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FRANK ANALYSIS - joiner - Printable Version

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FRANK ANALYSIS - joiner - Lokisaurus - 04-07-2018

The thought of joining an actual group made Ryder's fur stand on edge.  He had been a loner for most of his life, being a lion that had been driven from his pride for simply being a little too threatening to his father.  Since then, he had been taken in by humans, given a new name, then taken in by another family of big cats, giving him his full name.

William Ahsante Ryder.  William for the name a human gave him, Ahsante for the name his mother gave him, and Ryder for the name he had given himself.  Personally, he liked Ryder the best.  To be completely honest, it was the only name that mattered.  It was unique and interesting, showing off a part of him that -

Boy, he was a freaking mess, wasn't he?

He paused right before the border of the Typhoon, taking a moment to draw a paw over his face and mane.  He wanted to look at least halfway decent, though that wasn't very hard.  He was a pretty lion, large and silky white.  He radiated both grace and power - a combination he quite liked.  Despite wandering for weeks, his fur was still prestine and cuddly, which he thanked his lucky stars for.

Now happy with his appearance, Ryder stood, letting out a roar - he hoped someone would hear him before nightfall.

Re: FRANK ANALYSIS - joiner - Verdigris - 04-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Sometimes, Paper wondered if all of the other groups had as many outcasts as the Typhoon did. To be fair, given that all the groups consisted mostly of creatures that had stumbled across the territory and assimilated with the culture, rather than people born and raised there, a large number of misfits was to be expected. Even so, there had to be at least a few with relatively healthy home lives, but he had yet to actually hear about any particular case.

  This newcomer seemed well-adjusted enough, but then so had the jackal when he first arrived (or so he liked to think), and it hadn't taken even 24 hours to crack open that facade like a hard-boiled eggshell. As he approached, Paper eyed the white lion's mane and stifled a low chuckle. If Georgie happened to arrive on the scene, the stranger would be in for quite an earful about how good-looking he was. "I'm guessing you're here to join," the jackal stated finally, flicking his left ear. That seemed to be what everyone was here for nowadays, not that that was a bad thing; there was something to be said for the power of numbers. "Assuming that's the case, welcome aboard. I'm Papercutter, who're you?"

Re: FRANK ANALYSIS - joiner - Lokisaurus - 04-07-2018

"Name's Ryder."  The lion said, stretching rather nonchalantly.  Papercutter, he said?  Wasn't that an interesting name.  He quite enjoyed that somebody else had such a unique name.  Maybe his parents gave him that title, maybe they didn't.  Whatever, he liked it.

"Thanks for being so chill.  What's this place like?"  He gestured around, curious.  Were there other people there?

Re: FRANK ANALYSIS - joiner - Verdigris - 04-08-2018

  Indeed, he had been given his name by his mother. Part of him had considered changing it in an attempt to differentiate himself from who he had been before, but he felt that he owed it to the one living pack member that he genuinely missed (even if, or perhaps even because she had given him her blessing to leave). Ryder was an interesting name too, if one whose meaning wasn't entirely clear.

  "Chill" was not a term he typically heard applied to him, and didn't quite fit the image he was hoping to evoke, but he supposed it wasn't a negative thing. With a shrug, the jackal glanced back towards the ship. "Kinda crazy and off-kilter," he answered, "but I wouldn't have it any other way. Just gotta keep your wits about you." Looking back at the lion, he continued, "There's others around here. We'll probably run into a few on the way back, if they don't run into us."