Beasts of Beyond
from the fires we emerge ~ - Printable Version

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from the fires we emerge ~ - ember - 09-11-2018

if you can see this, I think you're a cutie patoot♥
there's a fire in her

~OOC: Ember Rose is a young fox. I plan to eventually have her join either the Pitt or an equally vicious group. Once she reaches maturity, I'll be looking for a mate for her. Feel free to hop in and help me get started!~

Ember opened her eyes, but saw nothing. The den she'd grown up in was dark and rising in heat. A stabbing line of light pierced the smoke. Crackling and branches falling. That's all Ember could hear. The smell of the fire rose into the air and crawled into her den. She quickly came to her senses and realized that her whole family had already left her. Her sense of urgency rising, she clawed her way out and to the surface. Looking around, she saw the walls of fire encroaching. Young, alone, afraid, and surrounded by a wall of fire. That's quite a way to wake up. An old tree snapped under the pressure of the heat and fell directly in front of her. That's the last thing she remembered.

Ember opened her eyes once more, looking around her new surroundings. She didn't know where she was, and she didn't know who she was with. Pinning her ears and ready to defend herself, Ember turned her head towards the direction of the rustling.

if you can see this, I think you're a cutie patoot♥

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - Stryker - 09-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Hovering around the area, Stryker had noticed Ember Rose looking around with wide eyes and a confused expression on her face. Compelled to come over, he let out a sigh. He brushed through the bushes, standing for a moment to stare. Another soul in need. The lion sauntered over, eyes narrowing at the stranger who laid on the ground with ears pinned. Though they were in need, they didn't seem too reliant on being trustworthy from their actions. That was all his quick-witted assumptions. Simply a quick guess.

Nevertheless the lion rounded on the female. His head craned as he grew close, a smile slightly appearing across his maw. "You good, sweets?" he asked. Stryker knew to keep a calm demeanor to someone holding a defensive attitude, unknowing if they'll strike or not. Even so, this one was small. No need to make a huge deal about it. Instead he held himself loose and simply acted if this was someone who needed a small favor of his. Cocky... as always. "You look like you've just woke up from a nightmare." Little did he know, perhaps that's what she was experiencing hours before. Perhaps he should cool it...

//welcome to the club dude!!

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - COSMIIX - 09-13-2018

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - rushy - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]/welcome!!

People were always easily lost or freaked out by The Pitt's territory. After all, it was like a completely different world or biome altogether. It was wholly coherent, but at the same time split into many different complex parts that you could only really get used to and never initially understand. Or maybe Gabriel had been doing way too many drugs lately. Yeah, that was probably it.

Though he was sure that this was a face he'd never seen around before, and those assumptions were immediately affirmed by the words of Stryker and Quill. "Hey stranger," the serval greeted slowly, words slurred only slightly by the remnants of his early morning smoke "I'm Gabriel Harbringer, pleasure."

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - ; albion - 09-16-2018

// welcome to the pit!! ^^

showing up in some place foreign to you sure was one way to start the day. even if it was in a place where regards for one another were quite slim, and there were nothing but finks out and about to get the slip on you... it was probably better than being all alone in a desert. at least at that point there was some chance on surviving the heat.

seeing the growing crowd among them, benny felt compelled to investigate. the warlord pushed his snout through to make room for himself, and looked at ember with a frown. how anticlimactic; and here he was hoping for something weird.

"ya lookin' to join, princess? or just gonna stare for a bit till ya feel like doin' somethin' useful?"

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - ember - 09-18-2018

if you can see this, I think you're a cutie patoot♥
there's a fire in her

As more and more approached her, Ember felt her heart beat faster and faster. "Where am I? Why am I here?" she yelped. The last thing she could recall was being surrounded by fire in a place familiar to her. Now? Now she was here, with a singed nose, surrounded by strangers.

/thank y'all!

if you can see this, I think you're a cutie patoot♥

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - Stryker - 09-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker's head craned off to the side, eyes narrowing at the stranger. It seemed as if they didn't know where they were at. Perhaps a bad trip or some sleepwalking caused it. Who knew. He sure as hell didn't. Nevertheless, the cocky ass lion proceeded not to necessarily care about the past but instead focus on the now of the situation presented before them. "You're within the Pitt," he said, gesturing around him. "I would of thought someone within our territory would of known that... but it happens more often than you'd think." Sadly, they've grown accustomed to visitors, despite Esklav's 'inclusiveness' and slave-retrieving habits. To him, it was rather ironically hilarious.

"Not sure why you're here," the lion continued slyly. "Need a trip back home, darlin'?" His gaze glanced sideways, eyeing those next to him. "Better say yes before these guys boot ya, along myself, we're not the happiest of bunches." An outreached paw showed his unsheathed claws. Consider it a friendly warning.

//ahh sorry!

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - ember - 09-24-2018

if you can see this, I think you're a cutie patoot♥
there's a fire in her

Ember flattened her ears and let out a sudden shudder. "I can't go back home," she uttered, with a grimace. With a burst of confidence, she found herself wanting to become a part of this ragtag group of individuals. "I'd like to stay with y'all." She stated this with ferocity, and was determined to not be swayed. "I don't know how I got here, but I do know that I'm not planning on leaving."

if you can see this, I think you're a cutie patoot♥

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - guts - 09-24-2018

Cosette was last to arrive, it seemed, the serval coming to stand beside Benny and flashing said male a small smile. Then she turned her attention to their latest joiner, trying to put on a friendly face for her since she seemed pretty confused. It was a bit odd how she didn't know how she had gotten there, but she didn't bother questioning it, at least not out loud. Instead she nods and introduces herself. "Hello, welcome to the Pitt, then. I'm Cosette." she wanted to make a good impression, after all.

Re: from the fires we emerge ~ - Stryker - 09-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — So quick to trust. Stryker, once being in the same exact situation of having nowhere else to go, understood and sympathized with her need to stay within the Pitt. The slaver’s head craned to the side nevertheless. ”I see,” he commented dully. In fact, he was still interested in the past, but the lion was also starting to wonder what had made her get here so easily. If only she knew... Welp. That options obviously screwed. Looks like it’ll be an unsolved curiosity of his, maybe Ember’s own too. Nevertheless, where endings stopped, new beginnings start.

”You haven’t even told us your name, dear,” he cockily added back. Her ferocious tone was quite pleasing and the fire within her eyes after she determined her position was quite pleasing to him. Their newest Pittian was quite a hoot. The brute relaxed a few, his tone easing up. ”Name’s Stryker, Slaver of the Pitt.” A nonchalant wink shot in her direction before he continued. He was always a cocky ladys man (or men, he didn’t discriminate) and this behavior was very common of him. Eccentric was his middle name.

”You are?” Hopefully, they would share.
