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LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - Printable Version

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LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - - DELTA - - 09-13-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Sunhaven had a similar climate to the Typhoon, which provided good, if not better, hunting grounds than where she currently resided. Mostly because then, Delta wasn't told that no, she couldn't eat the Typhooners. She could choose her prey without having to wonder if she was going to be told off here.

The shrieks of the NPC tiger were clear, as the pale green Utahraptor gave chase, huffing as she pushed herself harder to close the distance between the two of them, tail whipping behind her and claws outstretched to grasp the furry tail, digging the claws on her forearms in and pulling to force the tiger to both slow down and to have him lose his balance.

With this, she slowed her advance, head tilting as dark yellow optics settled on the terrified tiger, who had begun to drag himself away in an attempt to escape. Sickle claws tapped as she took long steps forward to give chase to the tiger again, this time letting out a loud screech before attacking, a flurry of claws and teeth making quick work of the large feline, and with this, Delta took a bit of the slightly-tough meat, shaking her head back and forth to get the sliver to detach from the tiger's leg, blood dripping down her maw as she dug in, tail whipping back and forth.
© madi

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

Tracking for whenever you need him to step in.~


Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - rhosmari - 09-14-2018

Perhaps this was the world telling him that he couldn’t relax. That there was no time for him to actively take a breather because there was always something that was going to happen. Maybe. But that was what he had been trying to do and taking a leisurely stroll through the forest might help that. After all it was quiet there and only the sounds of nature permeated the air around there so why not. Paws flexed against the ground as toes spread to reveal thick webbing meant for seeming. His heavily scarred grey stripped body seemed more relaxed today as he took his walk, allowing for this alone time to ease his mind before he had to get back into the fray. Things are rough that much he knew but he hoped to get everything sorted out. Though his own thoughts are cut short when he heard a sound. A sudden scream that left his ears pulled back against his skull. Turning around he would scent the iron tang of blood in the air and he quickly made his way to the area and what he saw made him still. A large creature tearing into a tiger. His jaw was set firm and frankly he was more angry than anything else. If his capture and torture had taught him anything was that there was no place for fear in this world. He was done being weak and done being afraid. His finned tail lashed back and forth as he shouted at the creature jaggedly. ”Hey, get outta here! Ya don’t belong here!” The smell of Typhoon was on the large reptile like thing and he curled his muzzle slightly. Did they want to make enemies with them?

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Her head raised, looking at the much smaller creature curiously, blood dripping down the feral utahraptor's face as she stepped away from her meal, a hiss coming from her jaws as she slowly advanced, bloodied claws outstretched and ready to tear into Monroe.

It was clear that while there was no fear coming off of him, there was plenty of aggression, and that was all that was needed for her to make a decision.

The raptors were feral. This meant unless they were told off by Owen, or a higher-ranking raptor, they wouldn't hestitate to attack anything seeming aggressive or fearful, because this put them in the categories of either a threat, or food. And currently, Delta was the highest-ranking raptor, and Owen wasn't here to tell her off.

With a loud screech, Delta leaped, aiming to dig outstretched claws into [member=1806]MONROE[/member] . She wasn't aiming to maim or injure, no. She was going for the kill right away, as this creature was small enough to take back with her.
© madi

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - rhosmari - 09-14-2018

He knew the moment it looked at him that there was no reasoning within the creature. It was not sentient but more feral in nature and he had just triggered something. His breathing stalled for a moment and he was reminded of that day that Stryker lunged at him Those large claws that were outstretched and aimed to pin his body against the ground. Constricting his throat and he had been unable to do anything about that. He'd not been ready and he hadn't had the fortitude to do anything. He almost seized up when the massive creature came at him, lunging forward to dig large claws into his body and he squeezed his eyes shut, forcing his body to become transparent. In a sudden snap of cold his body became did as he asked, intangibility coming into play to save his life. It was sudden and for once he was grateful that it had actually worked this time and the beast would most likely go right through his form. Jerking around to face the much much larger creature he had to make sure that it stayed away from his home and his body solidified once more before he aimed to dredge up water from the moistened ground and think tendrils that he would then try to wrap around the raptor's legs before yanking and hopefully pulling them out from underneath the beast.

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Powers were something that would remain an eternal mystery to the raptor, who glanced around in confusion at her prey's escape. She could still scent him, he was still here, clearly. A cry of frustration could be heard, before she advanced yet again where Monroe was, nostrils flaring, claws tapping. This time, she'd be successful.

Perhaps powers were these inferior creatures' way of defending themselves, at least, against predators like her, who often could easily climb up to the top of the food chain, and wreak havoc on her way up. For now, she had forgotten about her meal, more intent on this one, who was now a threat in the feral utahraptor's eyes.

Delta charged again, intent on using speed to overwhelm her prey this time, before he could use these powers of his, when something snaked around her legs, causing the teal utahraptor to trip, keeping her down tightly, despite her best efforts to break free using brute strength, letting out a very loud and very angry screech at the Sunhavener.

Something close to hatred to be seen, if she was actually capable of possessing such a range of emotions, if any at all, and Delta dragged herself forward a few inches with her front claws, letting out a broadcast call.

© madi

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

It was as if his muscles moved without his own thinking when his ears caught the sound of his child- his Beta, broadcasting a call for help. The loud shrill was something Owen wished he'd never have to hear, rushing through the forest and kicking up dirt and dust behind him. The large german shepherd's legs carried him faster than he wanted, his muscles aching and pleading to relax, but no such relief came. Delta. Delta was in trouble.

It took a bit, but Owen made it to the Sunhaven territory, a snarl instinctively ripping through his throat. He flipped a knife out of its sheath, holding it in his jaws as he let another snarl of warning pass to the Sunhaven helion. He didn't care about boundaries at this moment. He cared about his utahraptor's safety, and getting her out of there. "What the Hell did you do to her? Who are you?" snapped Owen to Monroe, unsure of who this was or even what Sunhaven is. He'd never had to deal with a threat like this, who had the balls to tie down a feral raptor.

Moving towards Delta slowly, he let out a soft babble of reassurance. "Delta okay. Alpha help. Threat?" He asked, using his knife to attempt to rip through whatever was holding his Beta down.


Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - rhosmari - 09-14-2018

He made sure to keep his distance from the struggling creature, not wanting to allow for any mistakes. Especially when he had gotten it down and out for the moment. Of course he had not planned on hurting the thing he just didn't want the raptor to hurt him or his group either. The worse thing imaginable was for it to charge into their village and eat someone. A bit of panic fluttered in his chest and he stepped back from her once more to keep more distance from them when he turned and saw someone coming. They were already growling at him and asking a question he thought was preposterous. They too carried the scent of the Typhoon and he knew now that he would have to pay them a visit as this issue couldn't be avoided especially when they came over here and attempted to be hostile upon his own lands when they were the troublemakers. "I ain't done nothing but restrained her ya mangy mutt." The leader spat out, feeling the skin along his spine prickle with unease and seeing him try to cut water with a knife was particularly funny. But he couldn't allow himself to become unguarded. "Ya are on my group's territory and this thing attacked me first. Who the hell are ya and why did ya set this thing here?" He was ready for a fight if need be and he allowed a rushed breath to escape him, eyes narrowing a bit as he looked back to the struggling raptor.

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
'Hunt. Prey. Attack.' The bloodied tiger was still probably in sight, and in a way, this could probably be compared to a child crying to her mother that somebody had been cruel to her. It was a bit of a stretch, though, and finally, she managed to get one leg free of the water the restrained her, a bit unbalanced, and a snarl ripping from her throat as dark yellow eyes glared at Monroe, sensing his aggression, towards Owen, now, easily, and tried to break free yet again for a second attempt, tail whipping back and forth in anger as a terrier could be heard from her jaws, due to her exerting herself.

//really rushed
© madi

Re: LINE (open, feral utahraptor) - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

"Calm down, Delta. Calm." Owen's voice was soft as he pushed a paw to the top of the Beta's snout, stroking her so she didn't overexert herself. With the raptors dark hues focused on Monroe, Owen let out a loud sigh. "She's a feral beast. She doesn't care for border lines. If you don't want your people being eaten, don't let them wander alone." Owen growled, not seeing the issue quite right. He didn't care because it obviously wasn't someone important. If it was, Monroe would have called for help for the person, right?

"Let her go, and we'll be on our way. With the corpse over there of course." Owen cautiously kept his stance protective of the utahraptor which had been stroked by his paw. There was a warning in his tone, something he had yet to say, but he just hoped Monroe was smart enough to let the raptor go.

"Don't move. Stay." Babbled Owen to his Beta, his tail resting on the ground.