14-2018

Her mother had just passed. And now, she wa crowned the Ancient. Instead of choosing a sibling, she had been chosen. It felt oddly bittersweet to the young Aurumque. It was bitter as her mother went away, and was gone. It felt bitter as her siblings were not chosen. But it was sweet to be trusted with all that responsibility. She didn’t like the feeling, and had tried sleeping on it. That did not work too well. She hardly slept, and when she did, it held nightmares.

Eventually, she decided she had enough. Well. It was morning anyway. She huffed angrily, throwing her cloak on and getting up. She shook her fur out, and then yawned, showing her blue tongue. She turned, blue and violet eyes trying to focus. She blinks, and sees the pink and green glowing crystals. She takes her amulet, putting it on. There. Runicflare felt so, so much better with that on. It felt like home.

But she had no time to linger on her feelings. She had to check on her fellow Recondites and see how they doing. Her paws made a slight noise on the wood, yet the door did not creak when she opened it. She moves down quickly, reaching a staircase and reaching the center of camp. She takes a moment, though having seen this whole life, to take it in. The glowing crystals. Trees. Everything. She is so enraptured by it, that she does not notice her cloak is under her paws and she falls to the ground, face-first. "Agh... Twi. Ow ow— twi, twi. That twi’in hurts." She growled to herself when she sits up, rubbing her head.

Re: MAGIA // o, RR, intro - ghostpact - 09-14-2018

Losing a parent was not an easy thing to deal with, Jörmungandr knew that much. While he was only separated from his parents, as far as he knew, it was still painful for the child. Things were slightly better now, as time healed all wounds, but he would be lying if he were to say it still didn't hurt not having them around.

That was probably the end of reliability with the leader, though. Definitely the limit of his empathy. He watched blankly, really the only way a snake could in terms of expression, as the Ancient tripped over her own cape and he wondered just how capable she was. What did he know, though? He hadn't known her for long. Slithering closer to her now, he raised his head so he was eye level with her. Even up close, everything was rather blurry for him.

"Your cloak is really long. Are you sure that's practical?" he asked, tone flat as his tongue flicked.


Re: MAGIA // o, intro - ghostpact - 09-15-2018

The sound of his sister falling over herself in the middle of camp caught the older wolf's attention immediately, attention to her location immediately, ears twitching as his eyes widened from their squint. A moment passed before he was rolling his eyes and huffing, looking away again. He had been perched up on the wall of trees surrounding their camp, but he'd been there for hours. He could use a stretch and his sister could use a lesson in watching her step.

Despite her role in the group thanks to their mother, it still fell on him to be her default mentor as her much older and more experienced brother. Whether it was official stating or not, it was rather clear the situation. She was but a young pup attempting to fill a large hole that she has yet proven to have been successful. She was intelligent and compassionate, but he feared she was lacking in other areas that were important for a leader. With their still rather recent opening to those from the light, it was even more crucial.

As far as his personal feelings on the matter of Ancient being passed right by him and to the youngest? They were nonexistent. He was indifferent to it, neither jealous nor necessarily happy with the decision. It was just another challenge for him, to hopefully guide her on the right path while staying within his rank. No matter what, the most important thing was allowing her to make her own decisions with only advice given if asked for.

With a sigh, as if someone else was making him do so, he stood and stretched his limbs, back, so on. A good shake of the head and he was good to go, trotting down the steps into the center. He approached, giving the snake a cautious look before looking to his sister.

"Rune, you ought to watch your step."

He moved to set a paw on her head, scoffing at the cape under her paws. "If you can't learn to do that, you might as well get rid of the cloak. It does us no good to have you ready to fall into a trap like that, or tripping over it in the field."

Really, the roots within their forest should've taught her better, but she was young and thus, he knew it was just another lesson for her to learn. He pressed down lightly on her head, the corner of his mouth curling as he removed it and set it back to the ground, standing tall once more as his face fell to neutral once again.

"Are you hurt?"