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FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - Printable Version

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FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - rhosmari - 09-11-2018

This would be an early meeting and he wasn't so sure about the time frame in which he wanted these to go down. It needed to be weekly that much he knew but on what date he had yet to figure that out. Still, he was happy to be getting things going and everyone was doing their share of work. It was invigorating and with his healing wounds he was starting to do more. Clearing his throat a bit the male moved through the silent night, the sounds of cricket songs dancing through the crisp air and he sighed a bit. Summer was ending and he wondered what they would do when the seasons changed. Being so close to the mountains they would surely receive some snow and the river might freeze over as well. The idea made him shiver a bit and he turned his gaze toward the boardwalk as the moon cast a full glow upon the land. Everything looked ethereal and silver, the lights of the village giving everything a soft glow. It was peaceful but he often worried that things won't be too peaceful for too long. Frowning a little the shark feline would move forward then and position himself in the middle before he cleared his throat. Hopefully no one was already sleep. "Sunhaven! Gather taenight for a meeting!" He shuffled his webbed paws as he began to hear doors opening up and the sounds of pawsteps approaching.

His pearl colored eyes gave a sense of apology as he watched everyone approach him and he allowed his finned tail to wrap around himself. "Sorry if I interrupted any of ya sleepin'. But we have been doing rather well, right? Snowbound has finally come tae us and spoke of the alliance and it has been made official. They have also managed tae get the Pitt out of that which I am happy for. Mama has already offered tae take them supplies so ya can help her if ya want or make ya own personal visits. The Rosebloods have also come by tae trade goods with us and I've recently learned that they have gone through a big fire and they lost nearly everything. Please if ya have any time on ya paws go over tae their place and try tae help out. If they need supplies and anything else. I've reached out tae Prestige about a possible alliance with them as well. Take note, we are neither a passive or warbound group, opposing minds live here and we all think differently but work as a combined effort." Taking a deep breath in he allowed his eyes to close for a brief moment and he shook his head a little. He was hoping he was making the right choice in trying to ally with a warbound group. He was iffy on the idea but truly there were not many groups to ally with. Tanglewood seemed promising under their new leadership though.

"Now, there has been a lot of activity here and we have gained a numerous amount of individuals deciding tae live with use. We welcome ya in full tae Sunhaven, Ghost Wendell, Naomi, Bex, Venus, Ebra, and Tadashi. We hope ya find yaeselves loving it here. As most of ya know we take pride in being a merchant based group. This is something we do on a daily basis and we can have members go and trade their wares tae other groups. Ya are more than welcome tae create and man ya own shops if ya want tae. A very big welcome back tae Mama Ishayu for returning back tae us from her travels." He allowed an easy smirk to pull against healed lips as he opened his pearled colored to the group of animals around him. He did have other things to speak up about and so he made due with speaking up about them. "I got some shoutouts. Shoutouts tae Ilijas and tae Persephone. Keep up the good work, ya. Promotions tae Hearthkeeper is Tena. Tae Dawnguard I would like Persephone tae step up. Goldenblood I'd like for Buckingham tae step up for me. I'm giving a warning tae Beverly as I haven't seen her around much but I hope ya become more present in the community. Mama has also decided tae step down for the time being from her position as a Dawnguard." He was sad to see her go but he could understand her reasonings for doing so.

Now came another thing he had to address. While Pierce was head of the Art Guild and himself was head of the Medicine Guild they still did not have someone to lead the Warfare Guild. He thought over the decision and he allowed his eyes to roam over the grouping before he spoke up. "The Art guild is having a meeting right now. The Medicine Guild will have another meeting soon. As for the Warfare Guild, we have not had a head Slayer since Quantum stepped down from her post. That being said we do need one in case we find ourselves in a sticky situation and I'd like tae ask Buckingham if he would like tae take up the Head Slayer position over the Warfare Guild." It seemed fitting to him and something he was sure that the other would improve upon. After that he breathed out and allowed himself to relax a little bit more, falling into his roll. "Commerce week is still going tae happen though it may be postponed for a bit. Although any and all ideas going forward will be allowed tae happened within reason. Ya guys know how tae have a good time and our allies would love tae join us as well. After this meetin' Buckingham and I are going over tae the Ascendants tae clear his name. I don't appreciate slander of one of my own and I am going to ask for a public apology for false accusations when this is all cleared up." An apology was not something he felt was too much to ask and he sighed a little before nodding his head. "This concludes the meeting, if ya have any questions speak up or the meeting is dismissed."

- Snowbound alliance has been confirmed, plus suggesting of giving them assistance with getting back on their feet
- Extending allianceship with Rosebloods, offer to anyone to take them supplies and help them after their fire
- Welcoming to [member=491]ghost[/member] , [member=1787]WENDELL[/member] , [member=2286]naomi.[/member] , [member=1181]REBECCA MACK[/member] , [member=23]VENUS[/member] , @Ebra M. , and @TADASHI
- Welcome back to N. Ishayu
- Shoutouts: [member=714]Ilijas[/member] , [member=1899]PERSEPHONE.[/member]
- Promotions: Hearthkeeper, [member=298]Tena M.[/member] - Dawnguard, [member=1899]PERSEPHONE.[/member] - Goldenblood, [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]
- Warning to: [member=1497]Beverly E. Atkins.[/member]
- Art Guild is having a meeting, Medicine Guild's will follow soon
- Offered position of Head Slayer to [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]
- Talk of Commerce week + Monroe and Buckingham going to the Ascendants to clear his name

Re: FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - miss ririchiyo - 09-11-2018

coma baby
Dawnguard? Heh, seems like she really was making herself useful now. "Congratulations to everyone promoted and welcome to Sunhaven, newcomers. I hope thy stay is swell." Persephone woofed,  brushing her tongue over her paw to clear a bit of dried blood from her recent meal.
tags :: updated 8/26:

Re: FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - buckingham barnes - 09-12-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham was the next one to pad into the scene, shortly arriving after Persephone. Each step the maine coon made was with delicate silence, as if the ground was thin ice that could crack at any moment. The former assassin sat down on the ground, fairly near Persephone, ears pricking up as Monroe began the meeting. Thankfully, Bucky hadn't been asleep like Monroe assumed- Bucky doesn't really sleep anymore.

There certainly was a lot of information to take in, but that didn't mean the male couldn't handle it. He kept his attention focused solely on Monroe, his bushy tail wrapping around his front paws. As he listened to the announcements, his ears pricked slightly as he heard his own name in the middle of promotions. Goldenblood? He appreciated Monroe offering the rank of assistant deputy to him, especially after all of that shit that went down. "Thank you for the promotion," The maine coon mewed, with a nod of thanks.

When the guilds were brought up, Bucky was pleased when he was mentioned again. Bucky was apart of the war guild, and after Quantum stepped down from her post, the head slayer has been left empty. Bucky wondered who would be filling the slot, and Monroe believed Bucky was the perfect candidate. "I'll be the Head Slayer," He said with a flick of his ear, accepting Monroe's offer. He'll probably have to make a war guild meeting soon, and he'll have to make sure he grabs interest.

Ah yes, the trip he and Monroe are planning to make. Bucky didn't like that he's being accused of the murder either. His clanmates don't know, but Buckingham used to be involved in a violent based group, similar to the Pitt. He used to kill, and sometimes torture, but now he's trying to change. He's not sure if someone there figured out who he is, but he's not about to allow their ally to keep thinking he's responsible for their member's death. If they keep that mind set, who knows how much longer the alliance will stand before it crumbles to the ground.

Re: FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - REBECCA MACK - 09-12-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex arrived surprisingly early, having left behind organizing and decorating her new house just for a moment so that she wouldn't miss the meeting. The collie approached after Bucky, then gently seated herself down amongst the crowd of gathering Sunhaven members. There seemed to be a lot that was announced, and so Bex did her best to keep everything in mind, because it was likely to be important. When she heard her name being called out, along with others', in welcome, she smiled happily. That was nice. Something else that caught Bex's attention was the mention of guilds, which sounded pretty cool. She'd have to check those out later on. As the meeting concluded, the canine nodded in understanding, then offered a "Congratulations," to those who received shoutouts and promotions.

Re: FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - PIERCE - 09-13-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
//mobile sgdjsh

Pierce had been just stirring when Monroe called, blinking honey hues and giving a soft yawn as he rolled out of bed. Clementine was still fast asleep in her own bed, and as the tom situated himself, he noted the slight chill in the air. He had to admit, he'd been looking forward to the  change of season. He had grown up in a chilly climate, and then lived in Snowbound for months- though servals as a species weren't really built for it, he had grown so accustomed to the cold that it was almost more comfortable than warm weather. With this in mind, he grabbed his yellow scarf as he stepped out the door, hurrying in the direction of the fountain.

The slender Goldenblood arrived seemingly just in time, looking over the gathering group of Sunhaveners for a place to sit. Despite all his time here, he had yet to really make any friends, not any good ones, at least. It was no one's fault but his own, of course, as he had been kind of - well, really - closed-off emotionally after Riddler left. He liked Monroe, and Ilijas, and Jeri, but he’d yet to take advantage of the opportunity to befriend any of them. Taking a seat near Bex, Pierce offered her a soft, "Hey," before turning his attention onto Monroe. The Helion seemingly had a lot to say today, and Pierce found his attention drifting slightly, though he tried his best to keep his ears perked in the other’s direction. He did manage to hear Bucky’s promotion, and a small, somewhat uncomfortable smile found its way to his features- it’d been so long since he’d been able to work alongside another deputy in the clan. Or, in this case, assistant deputy. However glad he was about that, however, he was a little hesitant about it being, you know, Bucky. They just weren’t very alike, he guessed. As Monroe concluded the meeting, Pierce got to his paws, calling out, "Ah, congrats Bucky- and everyone else! And noted, Monroe." That sounded adequate.


Re: FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - Mama - 09-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There was little within sleep which drew her, the few hours she was permitted to slip beneath the darkness left a riot of sound and colour, coming together until it seemed a symphony speaking with a haunted voice, shadowed by creatures she preferred to leave be. As such she had come to set herself upon the small porch outside of her home, joyed to see none had touched her belongings and so it had proven easy to set up a lantern so she might read. In the middle of a paragraph the voice rose, familiar to her and enough to draw her attention away from the words, faint hum of surprise escaping pursed lips.

She had returned a few days ago, slow to settle in once more as a great many had come within her absence, something which warmed her heart but left her weary of interaction, unsure on how to approach any, different from how she had been previously. It was strange that she lacked the want to be around the others counted amongst their ranks, keeping to the sidelines more than anything, driven there by something she couldn't find the words for. With time she might find herself wanting to be back with them, amongst everyone else enjoying the simple but hard life, for now she allowed herself this small freedom.

Leaving her book behind she approached with the rest, offering a tentative smile to all she passed. But towards Monroe it proved stronger, given a warmth Ishayu reserved for only a select few. Faint sigh escaped her as he spoke of her choice, once more thinking it might have been the wrong decision but she knew within her heart it was best. With time she might prove herself once more, become something more than the anxiety that had plagued her heart for sometime now, of an origin she could not uncover. “Congratulations,” lifting her voice it seemed half hearted as it had not been in previous meetings, tired eyes sweeping across the rest present.

Re: FIRST STEPS || MEETING 9/11 - venus - 09-16-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

coming to gather around the leader's word, venus felt inclined to catch up on the group's weekly meeting news. even though this land was basically a vessel to the kitsune, a husk in which venus could reside in for the time in which they allowed to grow exponentially. even so the time venus spent away from their lab was not entirely wasted; the amputee in which venus had come to recognise as bucky got a promotion. neat. even venus' name was mentioned as one of the new members of sunhaven. neater.
