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ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - Printable Version

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ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - trojan g. - 09-08-2018

[[ this is a continuation of this thread here. At the point of writing this out, that thread is unfinished, but the result will be the same ]]

There had been a point in time, when Roman was young, that he thought that he would never be able to properly live or walk again. He had been a kitten then, going by the name of Tunnelkit, and he had stepped in a bear trap. His clanmates got him out of the trap, and his mentor - Aster - had made it so that he didn't have an infection in his leg, not right away at least. By the time the wounds that had been caused by the bear trap healed up on the outside, and infection had already settled on the inside, and his leg, twisted and broken, never healed, soon causing him to have a fever and almost die. It wasn't until his leg was taken from him that he had started to feel better physically, but it hadn't done much for his mental well-being.

Afterwards, he became broody, changing his name when he became a 'paw' to Romanpaw, and eventually he got a new body. Things were fine, he could walk around. Though his leg got horribly burned when he had caught on fire in prison, and it became hard to walk once more. It seemed as though Roman was cursed with his leg, but since moving to the Ascendants things had been getting better. That was, until today, when he had met Leroy - or, Otto, as he had called himself - out on the border. Someone he stilled assumed to be a loner, though his intentions varied greatly in Roman's mind, and for that he could not say.

There had been a fight on the border between the two, and, eventually, Roman lost, his battle skills although high in prowess very rusty as he hadn't need use them in so long, causing him, once again, to lose his leg. Leroy had taken it from the shiba male, for what purpose Roman did not understand, but it was gone nonetheless.

In a rush, Roman had gathered things around him, placing it onto his leg in an attempt to stop the bleeding, using knowledge that he knew from his own amputation in the past - a thing that he had tried teaching here once before, though he never actually stated how he knew this information, simply tried to teach - but the things placed on the large wound did not help to stop it fully, only caused build up before it began once more. Eventually, Roman started his trek back to the Observatory, making it about half way before collapsing, woozy from the loss of blood. He'd call out for help, a weak attempt at trying to save himself before the world around him went dark.

[[ tldr; Roman lost his back left leg, and it's bleeding and he needs medical treatment! It's not a super clean cut, but it's fairly clean. Roman is currently passed out in Ascendants territory, and powerplay for medical treatment is given permission.
[member=598]imperia[/member] [member=1549]moonmade[/member] [member=1538]leroy[/member] ]]

Re: ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - imperia - 09-10-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Yes, Imperia is familiar with pain. But not the sort that Romanempire seems cursed to endure. Hers is the kind that is not so obvious to see. Her father was loving...once. She never experienced that Pierre--all she knew were his unpredictable bouts of rage wherein he would take out all his pent up emotions upon Imperia and her sickly mother, Marguerite. Sometimes he would just yell, other times she was not allowed to eat. There were worse instances of his erratic behavior, but none she enjoys dwelling upon. There are many reasons why her voice is so soft and she yearns to make people happy instead of bring them down. A person's experiences shape them, just like Peri and Roman.

The aforementioned male is incredibly lucky that Imperia happens to be out and about instead of taking stock of the herbs back at the cleric's hide. She decided last minute that she should check the inventories of many of the first aid stations she set up in intervals around the border. Which then put her in the right place at the right time to watch a distant figure stagger painfully through the plains, only to collapse moments later. The girl moves without thinking, her body acting of it's own accord as she snatches up the nearby medical supplies and stores them in her satchel before racing over to care for Romanempire's wounds. "Roman? Can you hear me?" questions the sweet creature in a frantic voice, desperately trying to lure the male back to consciousness.

As she does this, Imperia already gets to work on stopping the bleeding. Cleaning the wound, applying pressure, putting on a bit of a poultice she keeps in a jar for instances such as this one. "Can someone hear me?" she shouts, trying to get the attention of any nearby creatures. "I am going to need some help getting him back to the cleric's hide!" Peri prays that someone, anyone can hear her. She can clean and dress the wound for now, maybe even stop the bleeding completely, but he is going to need stitches and a place to rest. And she can do none of that all the way out here.

Re: ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - trojan g. - 09-11-2018

There was so much that Roman had lived through, so much that he had wished that he had died in but had survived, and usually it was good. He had been through heartbreak and he had been through the pain that he was going through now, though in the past he had been alone to deal with his pain, had made it so that he didn't have connections so that others wouldn't have to see him hurting - it only made him hurt worse.

Though now he had friends, had people around him who cared - or, at least, seemed to - and he would be glad for that at a later date, when he was better mentally from his loss of a leg once more, once he was able to see that, for the most part, others didn't get more hurt when they saw him so, they simply cared and wanted him to feel better.

It wasn't her voice that caused Roman to drift back into consciousness, but rather the work that Imperia was doing. As she worked to stop the bleeding in his leg, Roman felt a twinge of pain, and he'd wince, trying to kick her away with the leg that was now missing, only failing. He didn't want more pain. Eyes would open and Roman would look around, the ground under his head hard and cold, while down at his leg he saw that he was, in fact, missing his leg. It wasn't all just a nightmare, it had actually happened. He had been attacked at the border in a place that he had deemed safe, though at his age Roman should know better than to think a clan was perfectly safe. "Is it bad?" He would speak out, eyes watering slightly at the thought of potentially having to lose even more of his leg if it was infected. He hoped that he had done the best he'd been able to do to keep the infection out, but he didn't know how long he had been out before being found.

[[ it's not infected btw lol ]]

Re: ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - ONISION. - 09-11-2018




♦ -
Someone's calling for help? Onision's ear twitched as he heard the familiar sound of Imperia's voice yell out, and he immediately went into drive mode. Bones shifted, cracking, skin moving to the side as he shifted into Aloysius, the dark brown wolf hulking in size compared to the small chocolate feline. "Doth thee wanteth me to picketh that gent up?" Aloysius scoffed out, sending a glare towards the male. This was the first time the male was allowed out willingly, Oni surrendering but still having control over the conscious mind of the greek God which inhabited his blood. His tongue was rough, foreign, obviously behind the times as he had spoken in such a strange dialect.

"Stayeth still, peat." He told Roman, adjusting himself to pull the male onto his back, mindful of the injuries he had. While Aloysius was a handful when his temper rose, he still did have a heart. People rarely saw it, as Oni didn't allow him out for long, but he at least wanted to make himself useful.

"Showeth me the way."
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - trojan g. - 09-20-2018

Roman thought that he was seeing things when Oni came by, letting the wolf inside him out and it being helpful, but it seemed as though he wasn't imagining it when he was suddenly picked up by the creature who spoke in an odd yet old and slightly familiar pattern. It was similar to the way his father had spoken long ago, before he had learned how people spoke in the current century, a time when Roman was far too young to know what was being said fully, to pick up the language, but it also seemed older than that. There was something familiar about it all but he couldn't quite place it, and Roman wasn't sure whether or not he liked it. It seemed wrong being carried by this other canine, though he couldn't really fight it.

Ears pinned to his head as Roman heard the wolf ask for the way to go, and he would mumble something about a direction, head moving slightly to look towards what he thought was the Observatory.

Re: ALL YOU SINNERS STAND UP;; open- injury - BUBONICPLAGUE - 09-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]pain was an old friend to the centuries old demon. a familiar thing, a sting in his muscles, not quite acknowledged but ever present. the pain of losing limbs, pieces of yourself torn away, he could sympathize with this man he had never once met; though in his cold, black heart, the demon couldn't find it in himself to actually care. not really. the strong would win and the weak would lose, and this romanempire, he was the latter, blood oozing from flesh torn away and consciousness fading.

the dire wolf approached more out of curiosity than anything, lingering at the side as to not get in the way of imperia. though a voice grating on his ears, speaking shitty old english elicited a snort from bubonicplague, lip curling at the wolf pulling the injured onto his back. "the fuck are you trying to say?" the demon scoffed out. he rolled his broad shoulders and let out a mutter about kids these days trying to be poetic, adding 'eth' to every other word or speaking broken latin. it was more than annoying, especially to a beast older than time, that had been around for the creation of such lovely languages, as well as the eventual death of them.

sightless eyes turned down to the present healer. "is there anything you need?" he rumbled monotonously; though he harbored no desire to assist in the healing process, he had respect for her (especially due to how she could tolerate moonmade) and thus decided he might as well offer himself. not like he had anything better to do, anyway.