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LILIUM (✚) JOINING - Printable Version

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LILIUM (✚) JOINING - venus - 09-11-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

(unnecessary backstory in between the margins)

whistles of the wind caught in the air around the form of venus and lifted their long fur to the sky. rich blue gaze scanned the area in which the kitsune had been snooping around not so long ago, with a faint sense of déjà vu still washing over them whenever they looked upon the land. it wasn’t a place that venus thought that they had ever been before. but it was faintly similar to somewhere venus couldn’t place a name to. odd. it was what had drawn the kitsune to snoop around the place on nights where their silvery pelt would blend well into the night’s shade.  it wasn’t a malicious act, just something venus wanted to do to scour out the group. they were humouring the idea of staying here to try and get some desperately needed rest for their constant headaches and nausea.

the night was young. the moon hung lowly in the sky, its pale glow illuminating the land beneath it and providing guidance to the creatures wide-awake. skittering around, the sounds of small claws scouring for anything deemed edible filled the dank, stagnant air. dust plumes rose in clouds of grey as a slightly larger entity made their way in amongst the beige landscapes, footsteps heavy but silent. ambition flared in deep-set eyes, the vulpine creature ready to complete their task.

this crossroad had an eerie aura to it, it was perfect for getting anything shady done with no witnesses however. not that the creature using the area would ever mind an audience; the vulpine was no stranger to a show. but it took two to tango, and the other actor in this game hated the limelight. such a shame. nevertheless, the silver hued entity obeyed the mysterious individual’s rules to play their game, bringing the gifts they sought. a box filled with curious knick-knacks was slung over the vulpine’s back – some were hard to come by, others not, but they were all treasured. not by the person who had arduously collected them one by one of course, but by the soon to be recipient of these gifts. someone late.

reaching the point in which all four corners crossed paths, signs detailing where each path would lead to stood tall over the silvery vulpine. they loomed over the vulpine, carefully watching their actions as if they served as some other, higher being’s eyes. they made the vulpine feel small and vulnerable. they made them feel as if any mistake they might make would be held against them, and albeit the vulpine loved a show – this kind of show was torturous. the sooner the creature got on with their task, the quicker the creature could begin on their own life.

hastily the vulpine began to dig a square hole, just big enough to completely encompass the box of gifts they brought. this would be the place in which the creature’s companion should find their offerings. swiftly the silvery vulpine placed the box in the hole they had just made, dusty mud transferring from the vulpine’s paws to the box in the process and sullying the offerings. whoops. but there wasn’t a drop of water in sight amongst the exponential plains, nothing that could be done about the mistake. the creature would simply have to carry on.

the silver entity waited with bated breath for something to just happen, it seemed an eternity passed and only the sounds of their own breathing filled their ears. puffs of air condensed around the vulpine’s mouth, agape and sucking in gulps of oxygen to recover from the effort they had put into making that hole. could the vulpine’s friend be anymore of a dunce making them wait like this?

suddenly things started to happen; materialising behind the vulpine finally came the form of their sought companion. red gaze pierced the silver vulpine, their own sapphire gaze raking the ground to meet their friend’s as a shiver ran down their spine. ’hello.’ the vulpine would call out to the dark entity, black tendrils moving in a purposeful manner to simply acknowledge the greeting of the silver creature with a wave. ’can’t speak? cat’s got your tongue?’ haughtily the vulpine jeered at the darker monster to try and elicit even something out of the unnaturally quiet thing.

’you haven’t told me why i’m here yet; i’m still waiting.’ replying coolly and calmly, the ebony monster appeared unphased by the smart-ass remarks. crimson hues scanned the vulpine. up. and down. the monster seemingly dissatisfied with the things they saw, awaited patiently for an answer to their queries.

biting their cheek, the vulpine once more practiced the words in their head that they had wanted to saw to their friend for so long now; almost unready to voice them. but they must. ’you know why you are here with me. what other purpose do you serve in life? i want my hard-earnt knowledge, but i also want to forget everything else.’ the vulpine was picky. choosing select few memories of their past life, the silver vulpine didn’t quite understand the recollections in their mind – echos of another time and place that were once held in a body now ten foot under the snow. some were useful, wholesome, they contained scientific discoveries made out of sleepless nights spent hunched over a cluttered desk. others were more bittersweet. eyes made of metal, a heart of cold gold – the vulpine knew what he smelt like and how they had made this foreign inhabitant of their mind feel, but he wasn’t someone the vulpine themselves knew. but they did know it hurt to try and think about him, which was sometimes unavoidable.

then some of the memories were so painful that in the brief moments the vulpine scoured over the invader’s recollections, seeing those black and gold eyes staring back at them made the creature want to cry. the silver vulpine had enough of these faux experiences.

’are you sure this is the way you want this done? i typically would be more than happy to take a soul any day, but you're one of the rotten ones. doubt i’ll get much praise for bringing your sad excuse for a soul home. as it spoke, ebony features morphed into disgust at the thought of extracting the silver vulpine’s essence. the monster obviously reluctant to carry out the deal, but promises were promises. ’tried hypnotherapy?’ a smug visage bore holes into the vulpine’s form.

frowning at the monster’s either weak attempt at persuading the vulpine to turn back, or an even weaker attempt at humour, they were not impressed either way. the silver hued creature huffed at the monster indignantly as the teen they were physically. approaching the monster with one extended silver leg, the vulpine supposed that the act of intimidation would do very little to actually intimidate the stronger monster. but they hoped it would at least make it clear to the monster that they meant business. ’of course. it hurts, why the hell wouldn’t i want it done efficiently as possible?’

a grimace broke out along the monster’s features as crimson eyes softened into a look of resignation. defeated, the monster gathered itself to prepare the event’s main performance as the vulpine eagerly insisted – the silver creature visibly anxious to carry on as well. ’don’t say i didn’t warn you..’ with one final remorseful remark, the ebony monster reached into themselves and brandished a knife. black handle held intricate patterns in it’s beauty, the sharp blade of it glimmering in the moon’s pale glow. beautiful.

suddenly the monster would plunge the knife straight into their own arm without even a flinch from the monster. the act made the silver vulpine gulp nervously. ’your turn.’ moving towards the silver vulpine, the creature’s every instinct told them to run away ,but the vulpine managed to force themselves to stay rigid in their spot. muscles tensed as the monster edged closer and closer towards the vulpine, the knife still covered in the monster’s flowing black smoke that emerged from it’s wound. gross. but even closer the monster came with the knife until it was pressing down on the vulpine’s own skin, piercing it and leaving it once more. tightly the monster would grab on to the vulpine’s now profusely bleeding arm with it’s own wounded limb. words of incantation flowed from the monster’s lips, something that the vulpine didn’t understand but endured anyways. all because it would soon be over. soon be over. over soon. the silvery hued vulpine’s sapphire eyes rolled into the back of their head and they blacked out.

venus’ sapphire gaze was still locked on sunhaven’s picture-esque scenery as ivory birds flew overhead. their songs somewhat put the kitsune as ease, even though the vulpine shuffled around on their darker grey paws in a nervous twitch. surely someone would be passing by sooner or later. hello– anyone home? in a sing-song manner venus called out to the inhabitants of sunhaven as the kitsune requested their immediate attention. but the not unreasonable lack of an immediate response irritated the kitsune’s thin patience. anxiously venus rubbed at their slowly withering bandages around their right arm as old blood started to peak through the once pristine cloth. they’d have to be changed soon. the kitsune couldn’t do that though without a home, which explained their appearance at sunhaven.


Re: LILIUM (✚) JOINING - SUZUME - 09-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"No." The metal-encased creature stepped down the side of a tree, an eerie glow cast by bleeding eyes fixed on the stranger. They were nervous, impatient- Sparrow should have made them wait longer, test their reaction to prolonged solitude. Maybe something interesting would have come of it, and he could use a...distraction. His last mark was unremarkable, child's play to kill, and he thirsted so fiercely he couldn't separate himself from the hunger, the same as he could not identify himself from the constant burning of his body. He was pain, he was violence, and he had already learned there would be no reprieve, even if this kitsune provided a distraction. It would be brief, and the adrenaline fueled satisfaction would drain away to leave him emptier than before. Still, Sparrow scrutinized the stranger and tasted copper on his tongue, uncertain whether it was imagined or real. "What do you want. Speak."


Re: LILIUM (✚) JOINING - venus - 09-13-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

'no' oh wow, what a jokester. great. just, great. venus supposed that they would have found the comment funny if a: the situation was switched. and b: they weren't the one at the butt of the joke. in this situation the kitsune simply found themselves deadpanning sparrow and his puzzling figure for his flat humour. "ha. funny, you're funny." sarcasm dripped from venus' every sickly word.

sapphire gaze driftied behind sparrow, the kitsune was kind of hoping that the male had led some others inhabiting sunhaven to the border so that venus wouldn't have to talk to the man. guess no one else wanted to follow him yet. venus didn't blame them. but they did in fact, resent them for their lack of appearance and their inadvertent causation of venus' grief.

indignantly the kitsune finally gave in to the reality in which no one else would come yet, and the fact that venus would have to explain themselves to sparrow. sapphire gaze drifted back towards the metal-clad creature and narrowed at him. "to join, i'm here to join." curt, the kitsune felt disconnected from their own mouth as the words left their body. was this really what venus was going to do? they supposed there was no real dignified turning back anymore; everything they wanted to say was out in the open. and the kitsune tried to not be so conflicted by the decision - a roof would be put over their head, food in their stomach, a group obliged to protect their safety. what was there to be ambivalent about? "if your kindness would let me so." snidely venus couldn't quite keep their mouth under lock and key.

Re: LILIUM (✚) JOINING - buckingham barnes - 09-13-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Buckingham arrived at the border, as his gaze landed on Venus, the feeling of Déjà vu rushed through his veins. Venus looked hauntingly familiar, the kitsune before him made him think of an enemy he used to have. An enemy that used to live in both of his old homes, a traitor. An enemy that Ximen ordered the Asset to test their loyalty- that's what sparked the hatred they shared. Even after he got his identity back, there were several instances where the two tried to kill each other. Bucky hasn't seen that enemy in months, and the former assassin hopes he'll never see them again. While Bucky thought of his old enemy at the sight of Venus, the former assassin did not believe Venus was the same kitsune. It's probably just a coincidence that Venus looks a bit like them, right? A silver coat is probably pretty common among kitsunes. Bucky decided to shove the thoughts of his old enemy to the back of his head, and focus on the new kitsune at the border.

"You're welcome to join Sunhaven," The Goldenblood spoke as he made his presence known, "Though, if you could tell us your name, that'd be great." His light blue eyes blinked as he kept his gaze locked on Venus, glancing at the wound they had covered with cloth. Bucky could see blood beginning to peak through it, he wondered how they got that injury. Bucky made no comments regarding it- he's no medic, he can't be of assistance in any way. "I am Buckingham Barnes- Bucky, if you'd prefer." He knew that his name can be a mouthful, his bushy tail slowly swishing behind him.

Re: LILIUM (✚) JOINING - LEVIATHAN - 09-14-2018

[ diamond in the rough ]
He refused to think that his new home reminded him of his old home. He didn't want to believe it because he knew it would cause memories to bubble up from the place he had buried them in. He only wanted to move on, to start a new slate in his life without bothering to be haunted by ghosts of his past. But it seemed that things were not on his side. Not that it surprised him. Things were never on his side and nothing really surprised him anymore. Except those startling blue eyes that caused a turmoil of emotions to explode the moment he stepped in after the others to see who had decided to join this shit show of a place. He liked it but many members here were filthy and didn't know much about hygiene (something he wanted to later teach a class in or do a lesson on, anything to make things efficient in his eyes). Part of him wondered why anyone wanted to join but he guessed in a way that the place had a sort of homely aura to it that he had difficulty finding anywhere else he had been during his travels.

Leviathan had stalked up quietly after Buckingham but held a distance for he still wasn't fond of seeing the fluffy fucker around the same place he was due to their past rivalry. His silky ink black ears were drawn back as he remained away as possible as he reached the others, his half lidded stoic battleship gray eyes locking onto who the fuck was going to be the newbie of the place. The flash of silver and blue caused his pupils to thin for a second as well as his body tensing up. A ghost. A fucking ghost. His already drawn ears pinned themselves to his skull and he forced himself to tear his gaze away, a look of irritated pain dancing on his facial features as he simply stared at the floor. It wasn't them. It couldn't be them. Fuck heartache. If he ever saw Angeldust's face again, he would have decked them in the face for everything. He had fallen only for them, had sacrificed so much for them and would still give the world to them. But Levi was not going to deny that he despised their selfish actions that had caused so much chaos and pain to erupt from their home.

[b]"Welcome." was the low flat voice coming from the short muscular male as the japanese bobtail finally forced himself to look up from the ground, his dagger like bullets for eyes locking back onto the creature before him, his lower jaw locked as the male raided a paw to adjust his pristine cravat that was tied neatly around his neck. Fuck he hated this.

( mobile )

Re: LILIUM (✚) JOINING - venus - 09-16-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

glossing over sparrow's peculiar form - the two sunhaven members, who had decided to show up at last, they held something more interesting to the kitsune. something not quite like an impressive mechanical get-up - something more innate. venus couldn't quite explain the feelings in words, they just had to be felt to be understood. almost akin to déjà-vu. it was as if the silvery vulpine knew exactly who they were, but in reality venus had no real way of knowing those kinds of things right? venus could remember their life from the point of their earliest memory, and never before had these faces ever crossed the kitsune's recollections. but still in their eyes venus felt a familiarity from them which could only be passed off as coincidental. just coincidence.

turning to the goldenblood, his words slowly sunk into venus' mind as the things he was saying started to make sense. of course, they were a new face to the group even if venus had been stalking around the territory for a few days or so. they'd probably want an introduction of sorts - ugh. "my name is venus. no last-name or nickname though, just venus. i'm a little jealous i'll admit." they weren't. but it was friendly to hear those kinds of things wasn't it? venus hoped they could accelerate bonding between their clan-mates just a little. but at bucky's name venus found themselves tensing up a little, a little of that fought down fear running through their veins. even his name felt oddly reminiscent: what the hell? forcing a small, pitiful excuse for a smile, venus just wanted to momentarily forget bucky's existence and try to purge their mind of these abnormal thoughts and feelings and just focus on the other sunhaven member. which was a mistake.

if bucky's presence was like déjà-vu gently pushing on venus' mind, then this boy's had an aura that punched the kitsune square in the face. ouch. but composed and calm venus thankfully managed to make their exterior seem as sapphire eyes gazed over leviathan's troubled form. after some scouring they came to rest level with his eyes - well as level as they could get. the boy seemed to exude the fact that he was older, but he was short like a child. silver, metallic, the same eyes venus could faintly remember seeing once in something now that seemed just like a dream. it had to be a dream now. they appeared so cold; they bore right into venus' core with mixed feelings that any rational being should recognise as anger, but even now still venus only found them comforting. "charming." flatly responding to levi, the kitsune felt inclined to give the boy their full attention seen as along with sparrow, he hadn't been kind enough to offer the silver vulpine his name. "is there something wrong with my face? also it's only fair you give me your name as well. so, who are you?" haute filled in the cracks between venus' sickly words, their head cocking to one side as their sky blue gaze remained locked with leviathan's own shy one. the way that he didn't want to look at the taller kitsune was equal parts cute as it was disconcerting.

and as the vulpine awaited his response, venus feared they already knew the answer. not actively - but subconsciously.