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a trifle uncool + m&g - Printable Version

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a trifle uncool + m&g - toboggan - 09-11-2018

Shimmering waters reflected off of his rich, chocolate eyes, cerebrations of regret and elation visciously clashed in the wolverine’s head. He just wanted to be happy, and he was, but his exit from Snowbound was snaky, the weight of the fact lingered on his shoulders like a sandbag. At the same time, Wendell exhibited cycles of enjoyment - Sunhaven was a great home, and the people at his previous home had been rid of. It’s just that- the mustelid wished that he could have done more. Once upon a time, he dashed towards this clan, requesting aid and advocacy, to which he got nothing but frowns and bitterness (and some medicinal herbs he could have found on Snowbound’s turf). The grief this event caused him had made Wendell turn to drinking his sorrows away, an action he treated as a crime when done excessively, and never returned home.

That’s how he got here. That was the story of his cowardly ways, and how he could have done better.

And, that’s the end of that chapter. Oh yes, that was only a portion of his story. What, he was supposed to just quit trying after that? Just give up, even though you landed yourself in a fresh land of opportunity. No, that’s not how Wendell ran things. He wasn’t a quitter. He was a wazzock, no doubt, yet he was the best bloody wazzock there was.

Step one in reclaiming glory: get yourself out there, with the people. An easy step, all you had to really do is hang out, maybe have a drink, or two, participate in events, and bingo, you’re on the radar for a happy ending. Wendell ordered some NPCs to spread by word of mouth that he was holding a meet and greet, one with a gimmick. There were the normal rules, you show up, share information, and just walk away. With Wendell’s version, it was required that you bring an item, a thing of any capacity, whether a random coin or a magnificent blade, and trade it with the last person who spoke. Easy enough, right? It worked before, why not now?

Tarrying around a corner in the town, the wolverine would speak cardinally once those attending arrived.

"Hey, people! I’ll do m’ best to keep this simple so I don’t cock up, but welcome to this ‘meet and greet’. I only met a couple of you folk so far, so, without further ado - ‘m Wendell Harrowsmith. I optimistically anticipate that my appearance doesn’t bother you, because it’s what’s on th’ inside that counts. I adore fine nosh and drink, so if anybody wants to get social, I’m there. I’m not in it for revenge, or for glory; I just want to live. So cheers to that, eh?"

Presenting his chosen item, he’d buoyantly continue. ”I, uh, brought this vintage teacup, fine chinaware. Delicate, so be careful.”

Re: a trifle uncool + m&g - Tena M. - 09-12-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Running.  Running.  Running.  Tena had spent moons on the run.  A youth with her head constantly tossed over shoulder.  Wary caution in otherwise vibrant, blue hues.  Scraped up, calloused paws.  Haunted thoughts.  Bitten lips.

No more chains.  No more depur.  Just freedom.

Alone.  The petite sand cat had fled.  Alone.  The plan had been simple that way.  If it was only her, more variables controlled.  If it was only her, less danger.  If she'd been caught, it would've only been her to blame.  Her brother safe.  Her friends safe.  In chains, but safe, so that one day, she could come back for them.  When she was better.  Faster.  Stronger.

It grew less simple.  Tena had gone far away.  Her brother had run after her.  When she had gone home... She had not made it far.  She had no answer to whether or not everyone else was alive.  Up in the air.  A painful possibility laughing at her.

But here she was.  She was free, wasn't she?  And done running.  For now.  If anyone had followed, she'd fight them head on now.  No glancing behind her.  Look ahead.  Claws ready.  There was no shame in being chelii, especially when they came back to free the rest.  Even if they failed.

Tena still fought the guilt, but there was little left to do.  Perhaps one day she would try again.  When she was truly stronger.  And, more importantly, when she didn't have a nosey Jedi following her.  For now, she would keep on living. Try to find a place.  Though she often never felt quite... Home anywhere.  She hoped this place would do, and it's people.  So, she tried.  A little.  To be a friendly face.

The petite sand cat padded up towards the wolverine, ear flicking.  A simple necklace bounced on her throat.  A leather string attached to a small vial of sand.  "Hey," she offered shortly, a light smile playing on her features.  "Tena Moonspinner."  She glanced down at the necklace with a thoughtful crease to her brow.  "I've got sand.  It's from home." Sentimental object doubling as a weapon.  Not that it was obvious and she did not plan on demonstrating.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: a trifle uncool + m&g - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-12-2018

Running had been something Gordon was used to. She had been used to running away for a couple of days from The Typhoon and her father, Caesar. She eventually ended up at The Ascendants, although she soon left the group due to their size. It was nothing against them personally; she just couldn't deal with the constant anxiety at such a place. Luckily, Sunhaven was much more calmer than The Ascendants.

"Um, hi!" Gordon squeaked out as she came over, blinking at Wendell with wide, green eyed. "My-my name is Gordon Cipher. I'm-I'm a Dawnguard here." Oh, was... she supposed to bring something. Gordon bit her lip, having not realized that was something she was supposed to do. "Um..." She went on quickly, trying to come up with something quickly. Remembering the flower on her head, Gordon removed it from her ear and offered it to Wendell. "I-I've got a flower!" She declared, trying to give the new Sunhavener a smile.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: a trifle uncool + m&g - toboggan - 09-13-2018

Each corner of the wolverine’s maw curled upwards into a fervent smile in reaction to the sandy feline’s approach and offer. Seeing that this was a trading hub, he had figured that offering something of value was a sober choice, and perhaps Tena thought the same way. The vial of sand, which acted as a neckpiece, was made so in a dainty fashion, yet it appeared to be stout as well. A perfect trade, one may add. "Looks pretty, Tena," Wendell crooned softly, gently nudging the teacup towards her, while gesturing towards the locket with his wet snout. Once the haggle was done with, he’d happily equip it.

Then, another voice spoke up. Gordon, as the femme introduced herself, presented her flower fresh from the hind of her ear, but not to Tena, who was next in line. Awful sweet of her to immediately run to him, however, that’s not how the game operated. ”I’m sure Tena would love that, woul’n’cha?” he bid, shooting the kid a quick glance before returning his gaze to the golden feline. Gordon stuttered an awful lot, though it mustn't have the smallest ounce to do with anxiety, guessing by her straightforwardness. That, or the femme did her best to hide said uneasiness, which was admirable. 

Re: a trifle uncool + m&g - PIERCE - 09-16-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
Pierce wasn’t really into haggling. Back home - his real home, not Snowbound -, despite all he’d forgotten, he knew for a fact they hadn’t had any currency or trade of any kind. Everyone just kind of shared what everyone else needed, and it had been the perfect environment for him. Everyone was different, though, so he figured this was just what made everyone else happy, and he certainly wasn’t going to make any comments on that. However, he had chosen... not to take too much part in all the trading and stuff. He’d traded some kitchen stuff, he was pretty sure, for strawberries and a pot of marigolds, but that had been with Jericho. Nowadays, he just kind of hunted for what food he needed, and everything else, he had at home.

The freckled serval was next to arrive, a gentle smile upon his maw. "I don’t have anything to offer to you guys," he began, adjusting the strap of his satchel to keepit from digging into his shoulder. He nudged it just slightly forward to cover the large scar in his side,  though his gaze did not leave Wendell. "It’s nice to meet you, though, Wendell! I’m Pierce Parker, a Goldenblood here. You can call me Pierce." “Mister” Pierce or “Mister” Parker always made him a bit uncomfortable, despite that likely being what he’d call himself were he... not himself.

