Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° ┊ for what it's worth ﹙ o, lost/joining ﹚ - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° ┊ for what it's worth ﹙ o, lost/joining ﹚ - Beatles. - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: justify; width: 435px; font-size: 8pt; color: ; line-height: 120%; font-family: arial; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1.3px;"]—-  & this sucked. this royally sucked.

"we're sending you out into space" they said, "it'll be a groundbreaking experiment" they said, "it'll be perfectly safe" they said. well, guess what? now bones knew that was absolute bullcrap. they were animals — the humans never cared about their well-being, did they? and now, bones was stuck in the middle of goddamn nowhere with only his wits and his medical supplies to keep him alive. the brown, leather satchel slung around his neck and shoulder was nestled by his armpit as he walked. this place wasn't the worst place to get lost in, he supposed. but . . . where exactly was he?

the german shepherd padded along amongst the trees, lifting his cranium to observe the bushes and undergrowth flourishing all around him. it was a forest; that was obvious enough. it sure as hell wasn't familiar to him. for all he knew, he could've been stuck somewhere in asia or europe. it wasn't exactly clear where the ship had crash-landed. if he got mauled by a tiger or a feral bear? then so be it. it sure was better than wandering aimlessly for days on end. how long had it been since he had last seen the other two? a week? god, he still wondered to himself if he should go back and check for any signs of life. but, strangely enough, there hadn't been a soul on that wreck when he had woken up from unconsciousness.

the wanderer had nearly tripped over a log, and he grumbled to himself, "Gah . . . shit." bones was getting pretty irritated, seeing as he really wasn't getting anywhere fast.

then, a pawstep. / another. / another.

bones pricked his triangular ears, and a slight frown tugged at his maw. he glanced around warily, and suddenly, the idea of an attack by a feral creature didn't seem so unrealistic. on edge, the male spoke up, "Hello?"

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ for what it's worth ﹙ o, lost/joining ﹚ - Grimm - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]People had a way with words, never truly holding them back, speaking without chance to pause and think before they slipped from the tongue. Some rang with a tone that seemed almost genuine, as though the sugar they paired with lies went undetected even by the speaker, while those knew well and the edge was there, even a lie well crafted holding hints of falsehood. He had grown accustomed to picking apart words, finding the meaning behind them, having been made almost entirely mute himself, though it had been his own choice to minimise speaking so drastically. Talking hurt, burned in his throat, a reminder of the scar time would slowly remove set low on his throat.

Dark ears flicked and swivelled around, golden eyes following, tracking the faint movement of the undergrowth. Harland had come to find himself better suited to the dense thicket bordering the land he had begun to tentatively call home, or at least preferred it over the observatory, wandering it for much of the day until he grew lonesome. At times others had been present, moving about freely though given more ease than this, and so confusion bubbled within the young Guardian, a faint touch of interest working through it.

Small paws made an easier time of the ground than the wanderer, pace easy as he slipped about the trunks and hopped over roots that had risen through the soil, momentum drawing to a brief halt as a voice rose. The question held an edge, as though the speaker was fearful, but of what Har could not say for sure. “Hello,” repeating the word the tiny black kitten finally caught sight of Bones, smile curling about his own maw easily. Compared to the other he was tiny, even for a kitten of his age, head tilting back to look upon him.

“Who?” Blinking wide eyes up at the canine he asked the question in an easy, light tone, remembering how the others had approached strangers on the border though he lacked the second half of it.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ for what it's worth ﹙ o, lost/joining ﹚ - Beatles. - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: justify; width: 435px; font-size: 8pt; color: ; line-height: 120%; font-family: arial; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1.3px;"]—-  & Arising from the depths of the greenery and undergrowth was none other than . . . a kitten. That was what he heard coming? Bones visibly loosened up, seeing as there was nothing to be scared of. For now, at least. His chocolate hues rested on Harland as he greeted him with a smile, and now it was clear that no threat was posed.

He bit back a retort towards the kid, something along the lines of, "Don't you mean 'who are you'?", but correcting his speech wasn't his main concern at the moment. This was the first feral he had come across on his travels; a small kitten, but still a feral. Maybe there were adults around that he could talk to. "You think you could tell me where I am, kid? Or is there an adult around here I can talk to?"

bones was being miraculously c a l m for someone who tended to have a hard time keeping his cool. the fact that the kid spoke english was a good sign; perhaps the vessel had crash-landed in america (or at least an english-speaking country). it would've been a hell of a hard time had this been some foreign country like china or something.

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ for what it's worth ﹙ o, lost/joining ﹚ - ★ HAZEL - 09-14-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Hazel was growing accustomed to seeing Harland alone on the borders, greeting strangers six times his size with perfect contentment. Part of her would always be concerned whenever Moon wasn't with him (and honestly, she was still worried when Moon was with him), but she was learning. It was odd: in the midst of her mental turbulence, she thought of Harland in a similar way she thought of Margy and Suite's children, even though they were much older. She would be virtually useless when it came to protecting the small boy, but that didn't seem to phase her as much as it would in other situations.

Coming to a stop by Harland, her own golden optics focused on the German shepherd, watching the light in his aura waver with confusion and irritation. She didn't particularly appreciate his indirect denial of Harland's question, but couldn't really blame him for his perplexed state. She simply curled her tail over the small stone of rose quartz that broke the surface of the earth, betraying her annoyance. "This is the Ascendants," Hazel quipped. "We live in the observatory just north of here. Who are you?"

Re: ` ✦ ° ┊ for what it's worth ﹙ o, lost/joining ﹚ - Beatles. - 09-14-2018

—-  & children. of course bones knew what a child was, and he had been in the presence of a few throughout his lifetime. more or less, he had studied them as well, their behaviors and their actions. they made interesting cases, for sure. for the most part, they were lively and impulsive and carefree, as their brains were still developing as were their ideas of cultural norms and accepted societal behaviors. bones couldn't say that he was amazing with kids, simply because he wasn't. g o d , if only he could turn back time. if only he could've made the right decisons. now, bones knew that jack deserved better. it was probably for the best that he never saw his young son again, knowing that he would be extremely hurt and confused as to why he had been absent so far in his life. his son deserved a better father, and if not that, then a very devoted mother ( which he knew his former wife was ). hopefully, wherever he was and whatever he was doing right now, he was living his best life.

another feline had made her way onto the scene, this time appearing older in age. and, from the way it sounded, she easily could have been around jim's age. it was a damn good thing he wasn't here right now, or else he'd have to yank him away and yell at him to control his raging hormones. that was a lie. it was better to have jim here to yell at instead of him not being here at all. where the hell was that little shit, anyhow?

the ascendants. now, this had caught his attention. it was a whole group of ferals, apparently, who lived in an observatory. an observatory . . . like for studying stars and such? bones hadn't actually visited one; although perhaps the national space center was close enough. the german shepherd figured that he had to introduce himself first before jumping into things. he answered, "mccoy. leonard mccoy." of course, nobody hardly called him that. "they call me bones. that was the name that the humans had bestowed upon him, and it had stuck far much more than "leonard" had. next, the german shepherd sought to inquire about this feral group. "you... there's a group of you out here? and you live in an observatory?" so far, these guys didn't seem so bad. they weren't bloodthirsty, nor were they aggressive or threatening. ( not now, at least. it would be just his luck for him to gain their trust before getting eaten for their lunch ). giving a nod of his cranium to hazel, bones spoke in his southern drawl, "if it's alright with you, i'd like to request permission t' stay here. for a lil' while."

anybody that knew bones personally would likely agree that bones was being strictly cordial at the moment, and not chewing someone's ear off. not to worry, he would be back on his normal schedule in due time.