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PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - Printable Version

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PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - NUI HARIME - 09-09-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

it was warm up here.

that was the first thing nui noted upon stepping into the humid stretch of mountains that made up sunhaven's territory. the heat of the sunlight that danced amongst the trees was strong enough to be comforting. weak enough to not be uncomfortable. it had been so long since she'd seen any place other than snowbound. all unforgiving snow and frigid winds. sunhaven was stark in contrast to her own home, if the name was any indication. how odd that she had begun to think of snowbound of home. a petite muzzle stretched in to confused disdain, quickly dismissing the thought of sentimentality. no good was that. for the gal, to even think such a thought was blasphemous. her stomach started to churn. nui hoped she wasn't going soft in the head.

and yet she had found herself settling so comfortably in the snow-dwelling clan.

the gal allowed herself to push away thoughts of powdery alabaster and rolling ivory mountains. mountains. this was the one thing sunhaven had in common with snowbound's territory. tiny nostrils flexed, inhaling the warm air (and scenting for the border in turn) as coral paw pads pressed against warm soil of earthy hue. she found the scenery to be a nice change in pace. not only were the trees pleasantly and vibrantly green (no eyesore for her eyes), the plant live was vivid and enticing. she paused to sniff a clump of blue bonnets, and her pink little snout quivered pleasantly at the heavenly scent. such drastic changes in air and aroma resulted in the lady shivering her nose with delight.

but alas. she was here on business.

it took a while to scent out the scent out the border markers. but when the moment she came across it, nui's body halted. eyes glinting curiously, briefly allowing her mind to ponder about the whereabouts of their camp. she was not familiar with their land. she'd have to get used to it soon.

"helloooo!" the herbivore's pitched chirp wound through the air, laced with gusto and no small amount of energy in typical harime-fashion. a single-eyed gaze fixated onto the surroundings before her. listening. watching. scenting for any possible arrival. "i am nui harime from snowbound, and i'm here to let you know atbash's decision on the trial alliance. is there anyone of notice i'd be able to talk to?"



Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - buckingham barnes - 09-09-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
In the month of living in Sunhaven, Buckingham hasn't traveled to other groups. He certainly planned on it if any ambassadorship spots opened up. He knew that he'll probably going to visit the Ascendants soon, but that was one thing he wasn't looking forward to. Long story short, Bucky got accused of murder, almost got murdered himself, and now wants to prove to their ally that they got the wrong guy. He probably shouldn't be the ambassador to the Ascendants if they're still allies at the end of all of this. That would be a mess. Maybe he could be an ambassador to Snowbound.

Bucky heard of what the Pitt did to Snowbound. Buckingham hated to think of this, but the Pitt reminded him of his former, violent home. They were just as ruthless as the Pitt, killed, captured, and tortured without a thought. Bucky couldn't recall a time they took over another group while he was there, but he knew it must have happened before. The Pitt even caused major harm to Monroe when the mutant went to visit Snowbound. Bucky couldn't help it but feel relieved that he decided to join Sunhaven over them, he didn't want to be associated with individuals like that anymore.

Buckingham was padding towards the mountains when his tufted ears pricked up. Bucky, being a former, highly trained assassin, was quite alert whenever he makes his way through the territory. When he was an asset for his former handler, he was expected to listen to his surroundings at all times. If someone sneaked behind him, or if his handler wanted him to eavesdrop on 'suspicious' clanmates- he had to be alert. Which was why Buckingham eventually developed enhanced senses- which is quite the advantage now. Bucky heard Nui's voice, picking it up far sooner than others would, his blue gaze looking in the direction of her voice. Nui Harme from Snowbound? Assuming that their potential ally is walking out and about, Bucky assumed that the Pitt no longer has control over them. With a flick of his ear, the former assassin began to make his way up the mountain to approach Nui.

Buckingham was the first one to arrive to the scene, padding in one paws that seemed light as feathers. His gaze scanned his surroundings as he made his way over, not spotting any feline or canine waiting. Instead, as his eyes got closer to the ground, Bucky noticed a bunny waiting. A bunny with the scent of Snowbound fresh in her coat. Buckingham blinked slightly in surprise, this was the first time he's seen a bunny not as a piece of prey.

"Monroe will be here shortly," Bucky meowed with a swish of his bushy tail, knowing that Monroe was making plans to visit Snowbound soon about the alliance. Monroe probably won't have to travel out there now if the decision Nui is going to announce is positive. "I'm Buckingham Barnes by the way, it's nice to meet you, Nui."

Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - rhosmari - 09-09-2018

When he had first heard of the takeover from some escaping Snowbounder he had wanted to help them. But Sunhaven's strange trading pact with them had prevented him from getting through to the others that they needed to help a group that was supposed to become an ally of their's. It didn't make sense to him to allow for them to suffer at the paws of another group who fancied themselves slavers and killers. All to satisfy their own disgusting and disturbing desires. He was a bit unnerved at the situation as a whole and didn't think it was right to sit there and allow for something like this to happen. Even now he felt bad for not being able to do what he could have and even still he had tried. But one alone couldn't do but so much as he went over on his ambassador duties to see them. It had ended up very poorly for him and even now he was licking his wounds from the encounter with Stryker. He doubted many of the Snowbounders would remember when he was abducted on their lands by the very creature that had oppressed them for so long. His muzzle twitched lightly, the delicate smells gliding through a nice breeze that had decided to blow his way.

Right now his body was sore but that was only natural after what he had been through. But he was mostly healed up. His body just needed to take time and he was doing that. There were thick scabs over much of his body and but the cracks in his lips were gone and he was thankful for that as it made talking easier. His ears pulled forward as he followed the smell of Buckingham, eyes shifting over the lay of the mountains as he slipped along soft hills and craggy rocks covered in moss. When he arrived on the scene to see a rabbit talking to the main coon he was a bit surprised. Though at times there were prey animals that gained their own reasoning but that didn't seem to happen alot. Yet he was intrigued and with the news that she was a Snowbounder reaching his form he allowed an easy going smile to flick across his muzzle. "Ay, I'm here. Welcome tae Sunhaven and a pleasure tae meet ya. What's the news on our trial if ya would be so kind in tellin."

Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - NUI HARIME - 09-09-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

their arrival was pleasantly swift. nui could smell the sent of sunhaven approaching beyond the border, and ears twitched this way and that. stood to attention, and snout wrinkling with honed senses.

a maine coon. a feline; a predator. what she once used to be. the irony was not lost on her, the tables turned. though she doubted a civilized animal would suddenly lash out at the prospect of a food item, the knowledge of what she had became was glaringly apparent to her now.

the icestriker drew idle circles into the soil with an ivory claw as she listened to the assassin. though she was no longer a creature borne on flesh and blood of other, weaker organisms, the talons betwixt her paws were no less fierce or sharp. it was to her extreme pleasure that she had discovered that bunnies could be territorial and fierce in their own right, and equipped to be a force to be reckoned with, at least to those within their caliber. she had the comfort of knowing that her new form was, in no way, defenseless. who knew that such seemingly cute creatures had the potential to be brutal? she herself, had hunted them countless times before and failed to acknowledge this fact.

"good evening buckingham. a pleasure to meet you," buckingham. an elegant name. one that she found herself liking with no difficulty. she fixed a signature innocent gaze to his form, before her eye swept curiously to the metallic leg fixated to the stub of his amputated limb. his most prominent feature. the metal gleamed in the glare of the sun, effectively making itself known. it wasn't as if nui hadn't seen prosthetics before, yet the substitute arm did not fail to capture her attention.

monroe, thankfully arrived quick. a pelt of soft wheat-hue rippled with the movement of her head as she turned to glance upon the hybrid. her eye quickly flickered to the aproacher-- another feline, before she allowed a smile to easily slip upon her face in response to his.

"hello! am i right in assuming that you are the leader?" she leaned forward slightly, pressing both of her paws against the warm earth. she had not seen much of sunhaven; only had words to base her impressions upon them. was not entirely aware of monroe's rise to power. but information was power, and her ignorance of snowbound's allies would change soon.
"i'm here to inform gladly you that miss atbash would like for the sunhaven trial alliance to become official, and onto more good news, as i'm sure you may be aware of given my presence... but the pitt has been successfully evicted completely from snowbound. i offer my apologies to those of your members who may have been harmed when they arrived upon our borders. if i recall, an ambassador came around. have they returned safely?"
unbeknownst to her, the specific victim of the said visit was standing before her. after all, she had only heard of the former sunhaven ambassador being attacked and subdued by stryker of the pitt, and nothing more. she had never received a name or a face. only a clan to put the mystery animal to, added to the fact that she hadn't been bodily present for the whole ordeal.


Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - rhosmari - 09-09-2018

This was the news that he wanted to hear. It made everything he had been through just a bit better and it also stopped him from making another trip. Snowbound was going to be an ally of their's and that was a good thing. Even better news was the fact that they had gotten the Pitt out of their hair. He was pleased about that and he knew that they would have been able to do it. He still regretted not being able to send aid when they actually needed it most and had tried his best but that was in the past. What mattered now was what they could do with the future that was given to them. Flicking his finned tail he would try to relax, that was until the ambassador who was captured and taken was mention. His face fell briefly but only just before he fixed his composure and attempted to pass it off as a mere thought that had invaded his mind. Not because of what she had said to him. "Yes, I'm the leader and this is good news tae hear. I hope we can work closely taegather and have many events tae come. As for the ambassador who was taken, yes I'm fine now." He wouldn't talk about what had happened to him as he had blocked out much of it but he would let her know now that everything was okay. "Will ya be sending over an ambassador of ya own?"

Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - Mama - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It was not her place to meddle within affairs where it came to the inner workings of the group as a whole, she had made such apparent when she had allowed herself to follow impulsive thought, abandoning her duties when a time her presence proved needed had risen. There had been no cowardice behind the act, merely weak minded action performed without given chance to be thought over, taken when she had sought an escape, seeing herself as nothing more than a weight offering nothing. And so it proved strange to find herself here once more, walking where beach and soil came together in a rocky marriage, comfortable for this had become a home to her and yet unsure, once more seeking an escape she was terrified she would take if given the chance again.

Faint strings of conversation arose, torn apart by the wind but enough she latched onto it, maroon toned gaze lifting, seeking the source. Some distance away and some bit further into the land the trio was present, speaking in tones which proved happier than she might expect of them with all that had come to pass. Her own approach was somewhat slow, gaze moving over Monroe as she made note of his state, once more feeling guilt, a heavy, cloying thing tearing into the lining of her stomach, before it moved towards the bunny.

This was unexpected, to say the least of it. For a time Ishayu merely looked upon Nui, unsure on whether she should say anything, or at least until Monroe once more spoke. “If you wish I can take some supplies, you need to rest and the journey would not be the best in your condition.” The first portion of her words was directed to both, shown as her eyes moved over first Nui and then Monroe, yet lingered upon him as she continued. Though it was meant as a way to offer assistance to them, she had done the same with the Ascendants when the news of their release had reached them, and hopefully replace some of the stock sure to be depleted after things she more wanted to get away from a time, some part of her curious as to where Snowbound resided.

Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - NUI HARIME - 09-10-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

it took only a mere moment for this revelation to dawn upon nui.

"oh! you're the..." and then a high voice drifted off, lost in thought. yet she could not ponder long. she was here upon official business.
"in any case, yes, the snowbound will send over an ambassador soon," she confirmed with a short, sharp and decisive nod. a cerulean eye gleamed, as if remembering something crucially important.
"i forgot to mention, in celebration, snowbound will be hosting a festival. given that you are now allies, i suppose it wouldn't be inappropriate to invite you?"

there was a fourth. stalking forward, and spoke with polite professionalism. the maroon gaze was met with an equally curious look, lip puckered slightly in thought before nui spoke.
"you're absolutely right. that would be appreciated, if it isn't too much trouble."


Re: PLAYDOUGH | alliance business - rhosmari - 09-11-2018

His nose twitched a little when he heard Mama's words and he allowed himself to shift a little. Well, taking a journey to Snowbound would be a little taxing on his already waning strength so maybe he should take a backseat to this. He allowed a heavy sigh to leave his throat before he looked over to the older woman and he gave a light nod to her. He trusted Mama after all to get the job done and Snowbound would be appreciative of the supplies to get themselves back on their feet. After all they had been harassed for so long by the Pitt and probably starved as well. Flicking his thick finned tail he would allow for himself to be resigned to his fact at staying home for a little while. "If it ain't too much trouble I'd like ya to go to Snowbound, Mama, and give them some supplies that they will need tae get back on their toes. Thank ya for the invite as well little missy. I'll be sure tae make a personal announcement in the next up coming meeting. Thank ya for the visit as well we do much appreciate it." He was happy that she had come after all and given them such positive news about Snowbound. After all he had been hoping that the alliance would fall through in the end and he felt better knowing they had another ally.