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THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - Printable Version

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THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - THE PITT. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][Image: 21b6e42ca4d39ef523e32a70299637b0.png]
[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]In a sweltering desert lies a group of individuals who know no allies outside of the ones they sleep next to, eat with, and fight beside; although as far as enemies go, the list never seems to end. The Pitt - as this group is called - was created by Pallid-i and led first by Yes Man in 2018. It is a warbound group attached to the ethically immoral practice of selling and receiving slaves, as well as attacking any group that they see fit, giving them a reputation for unnecessary violence and random fits of trickery. It is arguably the most bloody organization one can ally themselves with, and is currently being led by Esklav, a leader nothing short of psychopathic. Open to joiners it may be, but can one manage to navigate this place and land on top, or drop to the lowest of the low?

[Image: inquisition.gif]

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - THE PITT. - 09-08-2018

directory goes here

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - THE PITT. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][Image: 897c87843da72529b1aeccf29f8ebcce.png]
[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Under the first documented reign of Yes Man, The Pitt quickly flourished and made a name for itself, attracting the attention (and mislike) of others outside of their bubble. Much can be said of the first leader ― as unscrupulous as he was, he was also an honest man, most notably shown when he threatened justice against the miscreant who ruined The Pitt's temporary cease-fire with the neutral group of Sunhaven. While his reign lasted for a short while, with it came a conflict with The Rosebloods and their allies called The Typhoon when Esklav, the warpriest (deputy) at the time, ordered the member Dante to steal from them. There was also the infamous takeover of Snowbound led by the member Stryker in a twisted form of revenge, where many fights took place despite the attempted note of hospitality on the part of some Pitt members. Not long after he was removed from his position and Esklav was promoted shortly in his place. While the days under Yes Man are long gone, The Pitt will still continue to pay homage to their founder until the day they turn to dust.

Being the current leader, Esklav's history will be written after his reign ends.

[Image: inquisition.gif]

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - THE PITT. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][Image: d407c75e8aef5837fa7341826a90fdc7.png]
[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Besides the group's turbulent reputation, it also remains to be the only group with a desert territory to date. The sandy lands of The Pitt are sweltering in the heat, causing any energetic animal in the radius to fall under a drowsy spell; much to their advantage, of course. Not many enter their territory without ending up lost, sick, or both. If the heat doesn't get to them, the inhabitants surely will.

After the Rosebloods stole from the group, they moved out of their home of ancient ruins and further into the wasteland, happening upon an abandoned medieval fortress that they permanently made camp in. While not immense in stature, the abode remains fortified and comfortable, with ramparts to scout out intruders that may come from afar. Because of the unbearable weather of their home, it remains obvious that their only cover is to burrow inside buildings or underneath the ground, where cavernous shelters lie in wait.

Much of the region still remains unexplored, offering opportunities for points of discovery and future landmarks. Because of the group moving further north, the jungle surrounding the outer edges of the domain remains a little more ways away but still in reach if one would risk a few hours of travel to get there. Food in the desert remains scarce besides insects, vultures, and the reptilian life, and water is much of the same. An alternative is seeking out cactus plants and drinking the sweet nectar instead, even if getting around the prickly shell is hard enough as is.

[Image: inquisition.gif]

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - THE PITT. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][Image: 73243a1ee3213cd965020281de4fc9a4.png]
[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Similar to their reactions towards outsiders, the environment within The Pitt remains as cutthroat as ever. In the world of the ARP, ambitions run high and so does the risks members are willing to take to achieve their dreams. The Pitt is an example of how far one can go in the process.

KEY: Black = high authority / Orange = medium authority / Seagreen = low authority / No color = no authority.

THE DEMIURGE — The leader of the group, and arguably the most important part of it. The demiurge decides what goes and what doesn't, and their word is absolutely law. To disobey them is an insult to them and the group itself.
-- ESKLAV, played by CARKUS

VICAR — The vicar is also known as the deputy, or the second-in-command. While they do not have the ultimate power that the demiurge possesses, they have next to the highest authority in the group. When the demiurge retires, dies, or is demoted, they will step up in their place as the next one unless challenged by another. In special cases they will substitute for the demiurge if they are absent.
-- n/a

CRUSADERS — A secret taskforce employed by the demiurge to protect priority high positions such as themselves and the vicar. Unknown to the public, they still hold considerable authority over others under the guise as being the demiurge's favorites; they shadow them constantly, and one is not often seen without the other.
-- MELANTHA, played by ROMANS.

WARLORDS — The warlords are a key part of The Pitt. They manage raids, organize strategies, and determine weekly targets for The Pitt to abuse as much as they need to.
-- n/a

SLAVERS — In charge of the slaves, these members both keep track of the amount and the recruitment of more slaves from other groups. If a slave is to misbehave, they are the first to be consulted for their due punishment.
-- n/a

EXORCIST — For those that do not prefer the rough-and-tumble routine of The Pitt, they have the option of becoming an exorcist. An exorcist will heal, plan events, traditions, and propose holidays, focusing more on the social well-being of those inside of the group.
-- n/a

SEEKERS — A SHP stepping stone rank for those on their way to being promoted. Seekers are in charge of welcoming the newer members and serving as assistants for the higher positions.
-- STRYKER, played by ORION.
-- BENNY, played by GOODSPRINGS.

DWELLERS — Regular members. Have no authority, but are above slaves.
-- too many to list.

SLAVES — Slaves can be a mix of prisoners of war and those born into deep poverty. Eventually, they will be able to earn their freedom if a higher position recognizes their purpose.

[Image: inquisition.gif]

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - THE PITT. - 09-08-2018

rules & faq

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - nefarius - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Tracking. Feel free to post!

Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - TSUYU. - 09-09-2018


Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - rushy - 09-09-2018


Re: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE PITT [9/8/18] - Luciferr - 09-10-2018

[color=black]Track !