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ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - Printable Version

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ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - ASYLI - 09-08-2018

Anger, angry.

HA T RE D. Angry. What was this? Destroyed, she was destroyed—it wasn't fair, she had GIFTED THEM why would they do this? How could they do this to her? Pain, there was so much of it and for so long... why did they keep hurting her? She loved them, why would they hurt her? She endured for them, built this for them and yet they could not understand that every footstep they took caused her pain beyond anything else she had ever experienced. The feeling in her chest was deepening, a void filling her lungs as she suffocated from her own creations... those who became god truly suffered at the hands of their creations. It was written in lore and she supposed she should have known. This feeling though, this—

B̴̻͓̊̅̇͊̃͠͝ Ḙ̶͗͗͆ T̵̘̮̪͐͌̀̾̄̀͠ R̴͉͂͊̓̐̕̕͠ Ả̶̡̮̟ Y̴̛̙̌̏̈́̐̓͠ Ả̸̮̬̖̑̑̄̋̈̈́͜ L̴̻͙͇͉͎͇̑͗͜

That is what it was. They had betrayed her, had brought her nothing but their complaints and then took and took, took, took, TOOK until she would have nothing left for them to take. Maybe she should let them, maybe she should let them destroy themselves but... no, NO, she couldn't. The rage that blinded her was too strong, she would not be able to let them destroy themselves; at least, not before letting herself take part in their extinction. Ripping, TEARING the flesh from her bones; skin pulling and dangling as her hatred manifested into something greater, something passionate. This would be her reckoning, they would soon know the pain that she had endured for them... the pain she would continue to endure but now, well, now they would suffer with her. From her bones they were made and it is from her flesh that they shall be dammed. She would ensure it, she would die before she allowed them to destroy her as without her they would have no place... she had birthed them, she would WATCH THEM DIE.

Then they were, they were.

Existence, it was not something they were familiar with—the sensations coursing over their body ( their b o d y ) were strange and unwelcome; it was too much all at once, too much to take in and understand. It felt wrong, they felt wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen, they weren't supposed to be and yet... here they were, standing before destruction, standing before humanity. Humanity? Humane? Lies—lies, lies, lies—were they the monster? No, not here, not before THEM. What were they? ANGER, why were they so angry? There were so many questions they had to ask, so many thoughts that ran through their mind. A mind that should not, in fact, exist. So why did it? They could feel their jaw unhinging and their tongue lolling from their mouth, this was strange but it felt right ( Wrong? They could not decide... were they supposed to know? ) no that wasn't right. No, no, no, no they weren't right; however, they were unsure if that made them an abomination. Did it?

"No, no, made of flesh—made from me."

They paused, eyes shifting to a sign hanging above the carnation—




THIRTY-TWO YEARS they had existed and not a moment truly felt real. It felt as though they were floating through " life " powered by one thought and one thought alone: retribution. For what? No, no, that was a question they had already A N S W E R E D but it was confusing, everything was so FUCKING CONFUSING disorganized and they couldn't understand why it was that way. They had purpose, that was not something they had ever questioned but it was their very being that had always had their mind adrift—lost into the void of a place they would never truly connect with. They never questioned what they were sent to do, however, they always wished to know of what they had come from; their mother, what was it? ( NO. NO THEY KNEW THIS, THEY KNEW IT, THEY KNEW IT, THEY KNEW IT, T H E Y D I D! ) Their flesh, their blood, their origin was so disconnected and far that it seemed... fantasy. Fictional.

They lived in a void, steps away from the living and yet steps from dying.

What was this place called?

Paws clawing at the dirt, ripping the stone apart as they forced themselves forward through the destruction of the green—why, why, why, why—ruination, RUINATION... every part that made this place beautiful was decimated in the footsteps of humanity. The voice had told them to come here, to find the city built upon beauty and to tear it apart brick by brick until there was nothing left but the blood of those who dared to defile it—her—like so many times before. Pressing their seed where it didn't belong, this was their purpose. They had no being if they focused hard enough, maybe that is as it should be... it had no reason to question it's purpose, had no reason to believe beyond that and while the thoughts were there, they had no place. The anger inside of them, this anger around them, it was all they needed. Right? RIGHT, RIGHT, YES.

The oil from their skin leaked over the floor, blackening the intrusion as the beast itself tore the bricks from the stairs—THEY'D TEAR EVERY SINGLE ONE FROM IT. The pyramid haunted them in the distant, taunting them and they could feel her inside of them... churning, boiling, and pounding away as it's jaw fell open and a snarl slipped out. Sand stuck to their body, molding into their being as they crept through the oasis ( beautiful, they would make it beautiful again ) towards the intrusive BASTARDS buildings settled upon it. Tongue lolling, eyes bulging, they could feel the desire to destroy slamming against them—they had to, had to, had to. She wanted them to and they wished to as well, it was their purpose. This was it.

Created from bone they were, no, no, they were of  f l e s h and the beast would destroy, would take just as they have. Flesh decayed and as did bones, yes... no? NO. They paused, maw hanging open as they twisted their body in the direction of what had sounded like voice—alone? There were feet, they could hear them in the distant... feet? Paws. Paws? Who was talking? Loud. Loud. TOO LOUD. They snarled as they lowered their body to the ground, this place had been left behind, hadn't it? They were sure, so very sure. The blood across the sand told them that whomever once roamed no longer lived and they were never wrong; who now inhabited the abomination? Who now damaged what had been given?

"Вранье, вранье, вранье—появиться."

Re: ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - EscapedReality - 09-09-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
Now Essie didn't know what he was looking at, he was seriously confused he believed the creature, let's go with creature was a breathing thing.  There was something organic and non organic about them, something sinister and wrong, and yet something that was way beyond his own understanding.  There was somethings that were meant to be left alone,  Chernobl was one of them,  the wolf pup felt his neck fur bristle in response the more he stood watching the creature.

And then the words that came out of them, they were not of a language that he understood, nor did he understand Russian, it would be high time until he mastered the Slavic language or any really that wasn't English.  "Um hello? Can you hear me?" he asked rising his voice trying to sound more adult like, but sounded like a squeaking mouse. Ah the wonder of been a child, you are stuck in a high pitched tone until age decided to change all of that.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - rushy - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"](wHOA i love the way you formatted this post tf)

Gabriel was never the most empathetic, but it didn't take empathy to know that this stranger- trespasser- was some form of upset or angry. But that's not what preoccupied Gabriel's mind. He was really searching and reaching to figure out just what this stranger was. He'd seen Blacktide, a whole ass alien, and Tsuyu, a whole ass frog hybrid thing, but this one looked entirely different.

"Do you know what it is?" the serval questioned after a long moment of standing in silence behind Essie. The fur on his neck stood up. He was thoroughly unsettled, to say the least. He was afraid it was just a pile of carnage until, oh, finally, it spoke. His brow furled in confusion. He couldn't quite understand what they were saying, though it did sound coherent like a language. "Can you understand us?" Gabriel tried.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - EscapedReality - 09-09-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
The pup shook his head the second Gabriel spoke.  Nope not a single clue, for all he knew they could be another class of hybrid or some kind of alien like Blacktide. "I don't think I wanna know what it is." the pup murmured softly already giving into his complete fear of whatever Chernobyl was.

Re: ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - Luciferr - 09-10-2018

J A I N U S . S.
Jainus eyed the thing wearily with his one good eye - being the largest of the three to greet whatever this was and to be fair he didn't bat an eye which just kinda went to show what life in the pitt was like.

well if they'd met blacktide they'd get the gist of it on the why, freaky alien thing.

still Jainus half hovered beside Gabriel and the pup - essie - keeping a wary but firm stance "Mh" was his only gruff comment - an assent maybe to either of Gabriel's or Essie's words.


Re: ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - Luciferr - 09-10-2018

think on the devil and doth did he appear.

a line of night blood staining the silken sands, larger and deadlier yet with a grace of fluid movement for all it appeared cumbersome - appearances were so often deceptive, the last to have assumed him slow had thrashed it's death throes upon silver spears of teeth.


half-jaw and half-face, a burster-slave - three of strange hive and one dissimilar.


the hissing risen in staccatto slightly as he neared becoming more throaty and slickened with the drool that ran thin rivulets between teeth opened from peeling black lips - a secondary mouth glimpsed behind them.

a regal cranium stood silhouette to the sky as the blue edge cut against obsidian spun form, it's highlighting light the bleeding against it's edge - as blacktide rumbled low from where he now stood almost a looming shadow over the three below him and stock still evaluating the other.

this one wore an inkblot skin like he - but no, there were eyes and it did not speak with the hive-tongue, more prey-speech.


it didn't look much good as prey - but perhaps its coating would serve as skin for the hive walls, it didn't look too dissimilar to the black hellscape of an underworld his grown form had been birthed from.

[Image: __blacktide__praetorian__by_black_tides-dcmfip8.png]

Re: ENTER SANDMAN — open; joining - EscapedReality - 09-10-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
Here was a serious question, and he was probably correct for thinking this question the clan had two semi or total feral creatures who have their own pack mentality, and for whatever reason decided to dwell here of all places, why?  Essie didn't have the answer to that, but he already started to bristle hard core when the pit's own nightmare fuel decided to show up.  Speak of the devil and he shall appear, expect the devil was a half feral xenomorph then you really should consider what is the bogie man and what isn't. 

The sounds, the fucking sounds that came out of Blacktide was sources of nightmares.  Again, Essie was nothing but a single swift snack easy to grab none the less.  The pup stifled any sounds that could have sounded like a whimper, new molted Blacktide was horrifying to look at.  Everything looked twice or triple the size from a child's prospective, so Blacktide looked huge. 

It wasn't to late to start shivering, and boy did Essie did.