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CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - Printable Version

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CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

[member=2301]- DELTA -[/member]
//Feel free to jump in! Please be very wary, as Delta will turn on those who she deems prey. If your character just wants to watch, they can hide their scent or stay high and away from Delta's vision. ^^

His muscles roared with complaint as the german shepherd rushed after a wild boar that had rushed through the territory, powerful legs taking him faster than he ever would have wished. It was a game to his girls, to chase after prey. They enjoyed the thrill of an escaping prey, food, running away from them. He could understand how they felt. Back when he was human, he would have always rode his motorcycle through the jungle with his pack of raptors. His motorcycle kept up with the utahraptors quite easily, though. Now, he had to run. He was thankful that german shepherds were so fast, so agile, because now he could get more exercise now that Delta had returned.

A loud whistle left the Alpha's jaws as he called out to Delta, quacking the orders through rough babbles and chirrups. "Beta. Hunt. Prey." He managed to call out, before he took off in a faster run. His girl would be here soon. She'd smell the loose prey, after all. The boar was fucking huge.


Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
The prey was successful in attracting the pale green Utahraptor, who easily picked up on both Owen's and the boar's scents, and his orders, something she was more than happy to comply with.

Hunts. Those were something that satsified many of Delta's natural instincts, so she really had no qualms about joining in, the boar's squeals only exciting her more, as she sped up, tail whipping behind her as she weaved through the trees, easily keeping up with Owen as she made her way through, a scream erupting from her maw as she passed, beginning to herd the large boar into a 'kill zone'. Somewhere where it would be easy to go in for the kill without complications or obstacles, and even better, if it was near the nest that the raptor had made for her sisters' return to make it easier to protect. Not that many animals were idiotic enough to come after their food. The scent of decaying corpses surrounding the nest was enough to send any creature with half a brain the other way.

It was a bit like how a dog would herd sheep, what she was doing, in a way. Scaring the creature into the kill zone was easy enough, especially with Owen's help, often 'guiding' it back on track by appearing out of nowhere, seemingly, or a screech or a terrier to scare it back to where it was supposed to be going, and to alert Owen of her position.
© madi

Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - AMUNET - 09-14-2018

it didn't take much to gather the small raptors attention, and the someone's fimiluar caw of his own kind was enough. Noise, as predicted— was enough, but the smell of boar and the loud whistle of the strange german shepherd clicking in a way similar to the older utharaptors babble, it was well enough to grab his attention. But ament was spoiled rotten by luciferus, and still young enough to be deemed innocent by the rest of the clan, nevermind the volatile nature of him, and the savage unpredictability of instinct that no one here seems to listen to anymore. He had gotten away with enough, and hearing another pack- and older pack of the same breed was seen as competition. Seen as threat.

But it was not with the serious undertones, as mother has often tried to explain, there was plenty of food to go around, plenty of land for both groups. One growing and the other fully realised. Enough of smarts in the clan, to control six savages. But as they learn, instinct cannot be controlled, and so won't ament either. Seeing delta and Owen, the other pack skitter by inside the jungle, it was unknown if they noticed the little dash of tawny feathers flicker in the undergrowth. Too high on their own hunt to spot the animal hunting them. Jealously was easy, savage and visceral. But he was weary, and he wanted to learn, to understand. So instead of dashing in to the hunt along them, or to cut them off, aren't stills nearby, and watches.

He isn't hungry anyway.

/mobile post!!
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Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - Luciferr - 09-14-2018



Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

In moments like these, he realized that he really needed to work out more.

His tongue stuck out of his mouth as he raced on the path to the prey, eyes narrowed as a few snarls kept the boar on course. It was getting closer to Delta's nest, identifiable by the stench of rotting flesh in the air. While Owen was used to it, it still made his skin crawl at the thought of his girls keeping their meals like trophies.

He was high on the hunt, excited to even watch Delta do such a natural thing, hunting. Her talons seemed to glitter in the quick, bright flickers of light that overpassed them. She was beautiful, in a raw, serene, but vicious sort of way. Owen chuckled at his own thoughts. Did that even make sense?

He rushed forward, a few nips at the boar's hind legs to keep him inside of the kill-zone. He pushed the boar away from the nest, into the open, his tongue clicking to signal the hunt was cornered. "Kill." He babbled out, a loud bark towards the boar scaring it enough that it backed away from him. She had enough time to take the kill, she'd enjoy it anyways. 


Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad

Delta didn't even take her eyes off of her prey as she heard this, merely charged, claws outstretched, and a vicious shriek could be heard as she leapt, sickle claws digging into the large boar's flesh and her weight pinning it, and her head snapped forward, teeth and claws making quick work of the creature as it's final shrieks could be heard, and moments later, she would lift her bloodied head, dark yellow optics settling on Owen. Usually, with Blue, she tended to be quite aggressive, even to her sisters, when it came to food. It was only natural. Despite the bond they shared, they were still feral creatures at heart. Instincts always overrode those bonds in a crisis. The closest thing to enjoyment, for Delta, was satsifying her needs. As long as her needs were met, she was plenty happy.

After a few moments of staring, she would finally bend down to rip a chunk of meat off of the boar's thigh, shaking her head to get the piece free, and swallowing without chewing, before continuing in this manner.
© madi

Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

Owen made no move to take a part of the kill that Delta had ripped into, merely watching her with mild interest as she ate with a sense of satisfaction that only a successful hunt could bring. Pride swelled in Owen's chest, and he waited for Delta to take another bite of the boar before he reached into his prey bag on his side, pulling out a rabbit and dropping it on the ground. The boar for her, a rabbit for him. Owen kept his eyes on Delta as he ripped into his own lunch, his stomach having been growling from the amount of energy he used just from this high-chase hunt.

The meat was still warm, having been kept in his bag for about an hour with his body heat. While he was glad the food hadn't rot away yet, he was even happier that it was still warm. Blood coated his snout as he continued to eat, canine fangs showing every once in a while to rip through tough muscle.


Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - VIRGO - 09-15-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Pathetic lower lifeforms. There was a time the young raptor looked up to the carnivorous, ugly creatures but not anymore. She realises the discrepancies of their awful exterior, their exposed scaly skin. The queen only watches Owen and Delta in distaste, earthly hues flickering in a condescending manner as the alabaster beauty approaches her dark-faced brother. Although the other pack is older, much bigger and more experienced than her family, she views them as pitiful for obeying the likes of a soft-flesh. Boil. There is something simmering beneath the barbaric girl's feathers, bubbling in a sort of anger. She feels...discriminated, misunderstood, controlled. Virgo stops walking, the weight of her body returning to an equal dispersion along the balls of her weapon-like feet. Her claw taps, her golden crest pressing along the shape of her skull. She sees threats to her way of living, a danger that circulates the air which exists about the german shepherd. Virgo doesn't like him, nor does she feel any respect to the feral creature that heeded the male like a dog. A lowlife. She may not be very old but Virgo is capable of registering such complex emotions. Despite their 'unintelligible' nature, she and her pack were much smarter than they were credited for.

Virgo's tail hovers dangerously over the ground, swinging back and forth. Her mind is playing events, reminding the girl of the sensation of a chase. The feeling of wind streaming along her feathers, energy running down the muscles of her legs to be launched by the forceful flick of her claws. But those 'happy memories' only trigger a snarl from the girl whose upper lip curls in accompaniment. Simply watching the reptile chase after a boar was enough to lock her mind into one of a jealous predator, greatly disapproving of the older woman's existence. Virgo looks to her brother, seeing his passivity and snorting. She turns her neck, lowering her head to groom her gold-accented feathers. She realises Ament wishes to learn and, rather reluctantly, the venandi accepts this. She will not interrupt the male's learning for now but will not join in herself. The creature isn't interested in seeing the way a boar can be slain. It is obvious to her, a part in them that has been ingrained into their genetic code, written before they were even born.

Disgusting. When she sees the way Delta pauses to look at Owen, wait for the male to give the signal, she retracts in disgust. Virgo looks to Ament in silence, sending a mental warning to him to not obey the likes of soft-flesh before turning her head back to Owen whilst still hidden where they were. Hatred is still plastered along her young, regal face. She refuses to allow other creatures to try and domesticate them. She doubts mother would allow it to happen as well. Mother feeds them well, mother keeps them safe should they mess up. But Virgo is also determined to reap her own independence, become her own kind of leader than bow down to the likes of a soft-flesh like Owen. Watching the way the pack's 'alpha' begins to eat his own share of a different kind of meat is enough for the feathered terror. She isn't particularly impulsive, tempted to jump in and challenge Delta to a duel, but choosing not to because she is aware of Delta's superiority in age, size and experience. She and her family are still too young for prey that large when she turns with a lash of her tail, violently swinging against the air, and disappearing into the dense forest.

Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - Luciferr - 09-15-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

He thinks his children are something stranger than these feral ones - but then wouldn't any parent see their children (adopted or not) as better?

Lucifer's hubris is always perhaps his unyielding faith and pride in his family if he has none for himself, only proven surety in his own abilities - how could he not when he's lived through so much tragedy and died fro so much more, yet death rejects the shadow - he's never the type for arrogance in himself.

but arrogance on behalf of his children perhaps - pride for them.

it's been proven for his eldest four - and it's being proven by his small feathered children as they grow.

Still he keeps an eye on them, spying Ament in the shadows and Virgo leaving the area from where he lazes on a high outcropping for now - a dark inkblot on an otherwise sunbleached stone - merely watching Owen with his pack as is the Reaver's wont to watch the others as a sentinel would.

he'd been challenged y this raptor - and another feral raptor before long ago, he remembers the wariness for his larger armoured form, the calculating gleam - but fire is enough of a deterrent for most of this pack in his experience.


Re: CROSS MY HEART && raptor runs/hunting. - AMUNET - 09-15-2018

He will never truly understand what it means to learn without a brain to savor it. Only through observation- through memory and words that are unintelligible to these sensible creatures. he wants to understand and maybe this is the closest he can get to it- a taste; not born of blood but hunger all the same. It is not a discovery so much as it is a reminder. Watching the pair hunt together gives a familiar pang to the smallest present. Like this, the dark browns of his body and the near black plumage surrounding his face make good camouflage. He is a child born of ferocity and instinct, with emotions and without a mind to be able to understand. (and maybe there is a tragedy in that)

But here- delta lifts her head to regard the German Shepard- and ament sees a connection- finds a similarity to the way that his own pack regard's mother. Is this German Shepard their parent? Is this the meaning of alpha? Virgo prickles beside him, silent with a silent snarl clear on her features, making her displeasure known- her disgust of the two before them clear to him. Alpha- if anyone he knew was an alpha it would be her. Fierce and resolute where Exodus is brittle and he is curious. - With his sisters, it could easily be seen as a weakness, and as his sister- his alpha walks off Ament feels the desire to follow as he always had. An instinct to remain close should anything happen- should Exodus find them- maybe they too could go hunting.

Ament has never truly craved to become a leader, content with his stand in his own pack. He may not lead but he has a voice with them. While his sister's can bicker and decide amongst themselves who is the true leader- Ament will busy himself in trying to understand other's, so that they better have a chance to survive this world together. Because everything about his world evolves around this. His sister's and his mother, their land and their friendlies. It is their's and it is not this group before him. They are savage- and they do not try to understand. They tear their way through and they are reckless in their survival. His own claw's click softly into the soil in a taste of agitation. They have hunted today, and the stench of their other hunts are close by enough to keep him from heading any closer. But now he is hungry- Dark colbalt eyes land on Owen's own catch- and feel's like snatching it from him. The boar is too big for Ament to get away with, but the rabbit- maybe. And with delta busy and Owen busy. he himself turns away to try and gather his sister's attention.

A loud chirp escapes him, settling into an insistent chattering in attempts to catch Virgo's attention by running alongside her and stopping. Swinging his own tail- he turns his head back towards Owen's direction. his own darker crest slightly raised in the question. The sent of prey- of blood is enough to stir both their instincts, but if VIrgo wants to stake a challenge - cause a little mischief with their own alpha then he will follow, if she thinks they are better without causing trouble he will follow her. It is merely an idea. But already he feels the tale-tell signs of the hunt in him, the drum of something inside him beating faster- he knows his sister to an extent, and feels like she will not let go of a challenge that Ament has presented her with.
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