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hey brother — joiner - Printable Version

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hey brother — joiner - Ebra M. - 09-10-2018

The stocky feline decided they liked the mountains.  The beauitful expanse before them.  The fresh air, carrying the scent of the sea.  It felt familiar almost.  If there were not two sets of memories and thoughts to shift through.  The Demdji had been hosting the immortal Egyptian for a long enough time now it became hazy.  Which thoughts and feelings and memories belonged to who?

Sometimes, they remembered.  Sometimes, the differences between were stark enough to separate their thoughts.  The desire to follow a sister across the world was all Ebra.  Their drive to protect - to simply be with - their only free family was stronger than anything a linked conscious could throw at them.

As the muscular desert cat stood on the edge of the border, conscious of the scent markings directly in front of their paws, they resisted the urge to roll their eyes - once more - to the voice in the back of their head, belonging to a certain god of death and funerals. Might we be wrong again? I'm sure this is the right place. It had come in a vision after all.  Granted, Ebra did not entirely trust their skills in telling the future.  It was worth a shot.

Besides, it came with a great view.

Re: hey brother — joiner - rhosmari - 09-10-2018

He was trying not to run himself ragged but things seemed to always be going. He didn't see it as a bad thing and frankly he was having a good time really. Despite him almost yawn constantly and always trying to take sparing naps the male was feeling better than he had in the last couple of weeks. His body shifted underneath a tree where he laid on his side, jaws slightly parted as he allowed air to funnel in and expand his lungs. His tail laid behind him and rather still against the ground. Grass swayed before him and with each exhalation it would move the small blades, shifting even smaller bugs away from him. It was relaxing to take naps in the fading summer sun and he was feeling particularly relaxed that day. Although he had never been the heavy sleeper so when he heard something not too far away the male jolted awake with a jagged snore that almost choked him. Coughing he made a face before he swallowed thickly and lifted a paw to rub at his face. Sleepy gaze shifted around before he noticed the figure of a small cat. hey, this guy looked like Tena. He shook himself, grey skin pulling tight for a moment before he pushed himself to his paws and made his way over to where the other was currently waiting. "Hey there, welcome tae Sunhaven. Can I help ya, lad?"

Re: hey brother — joiner - Tena M. - 09-12-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Tena had come to understand that when she ran away, her brother had soon followed.  Not directly after.  It took time.  A lot of time.  And for some time, they had been reunited.  For some time.  Consequently, the smaller sand cat had not expected to spot one on the border, a place she'd been sitting beside Lavi Solo not too long ago, who looked so like her it was hard to deny the shared blood running through their veins.  Tena had to blink a few times, surprise lifting her features before she quickly bolted after Monroe.  Her paws had to skid and slide to a stop, least she barrel directly into her older sibling.

"Upanda.  Ebra." Sharply, her happy grin turned mischievous. "Took you long enough to catch up."  Tena wondered how on earth he managed to track her down in the end, but it would not be the first time.  He always found her.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: hey brother — joiner - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-12-2018

Gordon couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness go through her as she came up to join Monroe and Tena by the border. If she were to guess by Tena's words (and this joiner's species), they were siblings - or at least related in some way. Gordon had a brother, one she had a bond with, but unfortunately he had disappeared whenever she joined The Ascendants. She missed him dearly, but she knew that he'd reach out to her whenever he was ready.

"H-hello," Gordon squeaked out, feeling a bit awkward as she stood next to Monroe, trying to press her small body next to the much larger shark-cat.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: hey brother — joiner - Ebra M. - 09-12-2018

[div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:georgia;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"][align=right]Singing in the dead of night
I can honestly say I've never seen- Yes he's... A cat-shark... Don't get distracted. Of course, the sand cat had barely opened their mouth, after dipping their head politely, when another figure appeared beyond.  The desire for pleasentries and politeness was thrown out the window.  The spitfire they had spent moons taking care of, moons fretting over, then moons chasing after.

With half-backed irritation, the Demdji's ear flicked, their brow raising sharply to their sister's remark.  Ebra pretended not to hear Anubis' disapproval. "Like you make it easy," they grumbled, rolling their eyes.  At least she had a smile on her face.

Sheepishly, they returned their attention sharply on the other - or others, now, as another arrived - present.  "Sorry. My name is Ebra Moonspinner." They offered a warm smile, dipping their head once more.  "I am Tena's older brother.  I've been looking for her." Now they had found her.  Their tail flicked to-and-fro.  Okay.  "May I inquire the details about this place?  I would like to stay for a while if I can." Or perhaps for the long-term.  If it was Tena's wish.  She was old enough to want independence from her older brother, but it was nice to live close by.  They could use a place to call home.  It had been a while since they had stayed in one place.

It would be a welcome change.

Re: hey brother — joiner - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-13-2018

Gordon blinked in surprise at Ebra's question. "Th-this is Sunhaven," She responded. "Um... wh-what do you want to know about it specifically?" She asked, shuffling her paws a bit. Was it bad she couldn't describe the place she lived in, especially considering she was a high position? Honestly, she wasn't sure but she still felt ashamed. "Um... I-I mean, we're a merchant-based group. Like we-we, um... sell things."
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: hey brother — joiner - rhosmari - 09-13-2018

Tena's older brother? Well that was something and he allowed a smile to pull at the corners of his mouth. But it soon slipped off a bit when he started to think of his own family. What had happened to his brothers and his sister? He lowered his head for a moment as he debated over it before he shook his head a little and focused more on the one that wanted to join here. Ebra was it and he settled himself before he glanced over to Gordon. Well, she was on point with that and he decided to add on to it. "Like she said, we are a merchant and social type of group. We ain't passive and we ain't necessarily warbound either. But we do have guilds for art, warfare, and medicine. Ya want tae join more than one then ya sure can. But we definitely welcome ya tae Sunhaven. Name's Monroe and I lead the place as of currently."