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KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - Printable Version

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KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - VIRGO - 09-13-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Mechanical, needs to be reoiled. Shifting, coiling, rusting. Moving with sharp angles, no elegance to be seen. Limbs, stiff and cold. Feathers showing white and gold, ruffled from the shackles of sleep and decay – left to collect dust, weightless and floating. Eyes. Robotic, shifting from side to side. One eye open, one eye closed. Jaws slightly parted, consuming the air about it. Virgo, drowsy by the cold, rises onto her two gangly feet. It appears her sister has been reaping a lot of attention lately and the self-proclaimed alpha is displeased with this information. She shakes her feathers, lungs inflating from a large gasp of air before squeezing the waste back into the atmosphere, gaze freezing along the environment surrounding her regal nest. A royal aura begins to return to her features, brimming her snowy feathers that line her beautiful face.

The raptor purrs to herself, trying to warm her own body before she leaves to go onto the beach. Her legs move so naturally across the sand as though she were born to be a desert dweller, flicking grains effortlessly as she traverses the wide landscape about her. Her eyes are perplexed by the colours of the rising sun, the orange and pinks that line the overworld in glorified indifference. If emotions ruled and bubbled within the utahraptor, perhaps the barbaric girl would romanticize this scene that has been perfected before her ungrateful eyes, dressed in an aesthetic beauty that only the intellectuals would adore. It is not to say, however, that Virgo was incapable of registering anything considered ‘intelligent’. No, the reptile merely lacked this idea mortals called morality. She doesn’t bear a conscience for nothing was written upon her soul when she was created, nothing coded for the girl to feel sorry for what she did. Virgo knew only survival, selfishness and the pack.

A warm gloss of orange shuffles from sight, its movement immediately alerting the girl that her nostrils flare for its salted scent. Her feathers part from her skin, fluffing as the girl begins to reanimate, quickly kicking the sand with her sharp talons as she runs after the shelled creature, the mysterious crustacean. Her gaze flutters back and forth, recognizing the tracks left behind. Virgo lowers her body, creeping towards it. She is a huntress, body lowered and streamlined to run and chase. The white-feathered creature creeps silently, only the shuffles and murmurs of sand disturb the unsettling peace when her face comes dangerously close to the creature. Earthly eyes glint in the sunlight, teeth enveloped in malice and naïve of the weapons which were born by the creature’s arms, pincers.

Virgo’s mistake was letting her excitement overtake her, a chitter roll from the depths of her throat and alerting the crab to turn around and nip at her nose. The raptor, not expecting the prey to fight back, squeals in the sharp pain. For such a small creature, the reptilian surely had a big set of lungs because her cry slices through the air, a devastation which lands on the ears of unfortunate crewmates too close to block the array of sounds.

Re: KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - the trash man - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"](bland post sorry)

a flurry of arms, feathers and hard crustacean shell had caught linux's eyes, her dusty pink gaze drifting from her handheld device and towards the bay. when looking out towards the bay, the sight of which had befallen the beach's shores was a sight to behold really. a larger, predatory raptor was being bested by a much smaller, weaker crab. wow. linux was for sure gonna take a snap of this - this was golden material.

fumbling around with stubbly, clumsy paws, linux tried arduously to maneuver her camera into a position in which the kitten could snap a memory of this event. but before the child had a chance to get the candid shot of a lifetime, the raptor started to screech. it was so loud, so high-pitched, that it immediately made the snowy child freeze up in shock.

with a horrible clang the obscenely pink digital camera linux spend weeks fixing from it's dumped state, fell to the floor. broken. "ah! what the hell! no-!" distraught from virgo's screams and the subsequent events occurring because of said screams had tears pricking at linux's eyes. "what kinda raptor are you if you can't fight a crab!?" agitatedly linux shouted at the raptor from her vantage point that she was going to use to take a picture of virgo and the crab.

Re: KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - Luciferr - 09-14-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]
Of course the cry immediately summoned the defacto mom of the baby raptors.

said mom god rounding into the area with brows raised in surprise - ah Virgo had gotten into mischief with the local wild life again? though this time the crab seemed to be having the last laugh - Lucifer came closer eying Linux and the camera with a tired look but well who was he to trample idly amusements.

instead he'd aim to reach forwards and scoop up raptor and crab before attempting to rid the offending injury causing pincers from his small ivory daughter - fierce though she was, this would be a lesson in evaluating opponents of any potential dangers.

/mom's here |D


Re: KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - EXODUS-- - 09-14-2018

≡ -- exodus was thoroughly unaware of virgo’s displeasure with her weaning “popularity.” the untamed child of earthy feathers and beating flesh and unhoned skill had grown accustomed to the attention of the typhooners and their presence. though they weren’t of her blood and they mattered as little to her as a lick of dirt beneath her tapered ebony talons, she gluttonously soaked up their attention like a warm sponge amongst overflowing waters. exodus adored the attention-- positive and negative alike being lavished onto her glorious being. gobbled it up with hungry teeth as she made it her mission to explore and trance about the territory of the island that had been gifted to her and her pack. in the reaches of her naive, youthful mind, the world was theirs for the taking, and nothing could stop them. the pack was to be unchallenged, unparalleled. unstopped.

she enjoyed the independence of her own private adventures. that was not to say that she despised the company of her brethren and sister-- she was a social creature and needed them, whether she knew it or not-- but rather, the individuality and autonomy fueled her ego and sense of self agency.

it was no surprise that the strength of the pack not only lay in numbers, but the alpha. virgo. her glorious sister wreathed in ivory; the color of purity, and muzzle tinted in gold. colors of royalty and wealth. virgo was encapsulated in regality and crowned in fine destiny-- born to take control of their pack from the beginning with a gaze glimmering of the fiercest hellfire. exodus followed in her footsteps, her instincts beckoned her to follow only the strongest, and it was so. they demanded order within their pack, in order to function akin to a well oiled machine.

if virgo called, despite exodus’ revelry for autonomy, she would come. running. it was programmed into her very bones-- every fiber of her being, to aid her kin.

virgo’s call was as loud and sharp as the day she had tumbled from her broken eggshell. perhaps even louder. though exodus had grown used to her alpha’s needy and demanding screams, this one was no less jarring to her very being. in response, her own feathers bristled like the quills betwixt a porcupine’s spines. puffed and undulating, the brazen gal flicked her crest upward. there was no hesitation within her swift yet graceless and untempered movements. a sense of urgency filled her liquid veins like fire.

she moved with no subtlety. only a need for speed as her muscles flexed, toes kicking up plumes if grainy golden sand that flecked the air.

it did not take long for her to reach the shore. water swept gently against the lip of thr sandy beach, beating against it's skin. exodus dismissed the incessant wailing of the kitten with ease-- she was far more concerned with her alpha, which consumed her thoughts.

she arrived just in time to see mother effortlessly dispatch the attacker from her dear sister’s snout. she had no knowledge of what had happened-- only knew that her blood had been harmed. any creature that dare bring ill will to her family deserved unremorseful death.

the red-carapace crab was now a mortal enemy.

cranium tilted upward as a short crest the hue of soil flared. a maw dropped open, pink gum exposed and glistening as she directed a beseeching chirp towards the creature of void and darkness known as mother. she vied for blood and retribution.

Re: KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - - DELTA - - 09-14-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
To be honest, Delta wasn't quite sure what to think of these smaller raptors that occupied the same space as her. For so long, it had simply been her and her sisters, and Alpha. It was a bit confusing seeing other raptors. She had yet to label them as friend or foe.

Of course, Delta and her sisters had been genetically modified, not pure utahraptors, and this was probably the cause of them looking so different, lacking the feathers that these younger ones possessed. Sickle claws tapped, digging into the sand as she approached, purring curiously as she did so, the older raptor, while she understood that these were similar creatures to her, still refused to let the younger raptors think they held any power over her.

Yet she was also considered the least aggressive for a reason, preferring to be more cautious than outright attacking anything that didn't fit into any of the limited labels she had for these inferior creatures, especially these feathered raptors who seemed to be under the care of the dark winged reptile, which Delta was fully aware she could not overpower, not without the help of her sisters. Best to just satisfy her curiousity then, before Alpha arrived and called her off.

Tail whipping back and forth, she approached, dark yellow optics staring at the one who seemed to have been overpowered by the small crab, letting out an annoyed chuff as she watched, unsure of how these tiny pathetic things could be considered similar to her. Maybe it was due to the fact that Delta had more avian DNA in her than her sisters, that she tolerated these other raptors' presence here more than she really should. That she didn't rip their heads clean off now before they got to big to pose a threat to her and her sisters. Morals were something Delta could care less about. Her head snapped forward, aiming to snatch the tiny snack known as the crab into her jaws, teeth that easily crushed bone making quick work of the exoskeleton that protected it, a few of the legs all that was left as Delta swallowed, juices running down her maw.
© madi

Re: KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - OWEN. - 09-14-2018

Owen had a look of surprise on his face as he walked over to the scene after hearing a raptor's screech of surprise- or was that pain? He didn't quite understand it, but he still came nonetheless. The german shepherd watched the young feathered raptor squawk at the crab, before he saw Delta snatch it up into her jaws without a hitch. Well, so much for teaching her manners.

"Oh. Well, she got the crab. Did you see that huff? She's confused as to why they're afraid of the crab." He snickered in amusement towards Luciferus, a raised eyebrow soon cocking at Exodus as she made strange sounds towards the crab that had been eaten soon after. "I'm going to watch, this is a chance to see how they interact."

With Delta being the Beta of her own pack, Owen slightly hoped she managed to see the younger raptors as less of a threat and more of a chance to expand her pack and gain more power. If Luciferus became apart of the pack, it'd be interested, however unlikely, as he wasn't.. Her kind. Owen was just curious to see, in general.


Re: KRABBY PATTY / virgo gets rekt by crab - Luciferr - 09-15-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

well the offending crab had been eaten by Owen's raptor - delta.

he blinked and raised a brow at the huff - he'd guessed though Owen who'd now joined them confirmed - and the greater shadow merely hummed "they're still learning - they'll be mighty hunters yet" all children learned as they grew, Virgo was bold and impatient he often thought of the length of time it took her to grow - his ivory daughter was no doubt a fierce one.

of course then his eyes tracked over to Exodus joining them - drawn by her sisters cries and galvanised into action - with her assessment she'd chirped at him and the dragon made a low rumble back.

"I agree - this crab problem does need to be dealt with" a click of teeth at that - there'd been quite a few strange crab attacks recently, oddly there seemed to be an uprising of crustaceans on their hands.

his head inclined slightly at Owen's words but his eyes followed Delta and her interactions - resisting the urge to like a large shadowy mother hen collect his proverbial chicks under his wings protectively.

but Exo clearly still wanted to deal with the tiny beasties.


Lucifer shifted to his feet, great black frame dwarfing the gathering and inclined his head - focusing on the slightest sounds of shifting sands.

there you are.

black claws suddenly raked across a patch of seemingly silent sands - and lo, a umber of crabs suddenly scuttled from their revealing with panic at the sudden dark behemoth looming over where they'd been buried.

oh look, a proverbial snack buffet.

Lucifer's own claws raking across the sands had caught one - one valiantly trying to snap the offending claw, sadly said claw was too thick and unfeeling to cause any harm.

Lucifer crushed the thing mildly - small shell bits and crab meat falling from his claws.

"Seafood snacks" he mused idly "I wondered why we'd been having so many crab incidents lately"

/idk sudden potential crab massacre I guess |D