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NO SAFETY LEFT | BIO - Printable Version

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NO SAFETY LEFT | BIO - - DELTA - - 09-12-2018

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]DELTA !
full name. Delta
nicknames. answer

gender. answer

physical age. answer
mental age. answer
spiritual age. answer

group. The Typhoon
rank. answer
titles. answer

species. Utahraptor
appearance. Delta is a 1000 pound feral utahraptor with greenish-teal skin, and the words 'INGEN' carved into one of her legs.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. answer

discovered powers. answer
mastered powers. answer
future powers. answer

deep inside.
positive traits. trait. trait. trait.
neutral traits. trait. trait. trait.
negative traits. trait. trait. trait.
personality description. Compared to the rest of the raptors, she's the least aggressive, which really isn't saying much, considering she's a feral Utahraptor. She excercises more caution than most, preferring to investigate things she does not deem threats. She's quite social, at least, with her pack, never passing up a chance to be somewhere near Owen or her sisters.

Threats to her or her pack is something Delta does not take lightly, and will do everything in her power to eliminate said threat, and is quick to do her best to restore order to the pack.

Due to the fact she has more avian DNA in her than her other sisters, she has a fascination for shiny things, and soft things to take back to the raptor's nest. It isn't uncommon to see the second-oldest raptor making off with some child's toy or a toaster or something.
mental disorders. answer
emotional disorders. answer
quirks. answer

goals/dreams. answer
fears. answer

history. answer.

generation. 1
parents. answer
siblings. answer

romantic orientation. answer
sexual orientation. answer
crushes. answer
love interests. answer

romantic partner. answer
children. answer
best friend. answer
mentor. answer
apprentice. answer
enemies. answer

song name by artist name
song name by artist name

Re: NO SAFETY LEFT | BIO - - DELTA - - 09-13-2018


Purring- can be considered aggressive but mostly investigating/curious

Chittering- an affectionate noise, also a noise made to agree with something or acknowledgement

Claw tapping- movement shown to expression anticipation, usually aggressive/hunting movement

Growl- Self explanatory, a growl, lips usually curl to reveal teeth

Screech- aggressive, usually made when attacking, or right before leaping onto a prey item or threat.

Terrier- aggressive noise usually made extering themselves or trying to get through an opening

Help- a call used to call for help from other raptors in the area

Hiss- self explanatory, aggressive vocalization usually happens when frustrated, or before an attack, also a warning to 'back off'

Babbling- vocalization used to communicate with other raptors, in other words its the common vocalization used for raptor talk

Broadcast call- used to attract other raptors to its position, letting other raptors know their current position, calls in reinforcements

Scream- aggressive call, used before attacking a target, depending on pitch can be used as means of excitement

Chuffing- can be used to express curiosity, usually a idle noise, can be used to express annoyance depending on pitch

Quacking- means of communication between raptors, usually when orders are being distributed between others, not usually made when attacking

Cry- expresses frustration or fear, not often used

Huffing- heavy breathing to gather scents, sound often made when exerting energy.