Beasts of Beyond
TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - Printable Version

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TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - Shininglight - 09-13-2018

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He had been walking again. His paws carried the feline throughout the land- not the entire world, only a very small portion of it. In recent days, at least. Shininglight had visited far, out-of-reach places that many would dare not explore. Distant territories, environments, biomes, that didn't know the existence of the others. The vast world had many secrets still left undiscovered, waiting for the lucky souls to come upon them and bring the secrets to life. Plenty of faces and creatures to make friends with. An excess of sights to see.

But Shininglight had grown tired of walking. A simple stroll through the Ascendants' territory had turned into a long trek. His mind had no destination, no end-point to look forward to. He simply walked. Through forests and fields, between mountains, into valleys. Tabitha, of course, stayed at his side. Shininglight's companion, who upheld the duty of watching over him. Protector, guardian. She was stern, hesitant to let anyone or anything get too close. A red-kite hawk that spoke not with words, but with an attitude.

His paws, cracked as they may appear, were tough. Hardened by the span of his life: four years, two months, since he came into the world. Not exactly close to physical old age, but his demeanor showed a mental maturity that others might have lacked. He didn't bolster knowledge, but wisdom. Yet even Shininglight didn't know whether he had many more years to come, or only a handful of days. Death came when it felt right, violently or peacefully.

His journey took him to the stretch of a railroad track. One that stretched for miles. Shininglight walked along it, his paws occasionally tickled and comforted by a small stretch of water. Eventually, he came across an unusual island. A broken, worn-down train embedded itself into the dirt, covered with moss and overgrown plants. Immediately before him, two stone structures mirrored tall in appearance, casting long shadows over the winged feline. He noticed lettering carved into the weathered stone. Names? Words? Warnings? He couldn't tell.

A shiny bell caught his attention. He approached cautiously, Tabitha keeping an eye and an ear out for anyone that might be nearby. The feline raised a paw, grabbing hold of the metal handle within it.

[glow=black,2,300]LET THEM KNOW. SIGNAL THE ARRIVAL OF PAIN.[/glow]

Shininglight rang the bell.

Re: TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-13-2018

God, how Caesar hated that damn bell. But as much as he disliked it, it was helpful and alerted the members of The Typhoon to visitors, whether they actually be joiners or here on some other official business. At the sound of the bell, the Officer groaned and followed the railroad tracks to meet the stranger who had run the bell. "Yeah, whaddya want, pal?" Caesar grunted as he reached the border, his right ear flicking.

Re: TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

Why the hell was there a bell anyways? They were loud and obnoxiously painful to listen to, and he was sure it drove Delta and the other girls crazy! Owen hadn't been too far behind Caesar when the bell had rang, having been preparing for his run that he'd take with Delta when he heard it. The sound made Owen turn and stalk over to stand behind the feline, the german shepherd seemingly towering over the smaller felidae. It wasn't like it was on purpose, though. Owen was just extremely large for his breed. He wondered why.

"Name's Owen, dittoing yellow guy over here." Owen snickered, a playful grin on his face. While he didn't necessarily care for the fact that they had visitors. He was merely watching, smelling, to make sure Delta didn't show up and think their unexpected guest was prey that was merely a snack. 


Re: TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - Luciferr - 09-14-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

"this is a suprise" a cool voice mused striding up behind dream demon and raptor dad, duo tone hues of shifting silver in darkness and livid violent red in void.

he wouldn't fail to recognise his once leader and friend - the one who'd first allowed an amnesiac dragon child into his old home despite what inherent dangers the strange child could bring, lucifer would remember those small kindnesses - he'd not had many before these new worlds from complete strangers, all were to fast to scorn him for the blatant sign of his lineage marring his face.

though still the dragon was inherently wary even of old friends - but he watched on all the same, no doubt perhaps Luca would also show soon enough.


Re: TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - Luca - 09-14-2018

Lucifer was right in assuming that Luca would be quick to appear. As soon as his enhanced senses had picked up Shine's scent he was on his way, hastily picking his way across the terrain in the hopes that he'd get there before his clanmates gave his friend too much trouble. He swayed to a stop among the crowd as he finally reached his goal, his eyes narrowing for a brief moment as they lay upon Shininglight. The winged feline had broken his heart the last time that had spoken properly; Luca could still remember the confirmation that he didnt feel the same way- that he'd never feel the same way. Something bitter seeped into the usual sweetness that coated his tongue, and his nose crinkled in the beginnings of a snarl before he regained control of himself and his usual blank expression was back "Shininglight." It seemed he still wasn't himself, so Luca treated him as such. The reason he had fallen head over heels for shine in the beginning had been his kind nature, so this confused, unsettling Shine would be treated as a mere acquaintance. Luca cast a glance over at Owen, wondering if the canine recognised Shine. After all, Shine was the one that Luca was trying to save before Owen gave the order for his loathsome raptors to rip him apart. The anger was back in his eyes, but this time it remained as he seethed. Black tar trickled from his wings as he struggled to maintain his composure, trying his best not to remember the idol that he had lost when Shininglight changed.


Re: TRAVELING THIS LONELY ROAD | Open, Visitor - Shininglight - 09-20-2018

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The feline's body sat on autopilot, planting itself into the sand of the beach. Tabitha stood guard in front of him, keen eyes and ears growing alert with the sound of something approaching. Shininglight tore his eyes away from the stones, noticing the arrival of a black-spotted feline. He was blunt and crude in greeting, and the winged tom made a subtle face of sorts, like the raising of an eyebrow. "Traveler. Visitor. Need rest." Shining continued speaking in a broken, odd manner. Forming complete sentences seemed to be a challenge.

A German shepherd. He knew of only one- or at least one that still lingered in the mist of his memory. But the smell on this particular one... Shining's perked up. They were familiar, weren't they? Not by sight, but by smell. Something lingered on the canine. A hint of... danger. He couldn't pinpoint the exact reason for it. And unfortunately, he didn't have to time to think about it. The silent shaking of the earth in a rhythmic pattern caught his attention, and a shadow fell over the feline when Lucifer arrived.

This one he could not forget. A relationship formed months ago, still fresh in the mind. He craned his neck up to look the void dragon in the face. "You okay? The fighting earlier. Didn't... get to stay." Shining had fled from the battle (one that the Typhoon carried out themselves), after witnessing a rather gruesome murder before his eyes. Not a pleasant sight nor feeling. But knowing the creature in question, they didn't stay dead too long.

In fact, they were alive today. And had appeared in front of him, as the last to arrive. Tabitha had braced a bit, but Luca stopped quite a distance away, instead of invading personal space like normal. Yes, Shining was starting to remember now. The behaviorism of the succubus. "Luca." Something didn't feel right about that name. Like it should have been something else. But he went with it. "Sorry. Ran away. Left you there." Shining dug his claws into the sand. "Powerless."