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READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-11-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
[ [member=1806]MONROE[/member] [member=145]BASTILLEPRISONER[/member] ]

The maine coon silently made his way up to the Ascendants border, ears drawn firmly back to his skull. It's entirely his fault that they have to travel all the way out here. He knew that this entire mess could have been solved back at their border, but his paranoid mind just had to get the best of him. He really wished he could have agreed with Bastilleprisoner's proposal, let the Ascendants leader go through his head for the truth, but there was no way he would have agreed then. There has to be another way to prove his innocence, allowing Bastilleprisoner to snoop through his head should be a final resort.

Coming to a stop at the border, the male finally got a look of the territory the Ascendants members believed he crossed days ago. The majority of the territory was a flat field, much different to his old desert home, and now seatown home. He glanced over at Monroe, who Buckingham accompanied along with for this visit. Bucky debated introducing himself with the reason as to why they're here, but the Ascendants should know that already. He waited for some Ascendants member to greet them, hoping that crazed lioness isn't nearby.





♦ -
Onision had tried his best to stay out of the Sunhaven drama, to be honest. He had heard enough of it at the meeting, he just wanted this shit to be over with. Riza going fucking insane, Thea with that smug fucking look on her face. Everything. Oni was done with all of that shit. Why couldn't someone fess up?

Wherefore thee not asketh those folk wherefore those gents art h're? The voice of Aloysius called out to Oni mentally, making the chocolate feline's ears flatten in annoyance. God, he hated that bastard's dialect. He was fucking Greek, why couldn't he speak in greek, a language he could understand?

Once Onision arrived, the Lieutenant sat in front of the two stubbornly, his tail thumping against the ground before it lifted and waved at the two Sunhaven members. "Welcome, you must be Monroe and Buckingham- Bucky- Bucking? What do people call you?" Asked the were-vampire, ears twitching from the breeze that began to blow through the territory. "Okay, okay. Fuck." He cursed under his breath, as if talking to some unseen entity before he dipped his head in greeting.

"My name is Onision Mikaelson-Folie. Call me Oni, I'm a Lunar Lieutenant of the Ascendants. Uh," He paused, a paw tapping at his chin as he glanced behind him momentarily. "Bast should be here soon."
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - MirrorEdge - 09-12-2018

The 'crazed lioness' might not have been around, but the not-completely-sane leopard was, as she materialized, offering none of her usual cheer, not even a ghost of the usual smile on her face as she stared at the tom, confusion at the memories of blood and some... almost muted, emotion. She didn't understand. Why were they there? And why didn't she just kill him then, whenever these memories took place? He didn't seem strong. He seemed weak, considering he didn't even fight to get Riza off of him.

You could just kill him now. And Oni, too. Blame his murder on Buckingham, and that you killed him in an attempt to stop him, but failed. Kill two birds with one stone, like they say. Thea could feel the temptation as the multitude of voices spoke. It was true. She could, before anybody else had arrived, and the feeling of wet grass being ripped up as claws unsheathed, but no, it wouldn't be a challenge, now, would it?

Lately, even the little whispers in her head, those comforting voices that had been guiding her since she was young, seemed to be contradicting the things she believed. Why kill them when they weren't strong? It was beginning to confuse the young leopard even more than ever, so for now, she stuck with the beliefs that she had clung to. "That's a good question. What do people call you?" Murderer? Filth? She managed to stop herself before repeating the words that had come to mind. The strain in her voice from both the discomfort of him being anywhere near the Ascendents, and her resolve not to go through what the little whispers were suggesting, was well hidden.

//ic opinions
Template by Quill


[size=9pt]"People call him Buckingham." Says Moon, stepping between Onision and Thea in hopes of dissolving the bubbling situation. He frowns, glances at the leopard. "And people call you too fucking nosy for your own good."

He'd heard of the whole drama. Frankly, he wasn't interested in the slightest; he'd never really known Roy, and all he'd seen of the situation was Bast crossing the border towards Sunhaven with Thea in tow. It didn't look like something he wanted to get his paws in, and he had his own shit to deal with; so he didn't. But now Sunhaven's leader and the supposed murderer were at their doorstep, and Moon was required, by title, now to step up to the plate of ensuring less shit went down than was considered unacceptable. By Bast's standards, that meant quite a lot of shit could go down before that dumbass blinked an eye, but still-- They didn't need more corpses. But then he glanced down at Onision and Thea and thought, hey, maybe they did. "Bast'll be here soon. Maybe."

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-12-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham really, really wished he could have stayed out of this drama too. He hadn't even been aware of the murder until he was at the point of suffocation from Riza. But now, it was impossible for him to avoid it, considering he's the prime suspect. When the first Ascendants member padded into the scene, the former assassin frowned ever so slightly at the Lunar Lieutenant. Bucky didn't feel surprised that they already knew his name, despite the fact that they weren't at the Sunhaven border with Bastilleprisoner. One of the three Ascendants members must have recapped their groupmates on the mess they missed, including their names. He felt confused for a moment, why was Onision so curious about his name? Bucky knew that it's a mouthful, but the former assassin has heard worse names out there. The male was about to open his mouth to give an answer, when Thea made her way over.

Ah, there's the snow leopard that pointed her fingers at him. She had no idea how to keep her damn mouth shut, he still heard every piece of bullshit she said back there while getting choked. He thought it was complete bullshit that she assumed Bucky's near murder wasn't up to her. She was a good size to knock Riza into her damn senses, but instead she decided to let her mouth run wild. Bucky wondered if she was going to say any kind of shit this time around. Bucky could piratically feel the discomfort from the snow leopard's voice, tension clearly in the air. She doesn't want him here. Bucky knew that she's under the assumption that he's the killer, but to him it felt worse than that. It made him feel like she was looking at the Winter Soldier, not Buckingham Barnes. "Buckingham." He decided to give an answer, this time leaving out the nickname people generally call him by.

His ears pricked up as a new voice grabbed his attention, his gaze slowly landing on Moonmade. The lion practically stepped between his clanmates, showing off clear authority- especially when he addressed Thea. He definitely agrees with that, he couldn't help it but slightly smirk at it. But that smirk faded when Moonmade addressed him and Monroe. It sounded like there's uncertainty in the Cosmic General's voice, which the Sunhaven Goldenblood doesn't like that much. At first, Bucky was glad to hear that Bastilleprisoner will be here soon. Great, they can get this show on the road and fix this fucking mess. But then, he heard maybe. Maybe. Bastilleprisoner's clanmates almost got Bucky murdered, and when he and Monroe show up at their border about the situation, they get a maybe? It almost tempted the former assassin to dig his metal claws into the ground with aggravation. He's not sure how long he's willing to wait for their leader with an accusation of murder over his head.

"Maybe?" The assassin found himself reciting as his tufted ears pinned to his skull, "I'm being fucking accused of murder and you aren't sure if Bastilleprisoner will show up soon?" Some Ascendants member should run back to camp and make sure the Astral Seraph is heading over instead of claiming 'he'll be here soon'.





♦ -
"Cool your jets, man. He'll be here soon." Onision stepped in again, waving a paw towards the maine coon in an attempt to quell whatever tenseness this was. Seemed to be a hot mess, that's what it was. "Will you stop being a little shit for once, Thea? I wouldn't mind having another round with you if you can't keep your shit together." Snapped Onision over Moonmade's shoulder, a growl in his voice. He'd take her out right now if he could. It'd be a wild ride but Oni was willing to let Aloysius free again if it meant Thea got her ass handed to her.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - MirrorEdge - 09-12-2018

Buckingham's words had the young Arabian leopard settling pale blue optics on him, almost brimming with contempt. The strongest negative emotion she'd felt, in, well, forever. "Maybe you shouldn't be talking. I don't see your leader looking too worried. You'd figure with a Sunhavener murdering somebody he'd be more concerned." She grumbled. Sure, he didn't kill Roy, but he'd killed others. Why else would she be doing this?

With Moon's arrival, Thea seemed to snap back to reality, taking a step back behind the older lion, more of an unconcious decsion if anything, something to find comfort in. Oni, however, made this feeling short-lived, and she felt a grin begin to form at his 'offer', nodding eagerly as she visibly perked up. "Yeah! I'd love to, actually! Maybe see how well you fare this time, huh, if Bast and the others won't be such killjoys and stop us?" An ear flicked in the general direction of his face, referring to his eye that was now lost due to the damage he had sustained. Of course, she wasn't without scars, too. The ones on her shoulder and chest were still there, the fur not quite covering them, and inches away from the brand she had received oh-so-long ago.
Template by Quill

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - rhosmari - 09-12-2018

"And I'd appreciate it if ya would shut it and not pretend like I'm not here." Already things were getting heated and the male was not up for games. He was already pissed off because of what had happened at his border and even more so with this child they were actively allowing to accuse one of his own clanmates. A child! He snorted a bit and he was not one to be very happy about situations like this as the shark feline came to rest himself a bit more comfortable upon the border of the group that he didn't know if he wanted to still be friends with or not. It was troubling that was for sure and it was even more so that they let something like this go rampant to begin with. Glancing over to Buckingham the Helion would allow himself a brief sigh before he lifted a paw and attempted to place it on his Goldenblood's shoulder. "Keep ya composure. Bastille will be here since we did arrange for this tae happen. Don't let them get under ya skin, alright?" He was sure that Bucky could control himself and he turned to eye the three that had come to surround them. One of them being the accuser while the other two were neutral in the situation. For the most part the leader was calm and he didn't dare speak up again. At least not till Bastille showed up and so he settled himself into waiting. But he wouldn't have a problem speaking his mind if push came to shove.

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - Grimm - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]He had not been present when discussions – though such was an unfitting word – had happened on the edge of Sunhaven land but it had been spoken of before, enough so Har knew of the proceedings. Or at least some, the details had not been shared with him and for good reason

It was because of this he approached with no sense of hostility, worry within his eyes as his attention moved between each present. He wanted badly to stand with Moon, a comfort within the tense situation, but he had grown weary of both Oni and Thea, unsure on how to approach either. Circling around them a soft sound of surprise escaped him as he realised others were present, strangers to him. Slow steps drew the Guardian closer, shuffling as he barely lifted his paws from the ground, keeping an ear out in case someone attempted to stop him. When none did he moved a little quicker, a shaky smile curling about his lips.

“Hello,” speaking in a hushed tone he looked between the two, head tilting to one side slightly as he looked upon Monroe. There was a multitude of strange creatures present, some with features unsuited to the rest of their body or hybrids, and so there was nothing but curiosity in him as he reached out, making a move to gently touch the hybrid's leg. He moved slowly, unsure of what reaction was to come from such, simply wanting know what the Helion felt like for his skin was unlike anything he had seen, given an almost leather quality. “Fish.”


as love filled night gives way to day
Hazel hardly recalled the entire situation as it was; at the time of Roy’s murder, her misery had only doubled, her mind already tearing itself to pieces with Margy and Suite’s death. Her comprehension had hardly expanded past the copper taste that soaked her senses, much less go as far to seek the source of the problem. Buckingham showing up on the border was out of place and completely unexpected — Hazel had yet to make the connection between where seemingly half of the Ascendants had disappeared to after Roy’s death.

Slipping up to the border on the other side of Harland, Hazel swept a tired golden gaze over the small crowd. Moon, Harland, Oni, Thea...and two people from Sunhaven, whom she didn’t recognize. She recalled the clan, though — merchants, yes? A blind feline had showed up on the border by the name of Jericho...or Jeri-something. Briefly she wondered what sort of thunderstorm brewed between them and the irritated Sunhaveners, but her attention was sidelined by Oni and Thea.

Tail twitching with annoyance, the cocoa feline sighed, short and pointed as she fixed a look at the two. She wasn’t in the mood for border skirmishes before Bastille was here to resolve them. “If you two want to misbehave while we’re dealing with something that requires adult maturity, you can go back to the observatory.” She quipped, frowning. “If not, then I suggest you hold your tongue.” It was amusing — both held higher ranks in the clan than she did, but she felt no problem with tugging strings. Her misery was sliding quickly into frustration and anger: a cliff that crumbled too quickly. She didn’t want to take out on her clan mates, but with Oni and Thea flint and stone, those two.

Sitting back on her haunches rather heavily, Hazel watched the irritation flare in Bucky’s aura. “Sorry for the delay,” She apologized.
