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BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - Printable Version

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BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - Character Graveyard. - 09-10-2018

Kirishima had been patrolling the Typhoon's territory for most of the day- wandering around in his own boredom and a rather tired expression on his facial features. He had finally stopped to take a break on the beach, when a NPC approached him, a angry look in their eyes. What he had done to anger them so badly, he wasn't sure of- so he would flinch away from the NPC's harsh glance.

"'Ey, you close to that Bakugou kid?" The NPC said, their voice rough and sarcastic-sounding. "I can tell ya like him, but you don't want anybody knowing. That's what a coward does. Hiding a secret from everybody else." Flattening his ears, Kirishima would bare his teeth in his own anger and fear of his crush being revealed. "I haven't told him yet, because I'm not ready."

"Then I'll do it for ya, since you're too much of a coward to do it." The NPC remarked dangerously, taking a step towards the Striker and holding themselves up to appear even more taller then the young male, causing Kiri to take a couple of steps backward.
tags :: updated 9/07:

Re: BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - Grey - 09-10-2018

He thought he and fatigue were well acquainted, or at least the male had thought he had experienced the worse when he first learnt to blacksmith. He remembers the feeling of aching muscles, the soreness that cramped every fiber in his body. It stretches along his joints, pulls along the base of his neck towards his tired shoulders. Then was the residue, the morning after the tiresome trade. It took so much effort not to let his knees wobble when he walked, and it stung like the bitch if he so dared to flinch. His own strides became a more conscious effort. He became aware of the way energy passed down his forearm and femur, sparking towards his lower limbs before rolling off the heel of his paws. He could feel the ball of weight distributing, moving based on his centre of gravity before the toes of his paws finally unleashed, launching the energy against the air. The worst aftereffects sat about his neck. He couldn't so much as lift his head properly and the angle his face was left in due to his lowered gaze always looked much grumpier than usual, it gave him an uglier scowl should he show the slightest distaste for anything.

This time, however, he felt a different restlessness. Bakugou felt he had no time to think of how he was feeling, to recognise the simmer or bubble of his heart. What he does notice about his heart was how it felt as if it wished to be in different places, his organs couldn't seem to keep still. They kept reverberating against different planes of reality, unable to hold their shape, dimension or purpose. If he were to describe the insufferable pain, then he could say that every cell of his body was trying to rip themselves away from each other like two powerful but similarly charged magnets. His own organs were repulsed for what they were and his heart didn't wish to be a heart but anything else. At times it wanted to be his stomach, other times his lungs and his liver. It refused to beat the way it normally did and sometimes, when Bakugou tried to relax, he realised the faintest of thumps along his chest as if his heart were refusing to beat. Even worse was that some days he was convinced he couldn't even hear it. But still, Bakugou tries to reassure himself, he hasn't been in the right head space either. After stealing some painkillers, too embarrassed to have asked otherwise, the remnant of the pain existed in his mind.

He remembers the pain but his body felt numb, unable to feel because he was always recklessly overdosing on them. And now he can't feel the energy or the aches of his muscle. He only tries to remember the movement of energy but he is guessing, sometimes over-judging where his gravity lied, or where his weight was about to launch. It took more manual and conscious thought to remember walking in a way that he didn't feel a strange, unsettling appreciation for anatomy. It at least stopped the uncomfortable tremors which echoed along his body's chasms, rattling him every time he was having an attack. Bakugou breathes softly, a quick breath when he recognises a flash of red pass by. It was likely Kirishima patrolling and he wonders how his friend is. Usually when he remembers the male's injuries, the ragdoll would feel an immense amount of guilt and shame for never being there. It made him angry to know that there were creatures out there who wished to injure the feline because if anyone had thugs after them, it should have been Bakugou and his bad personality. The reaver swallows uncomfortably. Maybe they were attacking Kirishima because of him, maybe it was still his fault.

The ragdoll, unaware of his own body's mind, realises he's begun walking to follow the scent of the striker. Like. It’s difficult to ignore the sound of a voice after it’s mentioned your name, especially difficult when the subject at hand was Bakugou himself. The ragdoll’s stance stiffened, steps morphing into something rigid as he approached. The noises were getting louder. Hide. He could never imagine his own friend to hide something against him, but he’s never felt the need to interrogate Kirishima. He trusts him as a comrade, as a friend. He knows the male well enough that he knows that if Kirishima had anything to tell him, the feline would tell him soon enough. Coward. Bakugou becomes suddenly aware that his body has stopped moving, staring directly at the striker’s angry and defensive stance towards the unnamed crewmate. The ragdoll, choosing not to fixate his mind upon this topic he knows he shouldn’t have stumbled across, growls as well. His lips curl, a rumble escaping his maw as smoke dissipates like the ashes of a dead fire. ”Oi, fuck off before I make you,” the reaver hisses, his tail burning with sanguine flames the colour of his eyes. He hates it when his friend has to deal with nuisances, hates it even more when it seems like Kirishima has to fight on his own.

[ ooc ] rushed because at school </3

Re: BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - OWEN. - 09-12-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
Owen was rather impressed with these kids, to be honest. They could surely pick fights and it seemed like the Bakugou kid could fight them. Could the canine not fight, or something? Well, it didn't really bother him. He could fight, but he usually didn't have to when his girls were around. They loved the fight, and the meat from whatever could feed them for a little bit.

But this, god, Owen hated bullying. With a deep, hateful passion. He wished he could choke that guy to death for picking on that kid- what was his name again- Kirishima? Well, it didn't matter.

Owen's footsteps grew closer as the german shepherd made his way over to the scene, using his own height to size up the NPC himself. He wasn't standing directly in front of the guy, he just wanted to loom over the smaller kids. It was fun to loom over people.

The shepherd reached back into his hip sheath, pulling the knife from the satch with a flick of his paw. "Hey, kid, you like roasted critters? I could flay him, if you need?" He spoke up from behind Kirishima and Bakugou, a cocky grin on his face as he turned his gaze over to the NPC, golden irises glaring angrily.

Re: BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - Character Graveyard. - 09-12-2018

At the sound of approaching footsteps, Kirishima and the NPC would turn in the direction where Bakugou's pawsteps came from. Kirishima would quickly pause and hold his breath, hoping that the other didn't hear his and the NPC's conversation. He let out a sigh of relief as Bakugou focused all of his anger on their unnamed crewmate and he would sit down, a somewhat panicked look in his crimson-colored eyes. He pushes the small amount of regret starting to bubble up in his stomach. God, why couldn't he just tell him? It wasn't fair that it was so damn hard to confess how he felt, though there was also the fear of being rejected.

Then he would feel more relief as Owen arrived on the scene, causing the NPC to scoff and they would glare at the two males who had defended Kirishima. They would stare in the reaver's direction and they spoke. "Someone in this group happens to like you more then a friend. You'll have to figure who it is on your own." As Kirishima would focus his attention on the Shepard, the NPC would leave the scene silently.

"No, it's fine. They're leaving already, so I don't think they'll bother me again." He attempted to reassure Owen.
tags :: updated 9/07:

Re: BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - - DELTA - - 09-13-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Delta didn't really care much for bullying. It was a foreign concept to the utahraptor, and it was clear she simply did not understand what was going on as she made her way over, coming to a stop slightly behind Owen, letting out a curious purr.

She had taken to following Owen since her return here, having become the new beta for the pack, and her sickle claws tapped the ground as she watched the NPC leave, even though they were wise enough to keep a good distance, before settling her yellow optics on Owen. 'Prey? Food?' She babbled, looking to Bakugou and Kirishima. Of course, to her, they weren't clanmates or a part of the pack, they were simply sources of food, and the very most, food givers. Delta could never call anybody as low on the food chain such as them a member of the pack.

The pale green utahraptor chose to test Owen's resolve at this point in time, seeing his dislike for the NPC, and as soon as he passed too near, let out a loud screech at him, snapping her jaws in front of his face, before looking on with something that could best be described as satisfaction, natural instincts screaming to give chase as she watched the NPC trip, before scrambling away.
© madi

Re: BOOMBAYAH / ooc prompt - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"Oh, look. Delta's here." Owen snickered as the massive utahraptor made her way over, screeching at the NPC which had walked away with a snarky remark. While Kirishima seemed to be iffy about starting a fight over this, Owen didn't really care. The NPC held no important rank from what he saw, and besides.. He figured he could let Delta chase the guy.

"How fast do you think the guy can run?" Owen asked with a smug look of amusement, his paw clenching closed to signal Delta to wait. "You think if I give 'em a head start, he'll make it out alive?" He asked Bokugou and Kirishima, his ear twitching.

Then, as the NPC had actually gotten a bit further away, Owen leaned his head forward, ears angling to point towards the retreating bully. "Wait and Watch." Owen ordered in a babbled command, his jaws snapping shut with a loud *snap!*