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SUFFOCATION BLUES — open / ascendant leader needed - Printable Version

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SUFFOCATION BLUES — open / ascendant leader needed - PINCHER - 04-08-2018

the devil's backbone
Pincher was not really a natural charmer. He had not been born with the ability to woo anyone but after everything he had been through, Pincher had managed to turn into someone with a honey tongue. So what was he going to do with that talent? Well, it was easy. Win over others and that was what he was planning to do right now since the Ascendants seem like decent enough people and he had shown mercy to them by not targeting them. Guessing it was now time to fullfill his plan, the obsidian colored canine had walked out of Paradis Island and headed to the territory of the star-loving group. It took only a day's travel since Pincher was feeling quite untroubled even if he was in the beginning of war between Tanglewood and his crew. But he trusted his crewmates and knew they could hold down the fort while he was gone and if not, well he would kick their asses for not trying hard enough.

The doberman was not entirely used to the territory that the others were. Since he mostly resided in the Barracuda Bay of the island, his legs had become muscular from putting more energy into his footsteps and now on solid ground, it felt odd and easy as he trekked through the long rolling hills that surrounded the main areas of the Ascendant's land. He didn't immediately go in and request what he desired from them but instead, he decided to do a little research. So the male had stalked around for a few hours, traveling the outskirts of the territory to see what resources they held. The most prominent thing to him was the pebble beach, certainly something Pincher could use for future plans. As the scarred Captain decided to it was now time to introduce himself, he lowered his head to bite down on a cigarette that he had brought in his black armband and with a small spark of electicity, lit it and inhaled the smoke. Time to shine.

Returning to the border, the pirate leader glanced down at a comfy spot below a tree, offering shade in the spring heat. The Typhoon tended to get very hot and humid in the summer due to the rich jungle vegetation but with the constant wind that was blown by the ocean's currents, he was used to being saved from the heat. Here, it seemed that the breeze did not come as constant as he liked so he took spot in the shade, the tall male exhaling a small puff of smoke into the air and waited, his clear captivating arctic blue eyes locked onto the Ascendants' land. Hopefully, they would be here soon since he wasn't very fond of waiting for long periods of time.

Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES — open / ascendant leader needed - BASTILLEPAW - 04-08-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Bastille was having a pretty fucking shit time. After the black-out, there had been a brief reprieve: his headaches had faded in magnitude and frequency, his restlessness had disappeared, and there was relative peace among his souls. That had lasted for about a day, and then they'd come creeping back; with his mentor's disappearance, everything seemed to have gotten worse. He could go too long without one of his souls making some idiotic suggestion to get her back, or a snide comment about how Bast should have been there to help her -- they were being intolerable again, really, and it was killing his head. Again.

And so he was patrolling, as usual. Struggling to work out his excess energy and keeping his eyes out for any signs of Luna or what might have happened to her. It kept him on edge, knowing she was out there, and when he detected a foreign aura lurking on their border some time later, Bastille's eyes narrowed. He was starting to pick up the pace when he realized that the strange aura was moving with purpose, slowly tracing the outskirt of their territory, and after a moment Bast slowed and followed from a distance. Watching. Waiting.

He followed the strange aura for a while, though he suspected the foreigner had been here for quite a bit before Bast had noticed him. Suspicious, that. He supposed that newcomers could be curious, but still -- Luna had been on the outskirts of their territory when she disappeared. He bristled slightly at the reminder, and once the intruder finally stopped for long enough, Bastille headed in his direction, faster now than he had been when tracking him. His ice blue gaze roamed over the doberman quickly as he finally approached and came to a stop, before he scowled slightly.

He didn't recognize the leader. In fact, Bast didn't actually know of very many members in the other groups; aside from following Starry to Tanglewood, there had yet to be a gathering -- if they had those in these areas -- and Ascendants wasn't exactly... social, per se. Nor were they violent enough to start shit. So, this guy was just any other stranger to him, if one that seemed to carry himself proudly. "Did you need something, or were you just going on a little tour?" he drawled in greeting, looking vaguely unimpressed. He didn't seem like a lost joiner, but Bast added just in case, "You're on Ascendants territory, in case you missed that on your adventure."

Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES — open / ascendant leader needed - Starrynight ! - 04-08-2018


Although there was the tinge of salt in the air by the observatory, being so close to the cliffside that dropped down to the sea, the smell of the ocean was quite uncommon in the plains. Wandering near the border, when he smelled the sea, he curiously came over to investigate. Bastille was there too. Was it a joiner?

As he came up beside the Starstruck Guardian, Starrynight looked at the doberman pinscher curiously. Last time he'd seen Pincher he'd been a cat- he currently didn't make the connection between them. "Hello! My name's Starrynight. This is the Ascendants. Are you here to join?"


Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES — open / ascendant leader needed - PINCHER - 04-19-2018

the devil's backbone
Pincher knew that eventually there would be someone coming after him due to the scent of sea salt drifting in places where it shouldn't be. He didn't find much worry since he viewed the Ascendants as decent enough people that didn't flip out or allow their suspicion get complete control over them. When he had first met Starrynight, he noticed the lavender eyed leader showed no intention to cause trouble or any sort of chaos. And after some analyzing of what their potential relationship could be, Pincher knew it was now or never to take matters into his own hands and his thoughts stormed quietly inside his head until he noticed an outline of a figure. It slowly increased in size and he noticed it was a metallic gray bengal that appeared to know he had been wandering. A crooked smirk traced his jaws as he gnawed softly on his cigarette as he listened to Bastillepaw's sarcastic comments. He lightly rolled azure blue gaze as he replied "Don't worry, kiddo I'm done with my little adventure. Anyways, I'm here to speak to Starry."" He drawled out his own response, allowing a small puff of smoke to be pushed towards the bengal's direction before noticing that another form was beginning to arrive as well.

The Captain's velvety pointed ears pricked and a faint gleam in his eyes brightened before disappearing when he noticed it was the being that he was looking for. He noticed that Starrynight did not recognize him which made sense since he now took a different form. His cool smile grew to a light grin, his shark like teeth now showing as he allowed a soft hum to rumble his throat before answering "Speak of the devil. hey starry, it's Pincher from the Typhoon. I'm here to offer you a deal of becoming allies. I think you and I could help each other." The pirate canine had plenty to offer especially resources due to living in fertile volcanic earth. What he wanted from The Ascendants was more mental that physical. He wanted their loyalty and ability to stick with him and his plans, to be able to connect ideas with someone that he could be able to cooperate easily with.

( mobile )

Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES — open / ascendant leader needed - Luciferr - 04-19-2018

ah, this must be one of the other group's leaders, so far he'd only encountered the group he'd first joined - but the lion had been hearing about the others from varying shades of gossip, something about a war between two of them but he hadn't caught the names - still John was silent as the armoured lion padded over, single blue eye flicking between the three as he watched the proceedings - he wasn't a leader anymore and thus his input wasn't required anymore, which considering the strange groups likely wouldn't work the same - but then, clans and groups all seemed to boil down to the same politics with slightly varying flavours at the end of the day.

cortana would have made a witty comment by now, and then there were the flashes of memory haunting his steps these days - he hadn't spared much thought to past lives, seemed that would be coming back to bite him, though the armour he acquired was a small comfort and concession that made both halves of himself seem more at ease.

Pincher of the typhoon, Hm, those were the pirate styled group no? The name seemed to fit with one of the clan aesthetics he'd been hearing about anyway - John sat silently, the half blinded lion content to play silent observer.