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cover your tracks || joining - Printable Version

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cover your tracks || joining - PAUNICA - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width:400pt; text-align:justify; font-size:9pt;"]After so many lifetimes of knowing Demesne, Redamancy had believed there was little capable of surprising him in reference to her, and perhaps his comfort in that was part of his undoing when she stood before him and sent his small planet hurtling out of orbit with words alone.

"I can't do this anymore." But no, not that sentence in its entirety; they had each frequently expressed their own exhaustion with returning to a world they had outgrown. It was what followed that abandoned him to the jagged lines of the coast: "I will not look for you next time." They had always found each other when the memories gave their inexplicable longing a focal point, gravitating irrevocably to their missing half. Redamancy never tired of seeing Demesne again for the first time, in whatever body she was born into; her eyes never changed, even as the lifetimes altered their color and shape. They were forever consummate knives, able to flay apart anyone in their path, and he had loved that, always, until the looming dawn shed a grim light onto never again.

She left him, then, her parting words seared into his flesh. "I look at you, and I can only see the curse. We have outgrown each other, too." He remained paralyzed for an indeterminable period, re-tracing his steps for a sign of what she referred to, but Redamancy had never felt burdened by the incessant draw. Yet Demesne had, and so he concluded that it was she who outgrew him, rather than a mutual separation.

There was nowhere for him to go, and he wandered in the direction opposite her departure.

Perhaps she had found someone who ignited her passion, who returned life to the dying star, and Redamancy was a fool to believe they were content, but her decision felt all too...inconsiderate of what they had sacrificed for each other. That was likely the barrier that had crept between them.

Dark and dreary eyes flit across the expanse of grass at his front, a structure in the distance he could not identify. It smelled of people, here, and Redamancy was too wearied for concern that the inhabitants might manifest as hostile. Death held no significance for someone never bound to it permanently. It would be a welcome mercy,

Re: cover your tracks || joining - rhosmari - 09-13-2018

The poor thing thing. He looked so dejected and worn down. Truthfully the woman was interested and intrigued about what had went wrong in his life. It seemed like something that was a burden and weighing him down unnecessarily. She could help him with that in so many different ways. Though perhaps they were all not so permanent. Her eyes wandered away from him for a moment as she debated on things, keeping her bandaged paw away from the ground at least. Usually she didn't care and she walked on it anyway. Black eyes narrowed and she then focused her gaze back on him, taking graceful steps forward to slide her cream hued body against the bushes and offer a rustle of noise. Didn't want to spook him. "Aw, hon, what has you so down in the dumps? Perhaps I could offer you a good time?" That could imply man things and she had no wish to indulge in what she truly meant, but she was here to help all the same. The elegant king cheetah then sat down, lifting her head up a bit before she gave a small but teasing smile upon liquor stained lips. "I'm Empyrah by the way and this place is called the Ascendants I do believe. I haven't been here long but I can say that the inhabitants around here are one wild ride."

Re: cover your tracks || joining - tori - 09-14-2018

This place seemed to be a safehaven for those who were dejected, injured, generally in an unsafe position in life. Maybe it was something to do with the stars, or the Observatory being seen just passed the fields. He didn't really know, especially since he was one of those who ventured towards the supposed safety. You just accepted it over time.

"Food? Water?" Those were the two words Alex announced his presence with, getting straight to the point of making sure this newcomer didn't die before they even got to the safety of the Observatory. And of course, he was establishing that he meant no harm to them by offering them such things to help rather than harm. He tilted his head slightly, soft brown eyes rounded and more curious and concerned than threatened. His tail wagged to further prove that he was no threat, he was the least threatening thing on this side of the field, only the actual young children being less of a problem than he was. Well. Maybe.


Re: cover your tracks || joining - Grimm - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Love, a rose holding upon a thin, delicate stem thorns one may never see until the fingers close about it, feel the sting as skin parts. It might have been out of ignorance, the first sip of a feeling so light and intoxicating, wrapping about the heart what seems the light of something so sweet and wondrous. Or it might have been a covering for the ache of a heart left broken, cast aside for another to pick up and dust away, uncaring that it might happen once more simply wanting.

It had come to obtain a great deal of interest over time, garnered for it proved the heart of much, a feeling shared with a readiness little could temper, seeking something from another. Words within the flowing, decorative language of poetry, the cry of others adorned in clothes made to fit the part, again and again it was performed. Yet the bitterness of the aftermath, quiet for some as the end is amicable if not welcomed or screams torn from the throat in piercing, pained tones, is hidden for who cares for such an end to a pretty story all tied up with a bow.

Upon dark side the bag struck with each step, leather beaten and stitched together, small to better fit his own undersized frame but still it dragged on him, bulging with the contents placed within. He had sought some quiet, a moment to get away from the activity contained within the rounded structure, faint hum arising from pursed lips. All too soon were plans dashed as bright gold finds those present, only one amongst their number recognised yet the way the cheetah spoke made it clear she was one of them. Moving a little closer Harland found he could not look away from the canine, left within a dishevelled state that spoke of hardship, the downtrodden look he bore enough to curl his lips into a frown.

Quickly rooting through his bag the young Guardian shuffled a little closer, settling his weight upon his hindquarters so he might reach out, a cookie clasped between his front paws.

Re: cover your tracks || joining - ★ HAZEL - 09-14-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
As Alex thought, the Ascendants truly did seem to have a magnetic pull on outcasts and desolate wanderers. It wasn't the first time Hazel noticed - so many of their members had hidden pasts and memories. She liked to think that it was the way the clan was situated that drew people here: cornered against the ocean, they were the edge. Eventually, all outcasts made it to the edge of the world. Whether they were driven, running, or chasing something, they always ended up here.

Hazel enjoyed the poetic idea of living on the edge of the world. She thought of it in Norse mythology terms on occasion: just the flat disc of earth, where waterfalls poured gallons into empty space and everything important was centered around Yggdrasil. Anything on the curb was insignificant. Something about it seemed so isolated, so perfect for forgetting about the problems of the rest of life's issues. Here, her past couldn't touch her. Here, everyone outside their borders forgot about her existence, and she liked it that way.

Wandering up to the border, the girl swept a quick gaze over the stranger. He looked tired and miserable - two symptoms Hazel felt in her soul on a near daily basis. She couldn't say she felt a particularly deep sense of empathy towards him and his issues - her mind was still preoccupied with other things - but old habits of concern were hard to break. (Not to mention that if she turned around and simply didn't care, Bastille would track her down and follow her like the wind might steal her.)

However, she had nothing to offer in terms of words, as everyone else here had already asked all the necessary questions. So the cocoa feline sat, tail curled over her paws with the tip idly flicking her bandana.

Re: cover your tracks || joining - PAUNICA - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width:400pt; text-align:justify; font-size:9pt;"]Between himself and Demesne, Red was the greater socializer, and consistently found some satisfaction from interaction, but regardless of her station at his side, there were instances wherein Red required solitude. As much as people were energizing, in particular moods, they became draining, slowly siphoning his reserves. However much he appreciated the cordial, if a tad lascivious welcome - he could not ascertain the nature of her offer with his mind addled - the imposition of conversation was already funneling his ebullience. He corrected his posture, commanding a reanimation of his body, which resisted rather firmly. Perhaps the levying of his lips into a smile might prove convincing enough to overlook the recession of his form. "I'm afraid there is no distraction for my affliction," the obsidian-alabaster creature professed, umber gaze contrite. "Ah, thank you though, Empyrah. My name is Redamancy." The Ascendants, hm?

What a peculiar name. To what did they ascend? Or was it a reference instead to another process, possibly astrological in nature? Curious, but ultimately, little to serve as a diversion from somber thoughts.

His cranium shook minutely in silent reply to the wolf, smile upheld in spite of the strain darkening the valleys of his face. "I'm well, no need." Physically, most certainly, but he was further lacking any pep in his step, and he understood that though it was an injury invisible to any microscope, the experience in a gazer's eyes would detect with ease his discomfort for how poorly he could veil it. Thus he was in acceptance that the small child had undoubtedly evaluated Redamancy and found him doleful.

His taut fragility loosened as a cookie balanced in delicate paws extended forth in offering, and Redamancy accepted with as much grace as he could muster in his present state. "How sweet of you. My thanks, little one," he murmured, cotton-soft, nipping a piece from the dessert and humming his approval. "Did you make it?"

Dark visionaries flitted upward, ensnaring movement of a feline in a bandanna. She did not speak, and Redamancy was too fatigued to offer a warm extension.

Re: cover your tracks || joining - ONISION. - 09-14-2018




♦ -
Onision was one of those.. Creatures in the Ascendants that made it a wild ride, he supposed. He had a habit of being an asshole, a tsundere, and a cocky bastard all in one moment. Not the best match, one would decide.

Chocolate fur, as if dipped deep into the milky sweet, made its way closer to the crowd of people, seemingly the more welcoming crowd, he noticed. A single blue iris stared up at the larger male, unheeding of his manners in this particular moment of speaking to glass, it seemed.

He looked fragile, in a raw, tough kind of way, and Oni felt like he needed to protect him. To protect him, just like he protected Feyre and Harland, even Alex. Speaking of Alex, the brown felidae let bones crack, the brown wolf taking his place as he dipped his head to the black wolf, heeding his host's lover with a kind greeting.

Then, Aloysius let his head tip to the newcomer, his maw opening into a smile. "Holla th're, mine own nameth is Aloysius. The knave thee did see bef're is nam'd Onision, that gent is the host. An arrogant twat that gent is."  He introduced himself in the only English he knew- shakespearean. One could tell how old the male was based just on that, his tongue rough, deep, husky. Blue eyes traveled to glanced at the others behind him, before settling on Harland. 
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh