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i'm very very sorry for your loss / private; pey - Printable Version

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i'm very very sorry for your loss / private; pey - sephiroth - 09-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]He had been tasked with watching the young creatures of the clan by Jiyu, and while it didn’t thrill him it was still an order that he was willing to follow.  That was a quirk with him, the need to have a purpose and serve under somebody.  It gave him something to do, despite his own personal opinions on the matter, and with the limited amount of things to do in his current wounded state he would take what he could get.

Sephiroth was watching a small group of kits tumble about and play from a higher up slab of stone than the younglings.  His head rested gingerly on his burnt paws as he kept a close hawk-like gaze on them.  Despite his seemingly tired position, he remained vigilant and on guard to keep a close eye on the most important part of the group, the future.  He was still a fair distance away, not entirely trusting himself in his wounded state to help if needed, not to mention he himself didn’t exactly see himself as the type to interact with such small creatures properly.  There were possibly many others that could care for and relate to children better than him, despite their seeming awe of him and all his silver glory.

The lion’s sides heaved with a strained sigh as he blinked slowly, his slightly singed tail twitching carefully as he fulfilled his given duty.

Re: i'm very very sorry for your loss / private; pey - PEYTRIVING P. - 09-09-2018

peytriviing had been rather young when their life met an unfortunate end. two years ago, they were barely a warrior back then. reborn as a manticore now, with a body ten times larger than the last and suddenly thrust into the world with little knowledge of survival, it was hard to adjust. they were learning, though. cain and sola had guided them through rebuilding their life. their brother and the rest of the mortems were a gods send, truly. when their nieces and nephews were still around, pey had taken it upon themselves to be a good auncle and keep watch of them. especially after their exploration in tanglewood's swamps.

though now there weren't many little ones anymore. amren, momo, nightsky, and sayonara were gone along with their parents. the mortems had diminished just as quickly as they had risen, but it couldn't hold the guard back. they had already taken personal time to cope on their own, now they had to look to their clan for support.

peytri had been leaving the mansion to rotate his shift. initially set to patrol the territory and reach the checkpoints to ensure that they were still safe. though, seeing sephiroth and the little ones playing had been enough to distract them. they approached the off-white lion with a slow dip of their head.

"have they been treated, your burns?" they asked, concern in their voice. they did not have the fortune of escaping unscathed either. fur on their legs had been burned away, first degree and minor second degree burns had caught their legs and parts of their wings as well. their throat still felt raw from the smoke, but they had been treated with all that could be offered.

Re: i'm very very sorry for your loss / private; pey - sephiroth - 09-09-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The silver lion’s eyes would flicker over to Pey as they approached, and Sephiroth drew himself up into a sitting position to address them properly.  ”Yes.  Stockholm treated them well.”  He would give the kitten credit by name, putting in a good word for him to the manticore guard.  His wounds would of course still need time to heal, but he had gotten off rather lucky compared to some and would prefer if others got treatment before him now.

Sephiroth would roll his shoulders with a small groan, blinking before addressing Pey once more directly.  ”And you?”  His intensely blue-green eyes caught sight of the guard’s own burns.  The group needed everybody, not just him, to be healthy and strong after the events that had transpired not too long ago that resulted in the destruction of the mansion and everything with it.  So he would carefully make sure that everybody else was in healthy shape, not that he would admit his empathy openly.