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amy likes spiders — visiting - Printable Version

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amy likes spiders — visiting - ghostpact - 09-14-2018

Well, his journey could've gone a whole lot better. At least he still had his hat, though dirtier now, and cool new scars to show off.

"Ahhh shiiiiit! That was a fuckin' wild trip, fellas!" He spoke aloud as he sauntered right into the Observatory despite being absent for months now. He was still a member right? They seriously couldn't mind that he walked back into his own home. He paused a moment, paw reaching to adjust his hat as he glanced around.

"Don't worry, though. I'm still alive," he said to no one in particular, eyes scanning the Grand Circle for literally anyone he might've known. Shit, had it been longer than he thought? If so, it would be incredibly awkward if no one recognized him. Of course, he already conjured up some excuse he could use to play it off if that were the case.


Re: amy likes spiders — visiting - Grimm - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It might simply have been bad luck or mere coincidence, possibly some mix of the two entangled until the situation before them was produced, but the one to react first proved a stranger. Harland had not been present for any great length of time, exactly how long he could only guess at for he had no real need to mark the days and thus rare was it when he bothered, occupied with other things, a time in which he had not come across the serval.

“Hello,” a gentle rasp, a greeting familiar to him, spoken towards many he had come to cross, accompanied with a smile easy upon dark features. He seemed a shadow, lingering about the edge of the circle, the bright shine of golden eyes all that separated him as he watched others move past about their daily activities. There seemed a great deal of activity, none of it overly interesting and so Har had kept to himself, or at least had until this odd stranger made his entrance, comfortable as though he belonged. "Where go?"