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IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - Printable Version

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IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - REBECCA MACK - 09-09-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
So the Ascendants really wasn't the place for her. Sure, they were nice and all to have let her stayed for a little while, but Bex wasn't one to stay in a single place for too long. Not unless that place fit her perfectly enough to call home. After hearing about there being other groups of animals living close by, the border collie was off on her own once again, heading who knows where. She didn't even know where to go, but just hoped that she'd be able to find her way to one of the other group's territory. Fortunately, she had done enough traveling in her lifetime to know how to navigate her way around. At least that was something that she was capable of doing right.

It had been a while since she had set off on her little journey, yet time seemed to fly. Bex was shocked to have found herself entering a mountainous region, which differed quite a lot from the plains that the Ascendants had dwelled. In fact, it was actually the exact opposite. She had not expected the scenery to change so quickly, but at the same time she didn't mind. The mountains around her reminded her of the one place she was ever able to call home.

Not much more time had passed before Bex had ended upon a beach, stopping as she noticed that this appeared to be a border. She remembered how upset some had been at her before for crossing over a border before, even though it was accidental. To be fair, she really didn't understand what she had been doing. Now, it was tempting to cross the border on purpose, just for the sake of crossing the border. It sounded like fun; however, the canine refrained herself from doing so, and instead sat down in hopes of someone greeting her soon.

Bex was almost certain that a group had to live here, or at least, she hoped that one did. This place seemed really cool! Between the slight breeze that swept across the mountains and the squishy feeling of the sand between her paws, she was quickly beginning to take a liking to the land. Now, all she had to hope for was for a decent group to live here, and if one did, that they would let her join. Of course she didn't want to get her hopes up, but was that too much to wish for?

Re: IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - rhosmari - 09-09-2018

He had been floating just beneath the waves of the ocean, allowing the current to push and pull him to wherever they may want to take him. But luckily today the waters were calm. His gaze was wide open and point up toward the sky as he allowed himself to relax. Despite having his wounds he was healing up well and now that he could go back into the water he felt like a new guy. Well, a better guy anyway plus he was doing his best for Sunhaven. Slipping up from the waters the mutant would step back on solid ground, shaking his body to flick water off of sleek scarred grey skin. His jaws parted in a yawn before he allowed his gaze to wander off for a moment, that was until he noticed a border collie. Blinking once he focused on her for a moment before he slowly walked forward, tilting his head a bit. "Can I help ya?" He asked with a lighter tone as he settled down and curled his thick finned tail against his body. Whoever he was she did come rather far but they were getting more and more visitors by the day. It was impressive really and he was rather happy for the new blood that was coming in and growing Sunhaven. After all this was his home, all of their home and he was sure they would want to see it flourish just as much as he did. "I'm Monroe by the way."

Re: IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - REBECCA MACK - 09-10-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex watched as the mutant feline emerged from the water, and at first she couldn't help but feel shocked, having not seen an animal like him before. He was a cat, but also appeared to resemble a shark. A cat shark? Ah, never mind that. The important thing was that he was now greeting her, and seemed to be part of whatever group lived here, so her plan to join a new group was playing out perfectly. "Yeah, I'm Bex," the collie replied, offering him a smile. "A group lives here, right? I'd like to join it." She was almost certain that one did, given that she had begun to catch a whiff of the scents of various others coming from not too far away. She wasn't entirely sure what this group was like though, but she was being greeted much more calmly this time around than she had been when she stumbled upon the Ascendants, so surely they had to be decent... or maybe that was only because she had decided to respect the rules for a change.

Re: IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 09-10-2018

Gordon kind of missed The Ascendants, if she was honest, but she quite liked Sunhaven much more, mostly due to how lax they were. They weren't as busy and bustling as The Ascendants and it honestly helped keep her nerves at ease. "Yeah, this is Sunhaven!" Gordon chirped as she came to stand next to Monroe. "My-my name is Gordon Cipher and I'm a Dawnguard here. W-welcome!"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - buckingham barnes - 09-11-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham certainly preferred Sunhaven over his old, war torn, violent home. People don't really know about Buckingham's past, probably considering why so many of them didn't believe Bucky would ever lay his claws on another. Only if they knew what he used to be like, and then maybe then they wouldn't strongly believe his innocence. He's hardly an innocent man, but at least he's trying to be better this time around. Shoving that thought to the side, the maine coon was the next one to pad into the scene. He arrived shortly after Gordon, padding along on paws light as feathers. He barely heard the sand crunch below his paws, as his gaze landed on the border collie. "Welcome to Sunhaven, Bex," The former assassin meowed, his tail swishing behind him, "I'm Buckingham Barnes, feel free to call me Bucky."

Re: IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - REBECCA MACK - 09-12-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
The collie felt her ears perk up as two others approached her, welcoming her into the group which they referred to as Sunhaven. Everyone here seemed really chill, and Bex couldn't be more thrilled about it. These were her kind of people. "Thank you - it's nice to meet you both!" She exclaimed in response to their greetings, wagging her tail merrily. Well, now she had a place to stay. That was a start, she supposed. "So, I take it that Sunhaven lives in that town over there?" She assumed, her curious gaze pinned towards the village of houses floating upon the water. Quite honestly, she loved the idea of living in a little town than many of the previous places that she had stayed at before. The floating town looked really cozy, and she began to feel more and more excited to settle in.

Re: IN THE MIDDLE // o; joining - PIERCE - 09-14-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
"That's right!" spoke Pierce as he approached, a kind smile adorning handsome features. It had been a while since Pierce had attended a proper joining - he'd been a bit distant lately - but he was trying to get back into things, so the moment he spotted the small group and, more importantly, the unfamiliar form of Bex, he had approached. "We could head on over and do a little tour or something, if you want," he went on, tail waving a bit behind him. He was always pretty enthusiastic when it came to joiners- they were the future of Sunhaven, the way he saw it, and also possible friends, so he was always glad to welcome them wholeheartedly into the clan, as long as they weren't assholes. "I'm Pierce, by the way. It's nice to meet you!"  His name was always something he seemed to forget at joinings, usually too distracted by everything else to really think of it.
