Beasts of Beyond
Herbs to Find in Tanglewood's Territory [9.8.18] - Printable Version

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Herbs to Find in Tanglewood's Territory [9.8.18] - DELILAH. - 09-08-2018

Hiya there! So although there is a medic guide that people can use here, I noticed how it doesn't state where you can find the herbs. I decided, for the sake of Delilah and her quest to go find more herbs that aren't in Tanglewood territory, that I'd make a mini guide for it!

If you have any questions, find any errors, or find more herbs to add, please tell me!

Plant has sword shaped leaves much like an iris or a cat-tail.
Use: Roots can be ground into a fine powder, perfect for keeping fleas off of ones pelt and away from dens. Plant can also be used for flatulent colic, gastritis and dyspepsia.

Zhi Mu
Looks like a tall grass with fragrant yellow-white or light purple flowers that open in the evening in the late summer or fall.
Use: The rhizomes have been used for their antidiabetic and antibacterial properties. Useful for pneumonia, bronchitis, high fever, irritability and insomnia.

Short leafy herb with tiny white flowers.
Use: For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.

Attractive European wildflower with sweet almond-scented, yellow-white or reddish flower heads.
Use: Useful for flu, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, fever, etc. Once added to herbal beers and wine.

A grass which when dried develops a vanilla scent.
Use: Used as a perfume, a scent fixative and to make fragrant baskets. No medicinal purpose.

Sheep Laurel
An evergreen shrub with purple flowers and elliptic-shaped leaves.
Use: Not to be used internally, poisonous if eaten in large amounts. Externally used to aid with skin irritations, herpes, and scalp irritations.

Blazing Star
Produces strong spikes of rosy-purple flowers.
Use: Tuberous roots make soothing tea valuable in kidney diseases or as a gargle for sore throat.

Purple Loosestrife
A beautiful road-side wild flower with tall spikes of small, magenta to rose flowers.
Use: It is a highly astringent, anti-bacterial, diuretic and soothing herb and has many medicinal uses.

Lemon Balm
Crinkly, hairy-leaved herb that quickly forms a mat.
Use: The tea made from this herb stimulates the heart and calms the nerves and fights herpes.

.. More to be added!

Want to add an herb that grows in the marshy territory of Tanglewood? Fill this out!
I found an herb!
[b]Name of Herb:[/b] here
[b]Website/Book Source:[/b] here
[b]Appearance:[/b] here
[b]Purposes/Uses:[/b] here
[b]Other:[/b] here
