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ANDROMEDA LOVE — JOINER - Printable Version

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Rhysinus was annoyed. He was pissed off by the recent failed experiment of his. The patient had not wanted to continue and had believed they had not needed his remedy. The patient had even accused him of not being a real doctor at all which had greatly offended the "healer". He had only wanted for the fool to blossom, to grow into something better. But as always, mortal minds were weak. Rhysinus himself was weak in a sense that he kept sympathy for those that decided to decline or cancel their treatment. Usually, he would simply scold them and give them a sermon about how wrong they were to not accept his offerings. So many weak foolish minds. When would they ever learn that they were wrong?

His long golden forked tongue danced out of his jaws, rolling across his lips as the male crept around the burning carcasses of what had once been a lush place. Fire was an icky thing wasn't it? Too out of control and messy, not his type of enjoyment. Not even Mother Nature's hand could control the raging flames and it's destructive tendencies. It burned on, yearning for a limit to break. He gently kicked at a jet black colored tree branch, watching it explode into ash and charred shards of what it had once been. The freckled crimson mystical creature let out a snort, ivory white gaze narrowing with soft displeasure but not enough to wrinkle his youthful delicate facial features. Humming softly, his twin short bobtails wagged lazily behind him as the slender lanky male glanced around, curious to see if anyone was still alive and bumbling about. Of course, there would be life. Even in the most extreme conditions, there were signs of life so a little fire shouldn't have scared everyone away now had it?

"Hello hello — helloooooooo? My my, I expected more of a welcome than this. Is anyone out and about? It's awfully lonely here and I am not that shy of a person to enjoy all this peace and quiet." called out softly the crimson ginger as the snow eyed kitsune bounced delicately on top of a rather flat boulder, his pale paws softly thumping onto the rock's surface as he went into a sitting position, tufted ears pricked with curiosity and wonder. Luckily for them, he was one willing to wait. He simply glanced down to paw softly at a little green beetle that scrambled in front of him. Sadly for the little poor thing, Rhysinus enjoyed collecting peculiar creatures and he made a mental note to find more of its species so he could research them in a more...intimate way, one that included him impaling them against a canvas like some did with butterflies. But Rhysinus was much more interesting than those pathetic butterfly collectors. Oh, he was much more. His golden cross necklace softly bounced against his slim chest as he murmured soft phrases in his native tongue as he allowed his mind to drift while he waited.

Re: ANDROMEDA LOVE — JOINER - rushy - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Lydia loved talking. She loved getting to know people and going to social gatherings. Hell, she'd get to know a tree if it turned out to be sentient in any way. However, she was less of a fan of people who talked to much. And in particular, people who talked too much and seemed to be making a sort of villain out of themselves. Though she wasn't one to judge immediately- for the most part.

The tabby appeared on hesitant paws, wavering in her confidence as she looked over the form of the kitsune through curious eyes. They seemed to be the same colour, but that was almost the only thing they seemed to have in common at all. Lydia had to admit, though, he looked pretty fuckin' cool. "Hello!" the bright red tabby chirruped in turn "I'm Lydia! Sorry to keep you waiting! What's your name and business with The Rosebloods?"

Re: ANDROMEDA LOVE — JOINER - Luciferr - 09-14-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the RED ASPECT of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of any past lives after the merging.
Yellow-red eyes of a blaze far more frightening than the fire that was now cinders gazed at the stranger with unconcern - though mild apathy for someone who believed themselves more important than current affairs of his current home.

everyone was busy after all, they could not spare to keep a welcome committee on hands at all times.

the thoughts didn't show on his face however - he and Rizer were alike in that both held stone faced masks, though Rizer's might be less a mask and more a default expression, death was not an overly emotive one - more solemn logos to what he could be viewed as ethos.

the Indoraptor merely watched from behind the much smaller Lydia, the looming form of the extinct dark fire scaled predator almost acting like a bodyguard to the small feline - though the slow tell tale creep of cold spoke to Rizer not being far behind his brother aspect.

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh

Re: ANDROMEDA LOVE — JOINER - Luciferr - 09-14-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE ASPECT aka DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
indeed, Rizer was merely scant paces behind the red.

the pale one's impassive paleblooded gaze looked the kitsune up and down, the targaryen manticore merely inclining his head with a slow blink and a minor hum - for a moment he thought it may have been another of the four, but alas to his knowledge though one had once been a kitsune, the last two of the four had yet to make the deal and merge into a mortal incarnation like they had.

he and Talyn would have known if they had, the siren call would have been stronger and felt more deeply in the bones of death and war.

the pervading frost creeping at his paws halted as he slowed to a stop, content to watch aside Lydia and his 'brother'.

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh