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HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - Printable Version

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HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - Dragon- - 04-08-2018

[tr][td][Image: 1a2b1c68bda225271100ef4f7ebe6f0f59bfa114_128.gif]

[Image: 278347f86ad7f1d420d0a3bbf66dd4606f418886_128.gif]

[Image: 85ce7faa3e686c10b6baf3c9d1ef2e93e24f2276_128.gif]
made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] Leaving his home to search for his father was pretty exciting! It gave Gon the push to keep going and all the thinking of what his father would be like was really fun, his father could be like anybody but he was definitely going to be strong and awesome!

The black and white pup felt anticipation building with every step that he took, each gentle thud of his feet bringing him one step closer to his father and one step away from his home..or his old home anyways.
He was not going to return there, he had no parents to return to. He would be making his own home wherever he went! If only it weren't so terribly lonely.. That would be fixed when he met his father though! Gon knew that his father would be happy to meet him.

He appeared to have been travelling for over twelve days now and the food he'd put in his pack was nearly gone now. He had eaten too much in the first few days and had to carefully ration it over the rest of the journey. It wasn't enough food to keep him full but it was enough to sate his hunger temporarily.
Gons paws had begun to ache nine days ago and he couldn't quite feel them very well right now. He really needed to rest properly but he had to keep going, his father was out there somewhere! He really hoped anyways. No, he was out there! Gon just hadn't found him yet, but he was out there somewhere..he had to be.

His weary brown eyes still held a spark in them despite the days of endless travel.

It was an extremely relieving day when he came upon a group of three other dogs, two males and a female by their scent. They all looked like they were used to living the travelling lifestyle so maybe Gon could travel with them for a while? that'd be really cool! Maybe they'd teach him and help him out in his journey to find his father.

His tail would perk up and excitedly swish back and forth as he nearly skipped towards them with a bright smile upon his unassuming face. "Hello! My name is Gon and I was wondering if y[size=7pt]ou.." The young child was cut off as the other turned around to reveal muzzles that were positively scarred and coated in a crimson fluid that appeared to be blood.

Confusion was evident in his eyes but he swallowed the lump in his throat and hesitantly spoke up again. "M-My name is Gon and I was wondering if you were also travellers like me?" There could be another reason for the blood! Maybe they were all just really messy eaters; Gon had met a lot of messy eaters before. Although the messy eaters were usually a lot younger than these dogs.

It was very quickly evident that he would not be able to leave this interaction unharmed as the three dogs locked their gaze upon him and began to move quickly. The younger canine would take a few steps back before he threw himself in the other direction and tried to take himself as fast as his paws would carry him. It was proven fruitless when he felt sharp teeth latch themselves onto the scruff of his neck and Gon found himself sailing through the air, small trickles of crimson starting to trail down his neck and chest.

He landed with a hard thump on the ground and quickly stumbled to his paws once more, panic beginning to build in his chest. He had not encountered people like this before and he didn't know what to do. he didn't know what to do. He had only just left his home, he wasn't ready for fighting!
Gon was unable to avoid the three dogs for most of the fight and soon found his body littered with bites and short fur matted and stained a dark crimson.

Blood seemed to fill his ears and trickle into his eyes, blurring and muffling everything around him. He could feel the little strength that remained seeping away with every new mark that appeared upon himself. An odd pressure was building in his chest but it didn't seem to be like fear, although he was absolutely terrified, it seemed to be something else entirely.
He would soon find himself barely able to stand and surrounded by the dogs that were finally moving in for the kill after toying with their prey for a while. The pressure was getting to great to ignore and, having no other choice, Gon would give in to it.

An agonising wave of pain would overtake him as he collapsed to the ground, awaiting a dark release but finding that no such thing ever came. He felt like something was still on him though and he was having trouble standing up with all the stuff on the ground. It took a while for him to get up and be able to survey his surroundings but what was there left him wishing that he had remained on the ground.

The three dogs lay dead upon the ground with a clear watery liquid draining from a majority of their orifices but their stomachs seemed to have..have exploded. litre after litre of water had been pumped into their bodies, drowning them and the build up in their organs causing them to swell and eventually simply explode.

He would fall to the ground.

He started screaming and he couldn't stop.

Re: HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-08-2018

(Retro to Killua killing people!)

Killing someone isn't as hard as one may think, especially those that lived in the clans and thought that killing someone was some sort of crime. That was something that Killua never really paid attention to with the clans on the factor that he considered them weak for not wanting to kill others that had started trouble with them. What was a better deterrent? Killing someone? Or simply knocking them out and giving them a slap on the wrist? Killing someone would leave a long lasting impression on the group that they were from. Having been raised by a elite family of assassins, Killua knew how easy it was to take a life no matter what size of the animal it was. Every creature a weakness that anyone could exploit, and that even mean the likes of dragons could be killed by someone that was around the size that he was. It wasn't hard, as his claws did most of the work when he was younger. Snapping necks weren't difficult once someone was lying flattened against the ground and he could turn their head with one of his paws with a quick motion. The assassin didn't have a guilt for those that he had killed in the past. Killua thought he should have felt some guilt for taking the lives of those that belonged to families away. He had just been following orders and it hadn't been anything personal. The only time he had really killed other animals had been when he was on a mission. Younger, he enjoyed taking the lives of others, the small high that he used to get when he felt their blood in between his claws and the pride he felt at the success of another mission so that him and his family could actually get paid for their work. But that's all he had ever been to his family. An object for them to use for their own benefit. He didn't want to have the likes of his life planned out for him already, and he figured that out by himself after living in two different clans for a majority of his life. On the run from his family that would ultimately end up catching up to him if he wasn't careful on how he kept to the down low. When he had returned to the mansion that he had grown up in, more like a prison, he had told his family what he had wanted. They were all immediately furious and refused to acknowledge his wishes. Angry himself, Killua picked the right time to be able to get out of the mansion, although his mother and his brother tried to stop him. They didn't last long once they faced his metal claws, stabbing his mother in the face and crippling his brother by attacking him in the sides. Killua held no remorse for those that were in his way, but thanks to the training that he had gotten at a very young age meant that he had no idea how to socially interact with others without the intention of actually manipulating them. When he talked to someone, he usually made mental notes for the way that they talked, the small quirks and movements that they would do in response to some of his questions. All in order to gather information that he could use against them in a later basis if they became a threat to him and his goal. Or if they got hired by his family to try and take him out and bring him back home to do what they wanted. He didn't want to be an assassin anymore, at least that's what he kept telling himself. He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about when he attacked the caracal female that had attacked London. He hadn't expected London to nearly die from blood loss in a matter of seconds, but she almost had. The other mocked him, and she thought that she could just get away without even remotely a fight? Considering his species he had a bigger speed advantage than a caracal, and was able to over take the female. During one strike, however, the Typhoon member ended up screaming in pain, and it was that time he felt the same feeling he used to get when he was just a kitten. An emotion that he had suppressed since he decided to risk his life while living in the clans. He felt SATISFIED to have caused the other pain. And he felt disgusted with himself, and yet those were his emotions. Would he ever feel differently when it came to trying hurt others or even killing them? Killua didn't have the answer to that, even if he wishes he did. The only creatures he was willing to interact with at the moment was his adopted sister Amorette, who was currently a robot, and not much for conversation, and that was it. Others probably considered him loyal and wanted to protect the clan at all costs, well they had it wrong. Even after being promoted his goal had not changed. A low groan escaped Killua's jaws as he stopped himself near a tree. He raised one of his paws to the side of his temple, having been awake since two days ago without any sleep. Each step he took, he could feel his claws sinking further into the ground as if he wanted to sink his claws into something. His mind was a constant jumble of emotions, whether they were brought on by his brother's control or his own he couldn't tell. Killua was now a Snowseeker though, promoted recently by Leigh. Which meant that he was deputy. Again. For a different clan though. Killua had no intention of actually doing his job while he lived in this place. He was only eight months old and was more than capable of acting as an adult in most circumstances. However, that didn't mean he wanted to.

He wanted to at least know what it felt like to be a kid after all. His white paws matched perfectly with the snow that was constantly around the territory at this moment, and they made no sound with each step that he took. His head was slightly lowered, and for once he wasn't in any sort of tree scouting out the territory. He walked toward the border like he usually did, to keep track of those that came in and out of the clan for his own reasons. Once he got closer to the border though, his ears started to perk at a noise that he was able to hear in the distance. The hell? His acute hearing for a serval wasn't exactly able to pick up exactly what the sound was, but it was obviously something that was there. A huff escaped his jaws as he just figured it was going to be some loner that was just making a racket. He flicked one of his large white ears as he continued forward, no scent coming from his body thanks to his air elementals. Killua arrived on the border, and he was able to hear what was happening a little bit more clearly. Killua was able to hear what was going on before he was able to smell it, but once he was able to catch the scent it immediately put him on edge. That smelled like a lot of blood to him. Cursing under his breath, he ran over the border, and he arrived in a matter of seconds on the scene. His eyes were wide with shock as his ears pinned to his skull. The serval surveyed the scene that was in front of him, and he wasn't exactly sure what was going on. There was a canine that almost looked to be his age that was screaming in a panic, covered in wounds. There were other canines that seemed to have been exploded. Was that just water? There were no external injuries, so something must have happened to their organs. "Kuso." Killua said under his breath, knowing that as soon as any Snowbound member came across this they would probably lose their mind. Killua's attention turned back toward the dog. It was a pointer, an athletic breed, and he had a backpack. He was covered in bite marks, which if not treated the other may lose too much blood and die. He would inwardly groan as he wasn't the greatest medic, but he didn't want others to die so close to him. Besides, he needed to know what happened. Cautiously, as what happened to the attackers probably could happen to him, he approached the other. "Uh hey there. It's gonna be okay alright?" Killua was horrible at this. He knew. How the hell was he supposed to comfort someone?! He was an assassin not some sort of miracle worker. Clearing his throat, Killua would stop himself at least two feet from the canine, in hopes of not spooking him with his appearance. There, he raised his paws and conjured up the necessary supplies he would need, dropping them in a clean patch of snow. Bandages. Gauze. Stitching wire. Needle. Disinfectant. The gory scene in front of him didn't seem to deter the wildcat in the sense at all. What did Circusclown tell him? Everyone has their own threshold when it comes to dealing with death. He doubted that the other male had ever seen death before. Just his luck. "Okay, I'm just gonna need you to look at me okay? Don't look at them okay? I'm gonna stop your bleed okay?" Once either Jacob or London got here, they would probably be a lot better at this than he was. Grabbing some gauze in his mouth, he would slink forward, the cautious side of him always winning over. Carefully, Killua would aim to place the gauze on the back of the other's neck, pressing slightly so that the medical supply would adhere to the other's body. Killua would stop there though as he gauged the other's reaction.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - Kayn - 04-08-2018

I lost my dreams in this disaster
Kayn — Male — Snowbound — Warrior —  Difficult
The black lupine had been out on a personal walk of sorts, exploring the new territory his family had decided to call home. It wasn't that he was bored of the camp or the people really. Not yet at least, but the wolf needed time to himself. Kayn spent his whole life putting up a facade to others when it came to social interaction. It was all fake. He said what he knew others wanted to hear. Sometimes that was too much effort and he'd rather be out alone, like the jaunt he found himself taking.

Caught up in his thoughts he hadn't even caught the scent of blood until after he heard Killua's voice in the distance, faintly yet enough for his ears to perk up. The wolf couldn't make out any of the words, but now that he was focused he could tell something had certainly happened. If his time in the clans had taught him anything it was that this was one of those situations he was expected to respond to. Responsibility was one of the things he'd always hated about authority, whether it was him being the one in power or not.

Kayn realized what the scene he was looking at was from a distance, eyes narrowing to verify the situation laying before him. A moment later his eyes widened in surprise. Wow, it was worse than he thought. Had Killua done this? If not then what exactly had happened? It was hard to really understand what he was looking at from afar, but it was clear that the event that occurred had been rather brutal. There was blood everywhere and from what he could tell an injured male perhaps of an apprentice age? The wolf once again narrowed his eyes and sprinted forward, determined to get to the bottom of what had happened. If their was something going on within the borders of his new home he damn well wanted to know.

The midnight lupine slowed his pace down as he approached, dual-colored gaze scanning the nearby area. Whatever had happened he was glad that he wasn't one of the deceased. They were pretty bad mutilated. Though, Kayn did notice, that their scents didn't carry the familiar smell of Snowbound he'd become accustomed to. Then again they were absolutely coated in their own blood and the smell of the metallic tasting crimson fluid was overpowering for his sensitive nostrils. The obsidian furred wolf turned to look at Killua with a skeptical expression before his eyes fell upon the injured youth the feline was attending to. "Didn't take you for the altruistic type, Killua." the wolf casually mentioned as the cat attempted to aid the pup, walking over to the pair and sitting back on his haunches.

"Judging by the scene though it wasn't you who did this either. I trust you wouldn't be helping this kid out if he was a murder, at least without reason. Care to elaborate on what happened, if you know?" Kayn questioned, although his voice lacked the seriousness one might expect from such a gory scene. The wolf had become desensitized to things as long as it didn't involve anyone he cared about, otherwise there would be the emotional factor to contend with. In fact truthfully Kayn didn't care if either of them were responsible for the killing of innocents as long as they weren't Snowbounders. The wolf was well aware that such a morally grey approach to things wouldn't be appreciated by the rest of the group though. It was clear though by the look in his eyes that Killua wasn't the same soft drift of snow as the rest of the people living in the clan.

Re: HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - Dragon- - 04-09-2018

[tr][td][Image: 1a2b1c68bda225271100ef4f7ebe6f0f59bfa114_128.gif]

[Image: 278347f86ad7f1d420d0a3bbf66dd4606f418886_128.gif]

[Image: 85ce7faa3e686c10b6baf3c9d1ef2e93e24f2276_128.gif]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt]
The bloodied pup could not seem to process what was going on. Everything had happened so fast and he did not mean to do anything that he had done. He did not know what he had done. He was scared. He'd flinch and cower slightly as somebody suddenly spoke, closing his mouth and tensing as he prepared to quickly get out of there.
It took him a few seconds to realise that the other did not wish him harm and he'd force himself to relax. "I..I-I'm so sorry. I d-d-don't know wh..wha..what happened." His voice would crack as he spoke. "I..Th..think that I did t-this but the..they were a-a-attacking me and-and I did..didn't know what to d-do.

He was still panicking but the adrenaline was starting to fade away and left him feeling dizzy and tired..blood loss may not have helped that. He'd let the other male apply the gauze but cringed slightly at the contact..he felt so dirty right now. His paws felt like they would be forever stained with the blood of those that he had killed.

"T..Thank you for the me..medical st..s-stuff." He would attempt a smile, albeit a weak one.

Gon would flinch as a newcomer approached and he'd move closer to the white cat, not really wanting to explain what had happened. He still hadn't fully registered what happened, hadn't fully accepted it. He wouldn't for a while anyways.

Re: HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - london r. - 04-09-2018

There seemed to be a growing trend of unfortunate circumstances around the Snowbound's lands as of recently. It had started off with a small chain of crimes, an attack, a capture, but then things got significantly worse. Bloodstains littered the soft and fluffy snow, and a brave act of self defense had ended two lives. Now it seemed as though something similar had occurred, although the one who had defended themselves was trapped within the terror of their accidental actions. It was strange how she had come here for protection, as what she saw around her were tragedies. A flash of monochrome fur and somewhat graceful pawsteps marked the arrival of yet another creature. This one of a much more gentle nature, although she was rather befuddled by the grotesque sight before her startling blue optics. London had never seen anything quite like this before. She had seen death on a few occasions, but never one as bizarre as this. The clouded leopard did her best to breathe and clear her head of any unnecessary thoughts that raced through her mind. There was nothing she could do for those poor creatures, the deed had been done.

Instead she focused on the survivor of this affair, bearing lacerations of his own. He seemed to be panicking, and the young girl could understand that quite well. She would be too if this had happened to her. Or would she? The albino had never experienced the morbid sensation of murdering anything besides prey animals, and even that left her feeling guilty and uncomfortable. It seemed unfathomable for her even attempt to decipher the chain of events that had led to this grotesque sight, even if she had seen the whole interaction. "Try not to worry too much, and take some deep breaths. We will find a way to take care of this, you should just do your best to calm down. We'll help you get through this." the girl would soothe. With a naturally soft voice and her fleecy British accent, it was not too difficult for her to evoke a dulcet atmosphere. Hopefully the assurance she attempted to offer would be enough to stop the panic that had seized control of this poor kid.

Re: HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-10-2018

Powers were something that wasn't incredibly rare when it came to the clans. If anything was rare, it was the fact that if someone didn't have any powers at all. He wondered if there was a higher chance for someone to gain a power once they joined a clan, as clans were filled with some powerful creatures here and there. The assassin knew this from experience as he moved from rural areas where no one had the need to try and use powers to defend themselves or to attack other. They lived like regular animals and their pelt colors were usually quite normal, compared the strange mutated beasts that had decided to make this group its home in the first place. Killua was one of the more common creatures as he possessed powers much like everyone else that he was around. However, it was uncommon for someone to be born with certain powers and have to grow and then acquire powers later on. Instead, he was born with a couple of his powers that he currently had today, which had been passed down by his parents who probably had more powers than he could really count. It forced him at a very young age to figure out how to control his powers and make sure that they would never really get under control. He could control how hard he hit someone, but barely. There were times where he would forget to hold himself back and accidentally hurt someone if he wasn't careful enough. The powers that he had been born with consisted of his air elemental powers, his conjuration, and his invisibility. Almost all of the Zoldyck's in the family seemed to have invisibility from what he was able to gather while some of his siblings were training and when his father gave him pointers on how to use his powers. Conjuration and air elemental powers were unique to him when he was born. Using each of the powers to make himself even more stealthy so that it would make it harder for those that were looking for him to actually try and kill him. The assassin had mastered these skills quite quickly thanks to the teaching of his older brother Illumi. Which without the other assassin he doubted that he would have been able to excel as far as he had come. That didn't mean that he appreciated his brother more though. He still hated the bastard for the way that he had treated him and the true intentions that he had as well. He wanted to be far away from the monster as long as possible. Killua realized that once he came to the clans though that it wasn't uncommon for someone to lose control of their powers. Whether it would be shape shifting and they got stuck in abody that they didn't necessarily want to be in. Or their powers would go off on their own based on their emotions and they would end up killing or seriously injurying someone. Time and time again Killua was a witness to all these different actions and couldn't figure out how a power running rampant really made any sense if the wielder at least practiced with said powers anyway. There had been one instance where Killua had been out during his usual patrol in the second clan that he had decided to join. It was here that him and his adopted sister lived, Amorette was her name. He had developed a close bond with the female to the point that he actually considered her to be one of his first friends. He technically did have a friend when he was younger but he was forced to kill that animal in front of his parents. Either way, he didn't think that his adopted sister would end up getting some sort of elemental power, but she did and it scared her to death. The other had developed earth elementals without her really thinking about it, and when he appeared on the scene where she was crying, he realized that the other's powers worked on its own and crushed a bird that she had been interacting with. Killua didn't feel bad for the bird at all, and he was there to try and comfort his sister as much as possible. Which he wasn't great at doing as he usually let others settle their emotions without the likes of him. This just meant that his adopted sister could potentially protect herself if she needed to. There had been a couple more instances where the other's powers went off based on her emotions. Only one instance had happened to the assassin where his powers went off on their own in his defense, and that was against his own brother when the other was trying to carve him open on clan territory. His air elementals went to work as the condensed air tried to slice through his brother to try and get the other off the top of him.

His brother saw it from a mile away though, and after that, there was nothing that the albino serval could do and try to get the tiger off of him. Killua made sure to try and dull the pain as much as possible, the other had wounds of his own and were covered in the victim's fluids themselves. The pup could get himself if he wasn't careful, even if the other was a decent size larger than he was. His rounded ears worked on a swivel on the top of his head to make sure that this wasn't some sort of trap that had been so close to the border and he was about to get trapped. Hearing pawsteps that he hadn't memorized coming toward him, Killua raised his head from his work, jerking his head in Kayns direction. He had only glared at the other for a couple seconds once he had identified the canine. He turned his attention back to the pointer when he heard Kayn speak. A scowl spreading over his features as he shot a glare toward the black lupine. "Shut up." Killua growled in return to the other, as he wasn't in the mood to be dealing with the other's attitude right now. Especially with someone bleeding in front of him. However the other continued talking, forcing Killua to stop his work as he tried to clean the wounds the best that he could. "The hell do you think? It was all I could do to get him to stop screaming. I had no idea what the hell happened, but I'm not going to let someone else die here." Killua said as he kept his claws flexing in the frustration with dealing with the canine. The deputy was helping the other and that's all he could really do right now, he could get information later. After all the other was his age from the looks of it, even from a canine standpoint. Killua raised one of his paws and he conjured up a wet cloth, setting it down on one of his arms while he worked. He could go a more physically painful method, but he doubted the other would like him making that decision for him. Finally, the stranger decided to speak, causing Killua to pause for a couple of seconds. So it had been a power malfunction, and considering the way the other's organs seemed to have ruptured from one another, there was only one power that Killua knew of that had the potential of doing that. The assassin flicked one of his ears as the other was obviously disturbed, and from the other's body language it was still obvious that he was disturbed. This guy was no murderer. He could see it in the other's eyes. "Power stuff happens all the times. Look like you had an issue with your water elemental powers from the condition that they were in." Killua tried to explain in a logical manner, looking over the gruesome scene for a couple seconds. It was then that he realized that he was supposed to at least be trying to calm the other down a little bit. "Oh uh it happens to everyone you'll be okay. It was self-defense after all." Killua was fine when it came to killing. Especially when it was self-defense. He himself was less likely to do it now, but it was always under his sleeve to take the lives of others. He wasn't sure how the other would respond to him saying that though. A low stressed his escaped his jaws when the other moved closer to him, causing him to move back a little bit. "Baka! Stop moving or you'll bleed out more before I can stop it." The assassin ordered quickly, not caring if he hurt the other's feelings or made him afraid of him. This scenario seemed very familiar to him since he had gone through with this with London. Speaking of which, his ears angled themselves when he heard heavier pawsteps moving toward him, causing him to look over his shoulder for a second to spot London as she made her way over. He could see by the look on her face she was trying to keep her composure. Killua would gesture toward the albino clouded leopard when she spoke. "Yeah what she said. Oh London, do you mind doing me a favor?" Killua questioned as an empty bucket appeared next to him. Using one of his back legs while he was sitting he would slowly push it over toward her. Might as well keep her busy and to keep from looking at the gory scene. "Could you go fill this up with water? I need to clean off the blood around the wounds so that he doesn't get sick." Killua stated calmly, an emotionless expression on his face as he worked. He conjured up another piece of gauze and aimed to place it against the others side after he had used the washcloth to clean that area. The other's powers were certain means of concern, but it was something that he could deal with later. Right now keeping the other distracted from what was around him was his best choice. "So what's your name? Where you from?" Killua questioned the other, but also half expecting him not to answer as he tended to his wound. Considering how blood soaked the washcloth was now, he would toss it over his shoulder, picking out the specific bite marks across his body.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: HEY THERE | o, joiner/murder (tw: slight gore) - london r. - 04-10-2018

London averted her gaze from the bodies, knowing that even one glance would be enough to allow her emotions to overflow. Instead, the girl just focused on Gon and Killua, and as long as she did this, she would be alright. It was rather tempting to gawk at the corpses, but that would be disrespectful to the newly deceased beings, and even if they had inflicted all these lacerations on this child, the girl still deemed them worthy of respect. Everyone did, at least, in her opinion. London tended to believe there was something good in everyone, and as long as that spark was there, they deserved to be treated as an alright being. It was difficult to for even the darkest people to receive her hatred because of this, in fact, she didn't even dislike Guru all that much, even though she had almost died at her paws. She just believed she was misinformed about the other motives, that perhaps there was something about her that had set the other off. It was ridiculously naive.

The girl seemed to jump the slightest as Killua suddenly addressed her. He was asking for a favor? Oh, she could definitely do that! Giving a simple nod, the girl would listen to the boy's request. Fill the bucket with water? Well, that was... not what she was expecting. Although what was she expecting anyway? She caught herself before her expression shifted, deciding to keep a small smile plastered on her features rather than becoming disappointed that her task was as mundane as fetching water. It was still important, actually she should be glad that she was being trusted to fulfill this task, although the only other option was Kayn and she wasn't too sure if he even knew where the nearest source of water was. After all, his family had moved here a handful days after she had, she had a bit more experience with the terrain.

"Got it!" the clouded leopard would state, grabbing the bucket and hurrying away in the direction she knew a river to be in. Her ears perked up, hoping to catch any sounds from the border in case they would need her again. It was unlikely, but it was always best to remain cautious in such a situation. Soon enough another sound caught her attention though, the lazy lapping of water that came from the river that she had been heading towards. Her grip tightening on the bucket, and the girl would make her way to the water's edge. Dipping the container into the liquid, she watched it fill, taking it out once the water reached a satisfactory level. Then the girl would make her way back proceeding slower than she had gone before with this additional weight.