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CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - Printable Version

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CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

Owen had faintly, nearly noticed the lack of knowledge that the Typhooners had about his raptors. While Lucifer might, having helped raise the feathered raptors, his raptors were trained a specific way. They were raised in captivity, and trained by his own hands. By his own heart. He had raised them from eggs, though. They were his children.

"Delta!" Owen howled out his broadcasting call, hoping the Beta would rush to greet her Alpha. While he didn't care if she ate anyone outside of the Typhoon, it would be a problem if she ate someone important, or a child, or a pregnant woman. Yeah, he really needed to teach everyone what they needed to know before approaching the utahraptors.

Lifting his head up proudly, the brown and black german shepherd kept his face smug despite his confident, calm posture. "Aye, fellow pirates! I'm hosting a little lesson about utahraptor behavior. My raptors, specifically. It'll help you survive a lot longer, hopefully." He announced, cracking his neck momentarily. He had a basket of dead rats and other medium-sized fresh kill, including fish. He had caught some for this specific event, as he might need a lot of it to keep Delta in order while he had people around him.

[member=2301]- DELTA -[/member]


Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-13-2018

"You should just kill the damn things." Caesar growled as he came over upon hearing Owen's voice, narrowing his eyes at the male. The raptors had been the ones to kill one of his previous bodies, and was the reason for the scars covering his current one. "What's the point in keeping them? They're clearly wild, not as smart as us - your Crewmates." The demon went on. "We should matter more than your dimwitted pets."

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

"Because they're my children, and they see me as their Alpha. Killing them would mean killing my last remaining family members." Owen replied calmly, his posture still remaining loose yet proud. He had every right to be proud, in his opinion. "While you might not notice it, the raptors are all protective of their territory. They're useful in combat, and could do some serious damage if allowed to.  Or well.. If they want to." Owen barked, rolling his shoulders slightly.

He could understand Caesar's point, but he didn't want to choose his clan over his family. When the clan is all dead, if the clan were to betray him, the raptors were still there. Owen loved his girls, and his loyalty to his pack might be too much, too naive, but he trusted the girls. His relationship with them was built on mutual respect.

"While you guys do matter to me, I have known my utahraptors their whole life. I want you guys to know what to do if I'm not around, or if you find them cornering you. As you said, they are wild- feral, is a better word. While they are feral, they are trained to obey their Alpha. You're looking at their Alpha." Owen explained slowly, his tail resting over his paws as he continued to wait, ever so patiently.


Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - Luciferr - 09-14-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"Don't mind it Owen, ceasar just dislikes children of all kinds" a shadows rumble answered, where the greater black lay calmly off to the side to watch the proceedings, head resting idly against the sands - but no less deadly in case something went wrong.

"Besides they can be an asset with their alpha here to tell them not to eat you - I'd much rather set them on the Pittians and watch the fallout" oh there had been times lucifer had been tempted to eat the dream demon given some of his words and attitudes but Ceasar was a crewmate despite his more annoying sides - and begrudgingly Lucifer did get along and even agree with him on some aspects.

like killing inherent intruders way into their territory - when they weren't lost children - for the greater good of keeping the clan safe, or being far more stringent and scrutinising on whom their allies were.

though the thought of feral raptors munching on the slavers did bring something of a vindictive smile to those dark scaled features.


Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Delta's head snapped up, distracted from her meal at the broadcast call, and took a few moments to swallow the large chunk of meat in her jaws before taking off towards the sound, easily distinguishing where it came from, and who it was. Owen's broadcast call was different from her sisters, who, while she could tell them apart, Owen's sounded less... refined. Maybe due to the fact he was not of the same species as Delta and the others.

The large Utahraptor, for once, paid no mind to the crowd already gathered, for she had better things to focus on. Dark yellow optics settled on Owen, letting out a chitter of greeting, head tilting and sickle claws tapping in anticipation. She was intelligent enough to know that she usually got a reward for following orders, and it seemed this demonstration could provide her a nice snack to tide her over until her next meal.

Her tail whipped back and forth, that itself was dangerous enough, for anybody standing too close to her. That six-foot-long appendage was pure muscle, easily capable of breaking the bones of much frailer animals if they were hit with it.

'Food? Hunt?' She babbled, curious. Was this a hunt? Was this all prey? Because if so, it'd be a bit difficult to take some of them down by herself or with Owen. Like the big black one. That'd require all of her sisters.
© madi

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

"Why hello there, Lucifer!" Owen greeted with a smile, gesturing for him to sit down amongst the growing crowd. He had a respect for the large black dragon, since he had been raising a pack of feathered raptors as well. From what he noticed of them, they had imprinted on Luciferus, which was impressive.

At Lucifer's comment about Caesar, Owen shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't too disturbed about the question, in reality. Yes, it made him uncomfortable, because he couldn't kill his own raptors, but he didn't take it too much to heart. "It's a question I don't mind answering, and a damn good one at that. Anyone else have questions before we begin?" Owen asked, before he felt the wind of Delta's tail behind him. She babbled at him, a comfortable sound to Owen, before tilting her head and tapping her talons against the ground. Anticipation. She was waiting for him.

Food? Hunt? Her babble was recognizable, and Owen clicked his tongue. "Not food. Food givers." He babbled out, turning his gaze towards the two whom had arrived. While he was cautious with the yellow feline, he trusted him enough to have his raptors around him. Delta was smarter, she knew when to pick a fight and when to not. Well..  Sometimes.

"Delta, eyes on me." Owen's voice was strict, dominance taking over his stance as he eyed the utahraptor calmly. He loved his children, but they were high maintenance and needed to constantly be kept in check if they wanted to keep their home here. If she obeyed his command, Owen would toss a fish up for the raptor as a reward. From the looks of the leftover meat stuck between her teeth, Owen could see that she had been feeding before she had come over. He'll have to take her hunting again when she was hungry once more as an apology.

"This beautiful utahraptor here is named Delta. As of right now, until her sisters come back, she is the Beta of the Pack. In total, there are four utahraptors, including Delta herself." Owen explained calmly, lifting a paw up to the green-tinted raptor in an attempt to have her push her snout against his palm. When they were all little, Owen had trained them to notice when he was in distress and how to act upon it. He remembered how tiny they were as babies, when they had first hatched. "As you all know, my raptors are all feral, yet trained to act on my commands as their Alpha. Our relationship is built on mutual respect, with me having raised them. They aren't like the feathered raptors, raised in the wild here. My girls were all raised in captivity, as much as I hate to admit it." He explained further, amber-golden eyes resting on Luciferus and Caesar for a moment before he waited for any questions. He would continue if there were none.


Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-15-2018

"Trained or not, who's to say they won't attack your Crewmates?" Caesar hissed back in response, his gaze briefly flickering over to Lucifer before it returned to Owen. "You might be their Alpha, but as you said - they're feral. Feral creatures do not think like us." He pointed out, his words cold. "I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly turned on you."

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - OWEN. - 09-15-2018

"That's why we're having this class, dearest Caesar." Owen replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He took a step closer to Delta, brushing a paw against her snout once more before he turned to talk again. "They won't attack you if they don't see you as a threat or prey. Lesson One, never show fear or aggression towards them. They'll take that as a sign that you are prey or an enemy. With time, she might learn that anyone who smells like the Typhoon is an ally, but that time is not now. I can't confirm that she will, but I can confirm that if you can keep your emotions and body posture right around the utahraptors, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Besides, from what I see, if Luciferus is around, Delta won't go after him alone." He barked, scooting the basket of food over to the utahraptor to keep her occupied.

"She doesn't understand our language, she gets a few of my english commands only because of repetition as a youngling. So, if she were to ever go after you because you screwed up with your emotions, I suggest climbing a tree fast, Caesar." He joked, a sickeningly sweet smile on his face. While Caesar had a stick up his ass, Owen had no problem with being a sarcastic ass towards him in return.

Finally, he decided to give a few tips to the group. "Want to be on the raptors good side? Feed them. They'll consider you food-givers, instead of prey. Speak to them calmly, and toss a piece of prey at them." He stated calmly, golden eyes narrowing slightly as he shook his head to rid himself of any chills.

As for them turning against me, they have before, a long time back. The place they stayed kept machines on them, that's what turned them against me the moment they found a better Alpha. An Alpha that wouldn't let them be used, to be controlled. The moment I took their equipment off, they came back. That is why I do not force them to stay in the Typhoon. That'd be the same as keeping them in containment."


Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - rhosmari - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Slowly the large creature moved, carefully and calculatingly the other creatures in the area. The broadcast call had drawn her in despite it being directed at only one individual. Delta. Her head tilted to the side, body tense as she flexed sickle like claws in the air. Her only real reason for being here was because of the Alpha's call. Although she had taken her time getting to the area it was her bad behavior sprouting up again. But she was there none the less. Slowly she stepped forward, heaving but thick form moving forward behind one of the creatures that lived here. Golden yellow and it stung her eyes. She wasn't sure if she liked the flash of it and a low hiss rumbled in her throat as she reared up a bit, lips curling for the briefest of moments. Her and her sisters had been created with the intended purpose of being weapons, intelligent killing machines to be used in times of war. But she was still a feral creature at heart and her way of thinking seemed different from her sisters. Perhaps it was genetics gone wrong but she was more aggressive then necessary. Her head titled to the side and she walked over Caesar then, gaze focused now on Owen more so then anything else. Alpha. Food? Came her babbling as she lifted her head up and shifted herself to stand along side Delta.

The female had not seen her sister in a long while and she acknowledged her with a light chittering sound before fallign silent again. The gash along her chest was still an angry bright red but the creature did not show any sighs of pain. Yet malice was in her gaze when she looked at the crowd of onlookers, potentially sizing them up to become her next meal. Her claw tapped against the ground, staccato ticks that marked her anticipation. Although one was too big that didn't mean she wouldn't try her chance at one of the smaller varieties in the area. Already her muzzle was curling, saliva dripping down from large teeth as she curled her thick sickle like claws inward just a bit. Her legs shifted then but she didn't move from her location, merely waiting.

Re: CALLING ALL THE MONSTERS && raptor behavior lessons. - - DELTA - - 09-15-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Her gaze had been settled on the crowd before them, picking out weaknesses here and there, and determining which ones could be considered food, and it took a few moments for her to actually listen, turning dark yellow optics towards the german shepherd, letting out a curious chuff as she awaited her reward, jumping up to catch the fish in her jaws, and swallowing.

If she could understand Owen's words, she could agree it was true. They had been in captivity, something that never really suited her or her sisters. When they were still growing, there had been many attempts to get out of their enclosures, some of them almost successful, to the point that constant upgrades had to be made to ensure that they couldn't escape. They were intelligent enough to give the humans that kept them locked up on their toes.

And they had turned against Owen, at one point. That had been due to the fact the freedom they had been given was quickly limited, and all of her sisters, herself included, were well aware that once they hunted down the indominus rex, it would lead right back to captivity. So turning against the humans had been in their favor. Loyalty was something Delta didn't feel, besides to her sisters.

Charlie's arrival had the new beta chittering a greeting at her youngest sister, the gash in her chest taken note of.
© madi