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THE NEEDS OF THE MANY // SPOCK - Printable Version

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tags — updated 9/14

name. spock grayson
"grayson," a last name he took in honor of his mother
gender. male
age. 15 months
clan. member of the ascendants

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. x, x, x
voiceclaim. x
☆ well educated, spent most of his childhood reading/in lessons
☆ expansive vocabulary that he uses 24/7
☆ robotic-like cadence
☆ always ic opinions

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
white serval. — birth/main body
spock is a tall and lean feline with pointy, overlarge ears and snowy white fur, dotted with silver markings in a manner typical to most servals - this fur is relatively short in length and is always kept neat and clean. his facial features, though handsome, are sharp and serious, something that is definitely not helped by his usual stern, no-nonsense expression. his eyes, a pale blue, work with his severe brows to become his most expressive feature. although not the most muscular of creatures, spock carries himself with a quiet, confident authority that invites respect. like his crewmates, he wears a black collar with the starfleet insignia on it.
injures. none

istj-a && ravenclaw && capricorn && lawful neutral.
it is not uncommon for individuals to keep their feelings under lock and key, and while spock is certainly one of these individuals, he's something of a special case. as a child, spock was taught that he was to always keep his emotions in check and put away in preference of making decisions based on logic, and always from an objective point of view, in order to better serve his community. while he adopted his society's practices without question - as one often does as a child - the results of his peculiar upbringing had permanent, often less than desirable affects on his personality.
spock typically comes off as brusque and professional, like a robot programmed to perform specific tasks. naturally confident and sure of his logic-based decisions, he is quick to let you know if he disagrees with you or thinks your idea is foolish, and is far from sensitive about it. this includes authority figures, though he is generally respectful. he appears to care little for the feelings of others - and, often, this is true. spock is not a time waster, and he has little time to worry about upsetting someone when there's work to be done. he always prefers to enact justice over awarding forgiveness, but, at the very least, this coldness makes him the perfect candidate for positions that require difficult decision making.
despite this, he definitely has prominent personality traits that stick out that he makes no effort to conceal - or perhaps, they are so deeply ingrained into his identity he doesn't even notice them. when tested, spock's proper, mechanical behaviour is offset by his snarky attitude - he has a surprisingly snide, sarcastic streak in him that takes mercy on none, and becomes even more severe in response to a person he dislikes. insults leave his lips so naturally and automatically they're sometimes hard to notice, especially given that his cadence never seems to change much and his expansive vocabulary doesn't stop before his sassy remarks. less noticeable but still relevant are his tendencies to be headstrong, stubborn, and surprisingly reckless - he tends to take unnecessary, albeit calculated, risks, and doesn't like to have his decisions undermined or questioned. however, he's not a rule-breaker, and isn't opposed to turning himself or someone else in in the event of a wrongdoing.
however, he's not all bad. dutiful and reliable, spock takes his responsibilities to his community very seriously. he's fiercely loyal, and his friends and family's safety and well-being always come before his own, regardless of personal cost. and despite his often apathetic exterior, he really does feel more than just irritation and disappointment. he feels love and companionship just as strongly as sadness, rage, or heartbreak - the trick is just that he doesn't let you know about it. his failure to express himself, whether intentionally or unintentionally, often results in him showing that he cares through actions - defending them physically or verbally, words that could have been harsh but were instead teasing, respecting your decision even if he disagrees with it. nevertheless, and in both romantic and platonic relationships, spock will always be something of a distant lover. with patience, however, he can prove himself to be thoughtful and affectionate, albeit in his own unique ways.
main personality traits.
— cold and reserved, head over heart, justice over forgiveness. keeps his feelings under lock and key.
— insensitive and sarcastic, doesn't put up with shit and will shut you down. can be stubborn and speaks his mind.
— loyal and selfless, a dependable but withdrawn friend. puts others first.

parents. npc x npc
— raised in a society that embraced logic and duty over emotion or impulse, spock spent his youth educating himself classically and focusing on controlling and hiding feelings. his father, a leader of the group, encouraged him to embrace this route, though his mother was an outsider, marrying in and never quite aligning with what their society expected of her. as a result, spock never quite fit in either.
siblings. none
sexuality. grey-biromantic/bisexual
relationship status. single, not looking.
— does his best to ignore any romantic feelings, and thinks a romance would be distracting.
— however, this doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings or will never pursue them.
— serious, chilly disposition can put strain on relationships.
— no gender preference
friends. kirk, bones.
— ⅓ of the triumvirate
— few real friends. this is both because he's picky and also because of his reserved, no-nonsense nature.
enemies. n/a

physically && mentally. medium-hard & hard.
might not start a fight but will finish it. avoids killing.
self defense. taught basic combat training growing up.
can powerplay peaceful/nonviolent actions on.
mention [member=2303]SPOCK[/member] or [member=102]lala[/member] when attacking
attack in #0066B0