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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Lazarus looks like he's been rolling around the scene of a particularly vicious murder. Red, fleshy things hang from growing antlers, dripping to his face and leaving bloody stains on black fur. It's annoying, that's what it is. Not particularly gross — there's not much of a smell, and the majority of the blood supply going there had tapered off a while ago. Then he'd lost feeling. It was... Weird. His entire life so far, he'd been aware of the rapidly growing mass on top of his head. Knocking stuff hurt. When his antler snapped, it hurt. It's like the dog had broken a bone in one of his legs, just on top of his head. And now feeling was gone. So yeah, he'd been a little freaked by it. His first instinct had been to headbutt a tree (gently-ish) and now here he was, covered in red.

The Cane Corso had found a young, resilient tree at the edge of The Ascendants' forested area. It was now scarred with his efforts, which had been gentle and tentative only for a minute or two. Frustrated snarls cut through the air around him as he tries to get off the last bit of velvet, but apparently the world is against him today. No matter how he twists and scratches, he can't get the last few bits off the back.





♦ -
Velvet? Was this usual for cane corso's? Onision didn't quite understand it, but he knew he had to at least help the dude. Or he could just.. y'know, watch him struggle like the dick he is. No, he had to go and help him. While his main job was keeping the lower ranks under control, he didn't really care for it. Moon and the others usually did that job. Still.. Ugh.

"Need some help, macho-man?" Onision called out from up in a tree where he had been resting, watching the canine ram into trees multiple times just to get this velvet off of him. At this point, it just looked like he was going to get a concussion.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: HALLUCINOGENICS / O. SHEDDING VELVET - rhosmari - 09-13-2018

"Aww, watch him struggle just a little bit longer." The woman's teasing tone lifted up into the air as she lifted her head up from where she had been laying. Her eyes were slightly glazed over, a sleepy look eluding to the fact that she might have been sleeping for a little while there. But all the knocking and the constant snarls were what arose her from her slumber. Blinking black eyes the woman would lift herself up a bit, careful of her paw before she lifted it to cover her maw as she yawned. Hmm, well a nap was just a nap and she could forgive the beasts just this once for waking her up. After all she could sleep somewhere else and pick a better spot for it too. The hard ground was not kind upon her back. Flicking her long tail the elegant king cheetah would tilt her head slightly as she gazed upon the velvet and blood that clung to the male. It was a sight indeed but she had seen many a deer go through such a thing themselves. Gruesome in sight but not something to worry about. "Don't bang your head too hard there, hon. You might actually start learning something there.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Look, Gabe adored Laz's nubby antlers, because way back when he hadn't gotten his life fucked up by involving himself more than he should have, they made for perfect chin scratchers on long rides on Laz's back. Truth be told, he missed that; attached as he was -unfortunately- to certain people here, he missed the simplicity in just the both of them. Though Laz had always been a handful, just one Gabe was more than willing to hold. They made quite a pair, the hybrid and the antlered dog, and where Gabriel constantly struggled with the incessantly revolting pellets he hacked up, Laz had...this, it seemed. Maybe he shouldn't be surprised, but seeing the kid covered in red strips had him on attack mode immediately, fully prepared to crack skulls, though the rest of the details crept in and he restrained himself. Shedding. Well, that was fucking disgusting. And a little intriguing.

Ignoring Onision and some cheetah Gabe didn't know -which was for the better; she was fortunate he didn't think it was worth it to pick a bone with her over the dickishness- the owl-cat crossed the distance between them. "Ven aquí, mijo. Déjame verte." Up close, it was...even worse, but he didn't relay any of that, instead lifting a taloned foot pointedly. "Déjame ayudarte."



[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]/ one paragraph per response plus two sentences extra for gabe lmao

Lazarus had never really learned how to accept help when it was offered to him. Even with Gabe, it sometimes felt as if he had to suffocate the part of him that wanted to sink his teeth in. He'd learned that anyone reaching out was hiding something cruel, that nobody helped because they were kind. There were so many people out there that wanted to make the world a better place, and he had never seen them manage it. It was always too big, too grand. Nobody wanted to get themselves dirty so that someone else could be clean. 'Course that didn't apply to everyone. Gabe didn't mind wading in the mud. The rest of the world can fuck off, though. That mentality doesn't quite leave him, even though he spends his days in places like this now. As soon as Onision speaks up, the dog is tensing and baring his teeth. He looks like a wild thing, like he's going to snap. "Vete al infierno. I don't need help." At least not to protect him, or whatever. He's not sure he's gonna get a concussion from trying to scrape it off like this.

('Not sure' is probably the key part there.)

Really, he's not sure of shit. He'd been out here to be alone, and there're already two people here. He can deal with Onision, but the way Empyrah talks to him — the dog's teeth are already bared as he turns to look at her, green eyes narrowed. In the shadow of the trees, he looks like some sort of demon himself. A long, low steam of Spanish filth falls from his mouth quietly enough to be lost to most, and he tries to cut it off... quickly. Once upon a time, he would have just ended this conversation with his teeth at her throat, but civility has groomed Laz, at least slightly. There's still an immediate hatred filling up his chest — there's nothing she can do to change that now. "Do you have nothing better to do?" (Than tease me, than stare.)

Being here has made him realize just how out of place he is with these sorts of people. When he'd been younger, he was exactly what people'd expect. Exactly like everyone else. They bared their teeth at those who trespassed too closely to their sleeping spots, scrapped over food and the best places to exist. The right to exist. After that, it'd just been him and Gabe — he was good with him. Didn't fight him over food, learned to deal with how possessive he was over everything. Food and space and life. For the first time, Lazarus had wanted to exist, not just survive. Maybe he's a little possessive over Gabe too. His time, his attention. He misses it being just the two of them too, but he's gradually adapting. Not everyone's as awful as he thought they were. Moon's nice, Imperia's nice. Nobody's his friend, but he doesn't find himself wanting to fight them. It'd just take time, which he... has, maybe.

He grudgingly relaxes, setting down as the hybrid walks closer, ducking his head until his foot isn't so far out of reach. "Es desagradable," he grouses quietly.





♦ -
"Well, I tried. Back to sleep I go." Oni soon shrugged, making his way back to his branch to lay down once more, curling into a ball. He wasn't too threatened by the fangs bared at him, and if a fight were to happen, he was sure Aloysius would take over and deal with it himself. The were-vampire just watched in mild amusement, eyes narrowed as he fell back to sleep.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh


[size=9pt]"Knock it off being assholes."

Given recent events, some would say it was hypocritical for him to say this, but he'd say they could go fuck themselves and learn a little about allegiances and enemies and senses of entitlement. Which might dig him deeper into this hole that he'd appeared in, but that sort of thing wasn't something Moon typically found himself aware of. He was much too caught up in sleepless nights and too-bright days and other angst-ridden things that made him how he'd been, recently.

But at least Lazarus thought he was nice. That's what really mattered. That Imperia was well and good, that Har was safe and healthy, that most others he cared about were still alive and kicking-- And maybe, possibly, that Gabriel was back, too. But the honeymoon faze was fading quick. He kept his distance as he approached, coming up behind Empyrah and knocking her over the head with his tail instead of sending a teasing quip any hybrid's way. It showed in the set of his shoulders, the way his head was held high and taught instead of drooping between his legs, languid and nonchalant as he'd always been. He was tense and he didn't know how to deal with it. "You're not here long enough to be disrespecting Bambi." Perhaps a contradictory statement, given he'd both told Empyrah off for her words and made his own comment on Lazarus' antlers in the same sentence, but it was spoken with a soft quirk of the lips, a tone more joking and quiet than anything. He wasn't looking to start any shit, for once.

Re: HALLUCINOGENICS / O. SHEDDING VELVET - rhosmari - 09-13-2018

The way he looked at her so venomously made her eyes gleam with mirth. Really it was rather funny and she couldn't help but allow as small almost smug look appear on her muzzle. Why was he so serious when she was obviously teasing? Well, if some were having a bad time she wouldn't go and try to cheer it up, especially now that she saw how he would take it. Him and his buddy could try and lift each other up. Though how long that would last she didn't know. Regardless the angel being turned her gaze away from him when a tail connected with the back of her head. It caused her dark gaze to blink once before she tilted her head up a little bit, a soft pout forming on her muzzle as she eyed him. Her eyes become rounded a faux pretend of innocence as she flicked her gaze back at the two males before her. Well, she had thought they were handsome but she decided to discard them from the menu after that rather unfortunate reaction. "It is not my fault he can't seem to take a teasing. After all he was struggling so I thought to make a joke out of it and lighten the mood. But, whatever." Admittedly she liked being called Bambi, it was kind of cute in a way and she flexed her claws against the ground.