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well i miss you so far - o, weekly task - Printable Version

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well i miss you so far - o, weekly task - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Literacy had never been Gabriel's strong suit. Actually, anything book-smart-y had never been his strong suit whatsoever. He was better equipped to think on his feet in fights or maybe take over the world. But over his many years of being alive, he had learned how to read and write. At this point, it seemed like an essential skill- maybe even for entertainment too! Hey, maybe he could stop smoking and start journaling?

Nah, Gabriel shook that thought right out of his head, almost dropping the case of inkwells that he carried between his jaws. It had taken a few trips but so far he had gathered everything he assumed he needed. Inkwells, quills, pens (if people didn't feel like being classy bitches), and the ever-important paper. After taking a long moment to count out everything, he heaved a sigh and called out "Alrighty, Armpitts, it's time for a creative writing class!"

Re: well i miss you so far - o, weekly task - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

"sounds thrilling" a single voice rumbles before any others, one blue-red eye watching the half jawed serval with a raised brow - it still sometimes brought something of a wild streak of humour to mind that such war bound clans could hold something so mundane but then they couldn't be monsters 100% of the time, well not all of them.

He didn't think BlackTide counted,

Jainus' idled closer with an incline of his head - briefly thinking about how at least here he wasn't alone in the 'terrible face Injury' apartment - he didn't think he could handle a peace loving clan where they'd all stare at him because 9 times out of 10 none of them had even said boo to a ghost.


Re: well i miss you so far - o, weekly task - guts - 09-09-2018

Her attention is grabbed by Gabriel's announcement, intrigued by what they would be doing. She trotted over and looked over what he had gathered, an uneasy look on her face. Should she participate? She would have liked to, except for the simple but important fact that she had no idea how to write or even read for that matter. She had never been allowed to learn, books being the luxury of their superiors. They had always interested her, but she never dared to touch any of them, lest she get punished.

The serval looks between Jainus and the other male, unsure what to do or say. She didn't want to say outright she didn't know how to do this. She wanted to be smart, or at least appear like she was--even though she probably hadn't done a good job of it so far. Could she even say no to participating? Was this mandatory? She didn't know, and subconsciously she began to shuffle her paws nervously, keeping her eyes down to avoid meeting the judging stares.