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SABOTAGE — kirk - Printable Version

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SABOTAGE — kirk - KIRK - 09-14-2018

tags — updated 9.14

name. james tiberius kirk
nicknames. goes by jim and kirk
biological sex. male
creation date. september 11th, 2018
age. 12 months physically and mentally
clan. the ascendants

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. chris pine x x x
voiceclaim. chris pine
☆ wip skskks

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
eastern coyote — birth body 100% health
kirk is a light-furred eastern coyote with bright blue eyes. he has numerous scars, most of them likely being from petty fistfights over his lifetime, but most of them are well-concealed by his thick pelt. though far from a pristine, his fur is typically rather neat and well-kept, but really, only because it naturally falls that way. while he is definitely not hulking, kirk is a well-sized canine with broad shoulders and slightly visible muscles, and is a bit taller than most other coyotes due to his wolf and dog blood. he also wears a black collar with the federation insignia on it.
injures. none

enfp && gryffindor && chaotic good.
personality wip
main personality traits.
a bit of a loudmouth, will speak his mind despite the appropriateness of the situation or possible consequence
adventurous and curious; he often does things just for the thrill of it, or to see what may happen
a total flirt, will hit on literally anything that moves, though he's not really interested in a committed relationship
can kind of be an asshole, but at the end of the day, he genuinely cares for others and is rather selfless

parents. npc x npc
sexuality. panromantic & pansexual
relationship status. single
friends. spock, bones
— ⅓ of the triumvirate
— extremely loyal friend; easy to get along with and will protect his closest friends to his dying breath
enemies. n/a

physically && mentally. difficult physically, medium/difficult mentally
will start fights over anything; avoids killing
self defense. self-taught, no formal training
experienced in petty brawls, packs a punch
— can powerplay peaceful/nonviolent actions
— dm for attack/capture

mention [member=2299]KIRK[/member]  or [member=115]cobblepot[/member]  when attacking
attack in #FAEA4C