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THIS IS THE WITCHING HOUR || Meeting 9/8 - Printable Version

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THIS IS THE WITCHING HOUR || Meeting 9/8 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-08-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Snowbound was back under her control.

Atbash felt a rush of energy as she realized this, standing tall as she exited her cabin - her actual cabin, not the medicine cabin. Her wound was still covered by a leaf to provide as much protection as it could against the cold wind of Snowbound's territory, but despite the hinderance, Atbash couldn't help but feel proud of herself; of everyone. Snowbound as a whole fought back - they fought back for control of their tribe, their territory! "Snowbound, gather around for a meeting!" The Hailcaller called as she rushed towards the cabin that held the Banquet Hall, deciding to let her voice ring across camp rather than use her telepathic voice.

"First off, I would like to thank everybody for their fight against The Pitt." Atbash's chest was puffed out with pride as she spoke, a smile on her face. "The Pitt has been run out from our territory and if any of them are still here, do not hesitate to kick their asses out." It wasn't very often the she-cat swore, but here she felt it was necessary. Deserved, even. "Each and every single one of you did great fighting against The Pitt and I commend you all. Everyone was brave and dedicated their life to protecting the tribe - and as such, we will be having a festival to celebrate our victory and new life." In that fact that they were no longer under control of the enemy group. "During the takeover, there were many new members that joined us and I'm so sorry you all had to deal with that, but I thank you for staying with us." Her words were soft and almost relieved, since that's what she felt; she was worried these joiners wouldn't stay and yet despite everything, they were still here. "So, I'd like everyone to give a big welcome to Yuuri, Delphinium, Cosette, Ikanaide, Valinor, Haishe, Tamaghna, and Jiro!"

Atbash paused for a few heartbeats before she went on, "Nui. You have proven yourself a valuable member of Snowbound and I'm extremely proud of you and thank you for everything. You saved my life and saved the lives of your tribemates - as such, I'd like to give you a special title known as Tempest. This title is given to those who have proven themselves valuable members of Snowbound by risking their lives for the tribe." The she-cat said, looking at Nui as she spoke. The leader soon held out a wolf pendant, as well as a bear. "You also get the Blizzard title as default." Since the blizzard title represented bravery and courage, she definitely deserved it. "Finally, I'd like you to either step up as Arcticplayer, Icestriker, or Frosthealer if Izuku feels you're ready for that and you wish to be one." Once again, Atbash paused and allowed everyone to congratulate Nui before she went on, "Dimitri also gets the Frostbite title."

That was all she had in regards to promotions and such, but hopefully with their new joiners, Snowbound would thrive once more. "Finally, I have a couple other announcements. Tsuyu is no longer welcome here, as she sided with The Pitt during the takeover." Atbash frowned as she spoke, her short tail flicking. It was a shame, Tsuyu changing like that but it was something needed to be done to protect Snowbound. Nobody with The Pitt would be allowed near Snowbound, she was going to make sure of that. "Sunhaven are also official allies and I need somebody to visit and let them know they're no longer on a trial alliance."

- The takeover is over and we are not longer under The Pitt's control!
    - As such, any and all Pitt members need to be chased off if they're still here.
- During the takeover, a couple of people joined and stayed with us! Welcome to [member=2067]YUURI.[/member] /Miss Ririchiyo, [member=1575]delphinium[/member] /Susitna, [member=2048]COSETTE[/member]:・゚✧ /Rushy, [member=2136]Ikanaide[/member] /Kaiors, [member=2168]VALINOR[/member] /Persia, [member=2172]HAISHE D.[/member] /guts, @TAMAGHNA D. /Cavetown, and [member=1813]Jiro,[/member] /Nerf
- A new title by the name of Tempest has been introduced. This title is for those who have risked their lives for Snowbound and (usually) have received the Blizzard title beforehand. The pendant for this title is a wolf.
- [member=1463]NUI HARIME[/member] is promoted to Arcticplayer/Icestriker/Frosthealer, whichever she wants! She also gets the Blizzard and Tempest title! Congrats!
- [member=1172]dimitri.[/member] gets the Frostbite title for completing the August CDC! Congrats!
- We will be having a festival to celebrate our victory soon
- Sunhaven are now official allies and Atbash asked for somebody to go over and let them know
    - The Ascendants also needs a check up, if somebody wouldn't mind going there!
- Tsuyu is exiled for becoming Stryker's slave and joining The Pitt
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THIS IS THE WITCHING HOUR || Meeting 9/8 - Stryker - 09-08-2018

<333 track

Re: THIS IS THE WITCHING HOUR || Meeting 9/8 - miss ririchiyo - 09-08-2018

Yuuri had ventured over to the meeting, her long limbs tired from use as she sat down to listen to Atbash. Tsuyu was exiled now? Why did she betray Snowbound anyways?

"Understood, and thank you for the welcome.." Yuuri barked as she waited for anything else to be said.
tags :: updated 8/19:

Re: THIS IS THE WITCHING HOUR || Meeting 9/8 - NUI HARIME - 09-09-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

a meeting for the first time since the pitt had been successfully driven from the mountainous home. the glory was swift, as was the retribution. but not all of snowbound's problems were immediately done. what remained was to be what atbash was willing to do to further the protection of her own clan.

the orchestra of powerful feet thumping against wooden floorboards made itself as nui hopped into the hall that snowbound had made known for meetings. the very same place that stryker had taken the stage and swept snowbound from off their feet. a pink nose twitched in anticipation. this meeting was sure to be eventful. after all, so much had happened in the following weeks.

she held an attentive gaze onto the savannah. let it stay there.

first things first; perhaps the most important of all. their recovery from the takeover. the pitt had made a mess of snowbound, draining their resources and trodding about as they pleased with self satisfied expressions. such a sight sent tongues of cold disdain lapping at her false little heart. the pittians truly hadn't deserved the victory they secured; there was no glory in subduing a pacifist clan, but with the recent spoils of battle, snowbound regained it's mojo. nui could only hope it stayed that way. she was in no mood to sit under the rule of overbearing trash. as quick as the battle was, she found no small satisfaction at her work. getting to see and witness the members who had so callously harassing them get their comeuppance? truly a blessing.

all in all, she was earnestly surprised at those who managed to slip into their ranks, most of them appearing within the time of crisis. nonetheless, their appearances were appreciated, if nothing more than to add to snowbound's ranks. because nui's blatant disregard for life was glaring enough that she saw most others as merely nothing more than numbers. statistics for a fight. canon fodder at best.

next order of business. her.

this was a pleasant surprise. pleasant news to her sensitive ears, which instantly perked up further upon the mention of her name. if she wasn't so trained at composure, the bunny was almost positive that she'd buzz right out of her spot. she was always something of a prideful girl, and unabashed at this thought. but with the recognition of her work, her little chest began to swell with self satisfaction and pleasure. cotton tail quivering eagerly, nui stepped forward to receive the pendants.

"thank you atbash," icestriker, arcticplayer... frosthealer. there was a choice. more to choose from than she had to before, but nui believed she knew what she wanted. as entertaining the prospect of becoming a healer seemed to be, her knowledge of medicine limited. there were others, still, more deserving of the rank than her, and far more dedicated. with that in her mind, her decision was made.

"i'd like to step up to icestriker, if you'd please."

// nui will be visiting sunhaven Smile


Re: THIS IS THE WITCHING HOUR || Meeting 9/8 - MirrorEdge - 09-09-2018

Late. Was that really a surprise? Gwen hurried to take a seat amongst the other Snowbounders, listening quietly, a feeling of shame nagging at her. Mostly because she had been too meek to participate in the rebellion. Too weak. She knew this had to change sooner or later. Even if Snowbound was more peaceful than other clans, it still experienced conflict. In a way, she both admired and envied Nui for the qualities that Gwen simply did not possess, and probably never would.

"Congratulations, Nui, and welcome, everybody!" She finally called, voice firmer and more sure than it had been before, and the grey kitsune fell silent after that.