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EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - bubblegum - 09-08-2018

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - Character Graveyard. - 09-09-2018

Eijirou Kirishima wasn't originally born in this strange, new world.

He had been born to two loving parents in the old world, who had supported him until his last breath. When his quirk had first manifested and gave him the scar over his left eye, he had hated his quirk for a very long time. Then he had met Mina Ashido, who would become one of his closest friends when he went to UA, in middle school. He hadn't known her very well, but something she had been able to do that he couldn't even bring himself to do had made him feel insecure about himself and like he wasn't fit to become a hero.

He forced himself to keep going, so he wouldn't worry either of his parents and it had been worth it. He had passed the entrance exam and the written exam that would get him into UA. Those were the days he had black hair. Then he had gone and dyed it red.

The first day at UA had worried him, as Aizawa had threatened to expel the student who came in last place for the first big test, though that had been a mere lie to get all of them working hard. Then there was the attack on the USJ from the villains. All of them had been terrified, plus Aizawa and Thirteen had been fatally injured during that attack.

He could still recall his last moments in the old world. One of the villains had managed to get him and themselves trapped under heavy falling debris. His quirk hadn't been enough so it had failed him and he, along with the villain, had died.


He had been simply walking along the path to the railroad gate, casually patrolling to see if anyone happened to be at the border today. He quickly picked up the Dealer's quiet sobs and suddenly alarmed, Kirishima would head towards her, a concerned expression on his face.

"Goldie? Hey, are you hurt? What's wrong?"
tags :: updated 9/07:

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - the trash man - 09-10-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]anger, frustration, sadness - the emotions were more concepts that the ivory child knew of, but couldn't fully understand yet. linux knew that when she lost for the seventh time in a row that she was angry, that certain typhoon members made her frustrated and somber things made her sad,. but these were tasters of the emotional drugs, something diluted and weak to a point in which these feelings here manageable. would linux ever understand? of course. every life went through periods of major highs and terrible lows that it was almost a guarantee that every individual would have to carry the burden of the world at some point in their life. today just so happened to be goldie's day.

alerted to something amiss by the sounds of kirishima doting upon the health of goldie, linux's pink toned ears swiveled around to the source of goldie's sobs racking her body and pinpointed her location. bumbling over to the sight of kirishima and goldenluxury, blood filled the ivory child's blush nose and made it crinkle in confusion as the metallic taste hit the roof of linux's mouth. blood? "that's a lot of blood, i'll fetch a wet rag to clean it with." trying to be useful, the snow-white kitten was working under the assumption that the blood was in fact goldie's own; not of her victim's. but either way the child raced to fetch what she said she would before returning, offering the rag to goldie in hopes that the girl would be mentally calm enough to take it and use it. but from the looks of it, she probably wouldn't be, leaving linux at a loss of what to do.

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-10-2018

Anger was blinding and it forced you to do things you didn't want to do. Caesar definitely had his run-ins with anger and in fact, it was the very emotion the demon struggled with often. For him, it was anger that drove him to destroy his Home, it was anger that drove him to do the things he did, such as killing that invading NPC. Anger drove him to lash out at his Crewmates. Anger was a way of life for him and the only way he knew how to expel it was to set himself on fire. It helped him release his anger and feel the way the flames burned his body and the numbness that followed after it.

"The hell are you crying about this time?" As always, Caesar's tone held disgust and disappointment as he came to join the small group approaching Goldenluxury. The demon's black eyes stared down coldly at the Roux child, his tail flicking in thought as he studied her. The bracelets in front of her, the blood on her paws... had she killed somebody over them? Of course she would be upset over something like that. The Officer snorted to himself. Goldenluxury had only ever killed somebody once, hadn't she - or if this was the first time, it made sense why she was so distraught over it. She was a pacifist like her step-father, Jacob. Murder goes against what she believed and it made sense that she'd be upset if she did that, but Caesar unfortunately didn't understand. Murder was a way of life for him, something he did to relieve more anger if he couldn't get rid of it through his normal means.

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - MARCELLUS - 09-10-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Horrible were words he would never use to describe Goldie. In his eyes Goldie was nothing short of a loyal Typhoon Dealer, ready to defend the Typhoon and it's members at a simple beck an' call. The loyalty of Goldenluxury made him sometimes even doubt his own loyalty to this place, he wasn't sure if he would be the one to defend the Typhoon with his own life, but when he really thought about it; there were members in this group that he would defend to his very last breath even if it didn't mean much with how vulnerable he was. Even at Goldie's worst, Marcellus could only find respect for the Dealer and admiration for her levels of loyalty. Whether her worst be murder or breakdowns, he would always find a way to retain his respect for the bengal feline even if murder slowly became Goldenluxury's way of life though he had to admit that it would probably never be his even if he vowed it to. He wasn't a murderer in the slightest but that wasn't to say he was a simple pacifist. He would fight with his last breath if it meant his survival over someone else's and would just as easily murder them if it came down to his life versus theirs.

Marcel was taking a short nap during the day but he easily found himself unable to rest, his eyes opening every so often as he could feel the sunlight against his pelt that drafted through the broken glass window next to his bed. Finally an hour passed and just the king cheetah sprang to his paws in frustration, huffing he allowed his claws to dig slightly into the wood bark beneath before he finally made his way out his shack in the effort to take a walk. His paws pounded against the sand before it switched to the dirt and grass in which he made his way towards the jungle and past the gate where he turned his head slightly to get a glimpse of Kirishima disappearing on the other side of it and the loud sounds of sobbing and crying. For a moment he wondered if Kirishima was in trouble and instantly he sprang into action, the king cheetah forcing as much speed as he could manage with his useless limp. His chest heaved with slight anxiety until he reached the other side to reveal the figure of Kirishima and... Goldenluxury?

"Goldie? Goldie!" Quickly the Privateer made his way past and over to her sobbing and blood covered frame, his eyes darting around as he tried to figure out what to do. He remembered briefly, Gabriel, a member of the Typhoon who had helped him with his own panic attack when he had one. Remember, remember. "God damn it! Marcellus remember, this is important!" He muttered in anger to himself, frustration building before he finally remembered. He made his way to Goldie's side where he pressed his body against her sobbing bloody one to assure her that they were here to help. "Goldie, if you can hear me, breath. Breathe in and out, calm down, we're here to help you." He coo'ed softly to her, trying to get through to her through the panic attack. His eyes looked over her desperately, desperate himself to seek any signs of improvement through her condition. "Someone, get Junji or Silus, quickly!" He called to them, not moving from Goldenluxury's side as he could feel the beginnings of panic inside himself as well. What if Goldie never calmed down? Right now he could only hope for the best outcome.

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - bubblegum - 09-13-2018

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-13-2018

Goldie's words being interrupted by her sobs made Caesar's fur prickle. If he could read her mind, it was possible he could sympathize with her - at least, on the inside. The demon knew what it was like whenever people found you during breakdowns when you didn't want them to. He knew how it felt to want to run off and escape, willing people to go away and not look at him. Unfortunately, Caesar couldn't tell what Goldenluxury was thinking and even if he could, he couldn't do anything about it on the outside. He didn't trust her enough to say something to her mentally should he be able to, so he'd probably just try to keep a monotonous look to his face during her breakdown and ignore everybody else. Caesar's ears flicked as the she-cat sobbed her words, his tail flicking thoughtfully. "It's not bad to lie, you know." He stated flatly with a shrug. "Sometimes you have to lie until you don't know what's truth anymore."

That's what he told himself. Caesar told himself that he had to lie about things until he didn't know what was reality and what was truth anymore. In order to repress his emotions, he lied to himself and told himself that everything was fine. That he loved bossing people around, that he loved the cries of pain and the look of fear in his opponents' eyes whenever he tortured them. When it was, in fact, the opposite. But no one can know. The demon mentally growled to himself, digging his claws into the ground as much as he was able to. If people knew how he truly felt about things, they would judge him and he would no longer have the respect he's earned here. Everything would be ruined.

"Listen Golden. As much as I hate you and your family, you're not selfish." Caesar had a look on his face that revealed he didn't want to say this, and of course on the outside he didn't want to. But truthfully, the Officer meant his words. Good people did bad things sometimes, even on purpose. Most of the time they did things on accident and that didn't make them a bad person, especially if they regretted said action. Unlike me. He was a bad guy, not only because of his actions but because of the fact he didn't outwardly regret what he had done. To everybody else, he was a monster. That's what you want.

"Decius won't hurt The Typhoon." Caesar went on with a sigh. "We won't let him, alright? You need to accept help." Ironic, coming from the creature who didn't like medics and their herbal knowledge and yet here he was, demanding Goldie to seek help. Mostly because he knew if he didn't, Pincher would be on his ass, but also because he did care for the Roux girl. Even if he wouldn't admit it on the outside.

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - OWEN. - 09-13-2018

Emotional breakdowns, something Owen never really understood himself. He had been in the Navy for so many years as a human, blocking off his emotions to just.. Work there, to serve his country. Then he had been hired by some dinosaur company, and raised four utahraptors from eggs. They were his children, and he had a certain calm, but passionate love for his girls.

Owen couldn't understand what it was like to feel regret over killing someone, though. To kill was a gift, to feel successful after a kill, to taste blood upon ones lips, that was pure happiness to someone like him now. He had been so adapted to this animal world that his human morality had broken down into one thing; Kill, or be killed. And Owen hadn't planned on dying anytime soon.

For now, Delta was the only utahraptor whom had made it back home safe. Made it back to the Typhoon where her Alpha had happily waited for her return. She was Beta now, which Delta seemed to be happy about. Still, Delta wanted to see her sisters, but Owen couldn't force them to come home. While he was Alpha, they had their free reigns to travel wherever they wanted as long as they didn't start a war or something. Or kill each other. That'd suck.

When Owen had walked over to the scene that had begun unfolding, seeming like an emotional breakdown, Owen flinched slightly at the stuttering mess that this girl seemed to be. "The Pitt won't step a single fuckin' foot in this territory without having a raptor on their asses, as well as a bunch of angry pirates." Owen threatened, no- promised the girl. He was confident in the Typhoon's fighting ability. Even if they didn't want to fight, Owen would always fight alongside his children. They would never fight alone.

After all, an Alpha had to take care of his pack.

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - bubblegum - 09-19-2018

Re: EAT YOU ALIVE / breakdown - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-20-2018

At least Goldenluxury seemed to be calming down now. Caesar felt a small amount of relief go through him upon noticing this, though she was far from actually being okay. The only thing that was happening was she was calming down from her attack and shock, they still had to deal with another potential breakdown once the shock wore off. "The medics do what they do for a reason," The demon responded with a sigh. As much as he wanted to claw Goldie's ears off for not wanting to accept help, he had to act patient with her. People were seeing a much nicer side of him and he hated it, but it was whatever. He couldn't be mean all the time. Besides, just because he was nice to somebody didn't mean he liked them. He tolerated them, at best. "That's their job, Goldie." The nickname meant a lot to her, he knew, and that's why he called her that rather than his normal nickname of 'Golden' (or 'Bitch'). "Just as it is my job to protect The Typhoon and it is your job to make sure everyone is happy." That what Dealers did, right? Make events and shit?

"I can't answer why he did that." Caesar went on, deciding not to ignore her first question. If it helped her relax and shut up, the more willing he'd be to answer things - if he knew the answer. Unfortunately, he didn't in this case. "People are just cruel, just like how I'm an ass to everybody just because I want to be." Was he trying to make a joke out of this situation? You betcha.