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OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - Printable Version

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OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - rhosmari - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]A thick dew claw tapped the ground in anticipation, the feeling of excitement permeating the air. She hadn't had a decent meal in a few days though the only thing that had been on her mind while she had been on her own was getting back to the pack, finding her sisters and becoming Alpha. But there had been a hitch in her mindset, something along her way had struck her and a fight had ensued. Now there was a gash along her chest that was inflamed and red. At times she had stopped to attempt to clean the would but she couldn't quite reach it from the angle in which it was sliced through her flesh so for much of the journey she had had to leave it to fester. Pain was not something the raptor was known for showing, pain meant weakness and weakness meant that there could be a shifting in the ranks. Though the youngest she did not want her position in the pack to falter, she would not be below Echo. A low chuff left the through of the female as she moved forward, large claws digging into the ground as she waited for a moment. Her head turned sharply to the side as malignant orange eyes focused on a herd of island deer. Food. Prey. It was easy to see that the utahraptor was hungry as her body lowered and she started to go forward. At first it was but a light jog, testing the waters to see if her form could hold up despite the wound.

Then it turned into an all out sprint with sickle like claws outstretched and forward. Her legs thudded against the ground at a high speed as she surged toward the herd of deer. Quickly she closed he gap between her and the herbivores letting out a scream that resounded through the jungle like area. They bolted and this intensified the excitement of the hunt through the raptor. Her body angled off to the side, speeding through the jungle as she sought out the weakest one of the herd. Though she was sure she could take down a stronger male one she did not want too much trouble with her meal and thus she decided on a doe that held a limp in her back leg. Instinct drove the beast and she kicked up the pace allowing a screech to heighten the herd's fear and drive them faster to leave the injured doe behind. Her thick form weaved in and out of trees before she suddenly leaped, large foot connecting to to the back of the doe and bowing her form against the ground. In an instant sharp teeth found purchase in the soft flesh of the doe's neck and with a harsh shake of her cranium a snapping sound lifted up into the air and her prey was dead. Curling her lips a bit she slowly moved her foot off her catch before sinking teeth into the belly, rending it open and tearing flesh from bone.


Re: OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

All of his raptors had a thing for going off on their own, and he couldn't quite tell them no when they wanted to wander for a bit. For what reason? Owen didn't know, maybe it was a phase, or something. He didn't know, okay? Whenever people asked him stuff like that he just wanted to punch them for some reason. He trained the utahraptors, but he didn't control them completely. They respected him, and that made him their Alpha.

Speaking of raptors, looks like the devil called. Owen lifted his head from the rabbit he had been eating, licking his chops to clear away any blood or clinging meat to listen, his ears pricked. The german shepherd shifted slightly, hearing the loud screech. Wasn't a broadcasting call, but that did sound exactly like one of his girls' attack noises. To distract, or corral their prey. Whoever it was, was obviously hunting.

The black and brown shepherd lifted his head up to sniff the air, searching for any familiar smell. Blue? No- Echo? He let out a breath as he choffed, inhaling another round of scents. Charlie. He found himself running no sooner after he caught the scent, his muscles pulling him forward as he let out a broadcasting call- a loud howl, calling out to Charlie- or whoever it was.

He had hopped out of a pile of overgrowth, eyes focused on the creature before him. Charlie. Charlie was back, and she looked.. Was that a gash in her chest? Who would have done something like that to her? "Charlie!" Owen called out, wary of the feeding utahraptor.  He knew better than to just walts right up on a feeding beast, but he still kept his posture prideful, calm.

With the call, Delta would probably also hear.


Re: OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - rhosmari - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Her head lifted up sharply from her meal, rising up toward the sky as she listened to the broadcast call. With a twitch her head inclined to the side and her sickle like claws flexed before she shifted her body and walked around her meal. She couldn’t abandon her food and she needed to eat so she dismissed the broadcast call to go back to eating. Such sharp teeth ripped and tore flesh from the flank of the deer and she placed a foot on the corpse to hold it down. Jaws clamped down on a back leg and twisted, shook, and pulled to sever it from the rest of the torso where she chewed sloppily before swallowing it whole. But then a sound, loud and sharp made her head lift up from her prey. Something was there near her food. But it had also shouted something familiar. Her orange gaze locked on Owen then and her lips curled to reveal this thick teeth stained in the blood of that deer she had been consuming not long ago.

Her body angled away from the dead prey as she watched Owen, suddenly unsure. But a low purr left her throat as she tilted her head to the other side. Flared nostrils pulled in scent her head lowing a bit as she allowed another hiss to leave her throat. He was familiar and her confusion began to clear before her anger at that state could take over. Slowly she relaxed but her form was still guarded, especially when it came to her having food and she had to protect her kill. Alpha? Came the babbling question from the young raptor’s throat as she watched him though at this point anything could happen and things could sore quickly.

Re: OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - Luciferr - 09-15-2018

//track in case luci's babs appear c;

Re: OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - OWEN. - 09-15-2018

A guarded posture meant that he had to stay on guard as well, but his own posture was calm, waiting for Charlie to finish her meal before he tried to advance further. She babbled the familiar words to him, the sound of her calling him Alpha was something that made him internally breath a sigh of relief. Thank God, she had been away so long that he thought she had forgotten who he was. That'd be trouble.

"Yes. Alpha." He babbled back, surprisingly able to speak the same language as the raptors.  It was strange, he had been able to understand Delta's language and speak it, and since the other girls all spoke the same babbling tongue that Delta does, it was easy for him. "Hunt?" He tilted his head towards the kill, questioning whether or not she had just finished hunting this deer.

His amber gaze remained on the utahraptor soon after, and Owen merely sat down to wait patiently. It was always important to remain a distance away from the girls while they ate, especially when they were near the nest Delta had built. They were territorial over their food, and Owen respected that. He reached into his hipbag, pulling out another rabbit and tossing it over to the utahraptor to add onto her food pile. Certainly that doe wasn't enough for her.


Re: OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - - DELTA - - 09-15-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
The call, and the familiar babbles, were plenty to draw the pale green utahraptor over, offering an almost fond chitter of greeting to her sister, head held high and tail whipping back and forth.

Delta took note of the injury on Charlie's chest, and with this, she babbled, 'Injury. Okay? Less for concern for Charlie, and more being concerned that Charlie would become a weak point in the pack if it hindered her in any way.

While the bonds that tied the pack together were strong, they could be broken. They were feral, and if there was weakness within the pack, something like a major injury that could incapacitate a member, it was weakness, something that Delta and the other raptors really didn't tolerate if the injury couldn't heal. Something like losing a leg or forearm. Luckily, that had never happened.

The food, of course, was also something that caught Delta's attention, and, with this, she took a few steps over, a bit cautious, but not about to let Charlie trample all over her as a lower-ranking raptor, babbling, 'Food?' With food taken down by one raptor, it was a bit up in the air on whether they shared with the other raptors, higher-ranking or not. Usually, there were no issues, but depending on how hungry they were, one of them might attack others to keep it to themselves. It was always best, at least, to Delta, to be cautious.
© madi

Re: OUT OF LUCK - open; appearance - rhosmari - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Confirmed it was Alpha and she understood that he led the pack. She remembered him from when she was young, learning and being taught how to take certain commands. But her understanding of that language was very limited to a few key words and or phrases most of which others did not know and only pertained to Alpha and the way in which he spoke them. Yet, she did not relax too much the thrill of her hunt still singing through her veins. Her large feet shifted across the ground as she watched Owen, gaze focused on him but when he made no attempt to get any closer to her the raptor turned her gaze back to her deer. Though she did catch his next question and a low chittering came from her throat, easily lifting up to be heard in the space between them. Yes. It was a decisive tone and she was merely stating that fact. The hunt was done for now but she was swift to turn around when something was thrown. It was in her nature, in her genetics and training and she easily snapped it out of the air. The rabbit's body disappearing behind large jaws to be swallowed whole. Even though she was young she had been quick to learn and to flourish just as her sisters had been before her and she easily learned.

But soon her attention was grasped by the presence of her sister. Her head tilted to the side curiously though her body shifted slowly to the side and closer to her kill but she babbled back smoothly to let Delta know she was okay. Charlie, fine. They could not afford weakness in the pack, she could not afford weakness in herself if she was going to prove herself more than capable of taking over as the Alpha of her sisters. Yet, as soon as Delta began to take steps toward her kill the black stripped raptor tensed up sharply. Her pupils became slits in fierce orange irises and a low hiss lifted up into the air. Her jaws parted and lips curled to reveal large sharp teeth as she waved her tail through the air, claws digging into the ground before she moved to block Delta's path to the deer. Kill. Mine. Her babble rolled with a low growl, the intention clear in the tone of her vocals that she was not up for sharing what she had taken down.