Beasts of Beyond
sheltered by the night [ introduction ] - Printable Version

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sheltered by the night [ introduction ] - adomania - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"][ I despise joining threads will all my heart so pretend he was accepted already by some npc lmao ]

He had come sometime during the evening, early enough to watch the sunset throw shades of orange and red upon the grass beneath his paws but late enough for the darkness to start comfortably settling in as he moved in time with the chatty feline who had been the first to see and accept him. The darkness complimented his fur, a shade of chocolate brown that neared ebony and made him near invisible underneath the starry skies, and even more so between foliage. There was nothing to hide him here, although Sol doubted he'd need the cover. He was too big to be stealthy, and lions were far better suited to sheer force than sneaking around.

The summer swelter was starting to die down, succumbing to the seasons and creating a pleasant wind that cooled his body down in the night. The grass would be soon to go as well, drying out then disappearing completely to make way for the snow... but until then, the heat would remain till it's time had come. He wasn't picky about either, although he was more used to the heat than he was to winter nights that left his bones aching with the cold, but he would enjoy what he had left for as long as it would remain.

Sol was not tired, even as the evening started to draw out and he could barely see anything other than the lights of the observatory in front of him. It was a welcome reprieve from the infinite darkness that had spread before him, and it took him no longer than about ten minutes to finally appear, with the feline still talking about things that Sol had not been paying attention to. He caught only the last portion as his mind floated back to the present (something about living quarters being to the right of him and to 'make himself feel at home') and with a polite nod and urging her that he would be fine on his own, Sol wandered in the exact opposite direction.

Now was not the time for rest. He would do that later. For now, he wanted to know more about the place he would be calling home for the near future.

Re: sheltered by the night [ introduction ] - Feyre - 09-09-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
Feyre didn't exactly know what she was doing.

The flames that danced at her paws were hardly contained, her lavender gaze glazed and hungry as she watched the fire crackle and hiss. A little part of her wanted to bring forth more destruction in the form of her precious flames, relishing in the heat they provided and refusing to shy away from a thing that most certainly could burn her if her attention slipped. Perhaps it would have - reducing Feyre to nothing more than a vessel who's primary purpose was to reduce the world to ash - had she not seen and heard Sol.

Immediately, the fire dissipated, leaving in its wake nothing but ugly scorch marks. She'd feel bad for her unintentional vandalism had she not known that Bast wouldn't care. It wasn't like she had sent the Observatory crashing down upon itself. [color=#205d7a]"Hey," The witch greeted carefully, finding that it was especially difficult to dismiss the feeling of flames clawing at her skin, the vibrant orange practically burnt into her memory at this point, [color=#205d7a]"I'm Feyre. Are you new here?" She presumed so, but then again, maybe not. She had been so preoccupied with her fire as of late that there had been no time (or room) for much of anything else. Whoops.

[color=#205d7a]"Do you like it here? What's your name?"

(this is really bad bc i've been traveling all day and i'm exhausted, i'm sorry!!)