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[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Since the other two exorcists they had employed under The Pitt's wing had not been to their expectations, it was time to employ those who would. It was not a hard task: to be efficient was easy, if one applied themselves to it with determination and a goal set in mind. For now he'd scout out potential replacements by hosting a medical training and assessing them that way. Fairly easy. Some liked the opportunity to learn. He could share that thrill, even if he wasn't supposed to. It was nice to learn something you hadn't before, to collect that small tidbit of knowledge to use in the future. "If I could have your attention," the leopon stood outside of the castle in their new camp, patiently waiting. "I would like to announce that I will be hosting a medical training inside of the castle. If you're interested in a potential future in healing, please follow me. If you would just like to learn, say so."

/ if ur interested in the exorcist position just tell me!! im mainly looking for people that can be active + do the other stuff besides healing, as you can see in the guide.

Re: YUP THE QUEEN'S BACK | MEDICAL TRAINING - EscapedReality - 09-11-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
Essie sauntered over clearly interested in this, although the pup had no experience in medical training and would have to be mentored in such a task. "I'm interested in it." he spoke clearly and loud enough, again this time not squeaking.

Re: YUP THE QUEEN'S BACK | MEDICAL TRAINING - rushy - 09-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Gabriel had been many things in his life. A brother, a mafioso, a warlord, and even- briefly- a healer. Though it hadn't been his best skill, his time spend in isolation had brought him a lot of free time to teach himself and learn from others about herbs. When someone only had themselves to look out for them, first aid was most definitely a must-have. And ever since the serval had gotten half of his face ripped off, he was much less skilled in combat than he used to be. A worthy opponent, but less fearsome than before.

Thus, Gabriel thought that giving this a try wouldn't hurt. He knew quite a few things about plants and their uses- poisons too- and figured it would be doing The Pitt more of a service than being blindsided by Rosebloods. The serval approached on uneasy feet, lithe form moving slowly to sit beside of Essie. "I'd be interested," he stated plainly, realizing vaguely that he still smelled like his morning smoke.


Re: YUP THE QUEEN'S BACK | MEDICAL TRAINING - Stryker - 09-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Crawling out of the bushes, the lion watched the situation go down with narrowed eyes. Esklav seemed to be dropping his position as healer, despite the fact that there was no reason as to why he couldn't hold two ranks at once, but Stryker kept that to himself. If they had another person with medical interest, that was a positive improvement. With that thought, he kept to the back and stayed hushed.

// merely watching bc im not interested!~


SO WEAK AND POWERLESS { .:*・°☆ } ———
for the first time in a long while, there was no feel of roughened rope about their skinny little necks. moribund was free to prance about-- and oh, how they wanted to escape. but it was made abundantly clear that the possibility was very little to begin with. pittian members surrounded them-- and the repercussions that would await them should they attempt to make a break for it would most likely be... unfavorable.

they heeded to the call of ekslav's voice. trotting forward on skinny, gangly limps like a newborn colt. two sets of large eyes fettered with long lashes blinked curiously at the leopard. the first set hesitant. the other's face, far more steady and monotone.

medical training? healing?

moribund knew not of herbs that soothed the wounds or the aches in one's own body. they were born in a family that withheld wisdom from them and made knowledge a forbidden thing. they were nearly as ignorant and unknowing as the day they were born. the two headed creature's left head tilted in barely concealed, burning curiosity. the mention of training lit a match and set a fire igniting deep into their fused spine.

unlike their family before them, this... pitt offered the option of knowledge. moribund wanted it. no-- they needed it. and they would take any opportunity they could. this was no moment to waste.

the left head's eyes glittered with a feral sort of hunger. a hunger for tutelage. if they wanted to learn, they just had to speak, yet it seemed far too good to be true. their throat ached from the lack of vocal use, and a sharp little muzzle parted as a singular head spoke. could it? should it?

the child wondered if it was forbidden just like knowledge had been in their old? would they approve of a slave speaking in favor of their education?

it was time to find out.

"we..." a quiet little 'baaa,' voice soft like a feather on the wind emitted from one of their parched throats. the right was eternally silent, and their eyes spoke of a gelid impassiveness. yet the left was full of fire. "would like to learn."

yes. knowledge was something valuable. precious. not to be wasted.

// stating interest in exorcist with mori Smile


[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 6px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"][size=8pt]Hopefully it was not too lame of him to note that he could see himself in most of those interested in joining the ranks of exorcist. Esklav was not a fighter by any means; in fact, if he had not been promoted to a warpriest he would have surely become a erudite instead. Medicine was a field he loved. It was empowering to bend the mystifying forces of nature to his own will, to manipulate the cells in one's body into deviating from their designated purpose. In the times he had been coerced into the field underneath his Father it had made him - however briefly - feel alive. Like, perhaps, he was not as robotic as they all would have him believe.

"Excellent." his accented voice held a note of satisfaction in it. He enjoyed those interested, however few they were. The leopon even admired those who stayed to learn. Knowledge was not something he associated with The Pitt much - bloodshed and slavery, more so. "To begin, i'll ask why you'd be interested. If, given the opportunity, you'd try your best to meet the requirements for the job." a simple question. One would usually start with teaching an herb or two, and then quizzing those around them afterwards, but Esklav required more than that. If he was to promote someone, he'd want them to be happy and consistent with their work. Esklav would have no slackers.