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DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was a rather impatient man. He liked having things done with at the moment they are announced and he was always one to make sure to do the shit he had to do to make sure he didn't fall back. Perhaps he had been paranoid from the bad experience of allies with Snowbound but the demigod's patience was becoming thin as a thread when weeks had passed and not a single ambassador visit from Rosebloods. They were the only ally they had and Pincher was not one to play easily with his word. When he said something, he meant it. He made sure his envoys came as well as create events between the allies to strengthen their bond. But he was not one to be played around with his gratitude and charity, Pincher's deals came with a price and a demand that would not budge until he was given what he wanted. He had been planning to storm in, demanding an answer for Rosebloods not keeping their side of the deal and ready to threaten - no, promise that he would not let this become another shit show of an alliance.

But he had heard of the recent tragedy that had struck the home of Rosebloods and could somewhat sympathize with them about natural disasters. The tropical island had once been struck by a tsunami without any aid from their allies and frankly it had ticked off Pincher. So he was able to relate to the frustrations and decided to do his part as an ally despite his slight hesitance of offering anymore resources to an ally that was lacking on returning the same aid. However, the pirate forced those thoughts to be shoved in the back of his head as the male tightened his grip on the large crate he carried in his claws, his long jagged wings pumping the air as he soared through the sky. He was not fond of his dragon form, it was much too large for his liking but he knew flying was quicker transportation. His glowing electric blue gaze was narrowed as he caught sight of the border of the Roseblood's territory and swooped down, his upper lip curling with distaste at how the wind burned his sensitive gaze as the body (despite the wings) was meant more for stormy sea days and not the type of climate that it was currently in.

Once he reached the ground, he allowed the crate to slam down onto the dirt with his claws prying themselves away before settling down beside it, his long slender tail twitching behind him as he ripped off the crate's top to expose large amounts of herbs and food in salted jars to keep from rotting. He rolled his tattooed broad shoulders as the powerful dragon remained silent as he wasn't one to really call for attention but it was rather obvious to see a looming glowing dragon with a cold yet neutral expression resting on its facial features as Pincher waited beside the supplies.

( mobile / excuse any typos! )

Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-08-2018

The scene he came to the territory of the Rosebloods to? Was a still slightly smoking forest, the flames had since subsided but in some places, embers still existed, especially around the mansion. Jiyu was still coping with the night that fire had ripped everything apart, mostly in the fact it had in a sense torn her as well. Every single day she had done the same things, she lived the same unchanging, everything in her past indicated what she should have done that night. Easily capable of saving lives she was not capable of taking responsibility for those same lives, she was a fighter, not a runner nor a leader, she had always been just that, a guard dog. No one had ever challenged her to change, to be fair she had never wanted to change. Jiyu lived her life easily, allowing herself to be the one others could rely on to save them from direct danger, but never expect comfort or anything like that from. The calico was rough, anything that could be battled, she would fight to keep them safe, the position of a guard was perfect for who she always had been and who she thought that she always would be.

Prestige had changed that on the night of the fire, and now she had to cope with a side of herself the snow leopard had forced her into discovering. Leading other's out of the land around the mansion, gathering everyone, keeping them safe through the night in spite of the burning flames when she could do nothing to fight them herself? Was not something she had ever seen herself as capable of, she was rough, a monster, not gentle. How was she supposed to deal with a whole night that proved she could be more! Jiyu didn't want to be more than she was, improving opened her to the risk she could have that same pain again, that someone could rip her open, torture everyone around her and break her all over again, she'd rather just stay shattered. But some small piece of her had already decided that they weren't content with the monster, that she needed to be who she was before the sun came up, explore that and let it change her. Fat chance.

Jiyu was wandering the territory border's, planning on circling inward to look for anything they could salvage and somewhere less exposed to keep everyone until they could send some scouts out to find somewhere near to live, as it was clear this place would never support the group within the year. Emotionless mismatched optics fell onto the things in the box before they switched to the male sitting beside them. "Thank you." her voice was like falling snow, static and soft in spite of the dangerous looking sabered fang- only her fangs weren't there, unbeknownst to her at the current moment, she had knocked them out between barreling over the burning door and slamming her body and head into a couch to move it and save the others. The effects of the fire? Were clearer than just her missing fangs, her fur was burned at the tips in several places from uncountable close calls, she was clearly favoring the side of her body she had not slammed into things, and it was clear she had not slept. "I'll get someone to help bring it back to everyone, it must have been a trip to bring it to begin with." she was large enough to push it and normally would be capable, but even with how numb to pain she was, she could feel it every time she put her left paws on the ground, heck even talking hurt that side of her body.

She'd do it all again, in a heartbeat beat.

Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]
"I'd complain more about that but heavy lifting is nothing new to me" a secondary voice answered as yet another dragon touched down behind the captain - the massive pitch form of lucifer landed gracefully despite his appearance, trifold wings of unfathomable darkness shifting and tucking away against his back as he moved to dislodge and gently place down the crate he'd carried.

a gaze of silver-red glanced across the ashen landscape, the acrid scent of still smouldering embers brought to mind one too many a battlefield  though at least, he reasoned, this one had far less burned bodies of allies littering a hellscape than those in his memory.


Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - sephiroth - 09-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth would approach looking a bit worse for wear after the fire.  Burns on his paws, flank, and stomach mainly, and occasionally the lion would roughly cough from the smoke he inhaled during his daring rescue of Stockholm.  He wasn’t going to let that be the end of him though, he wasn’t one to just lie down and die.  Despite how questionably not safe it was, the silvery wildcat was still up and moving trying his best to help out where he could.  Among the smell of smoke and ash and burnt foliage and oh stars above burnt corpses, he caught the scent of the Typhoon.  Huh.  Interesting.

”I could help with that.”  Sephiroth would say to Jiyu as he approached the scene, his voice still deep but with a bit of a rasp to it.  His gait was off; he walked with a slight limp and it clearly looked uncomfortable, but you wouldn’t get him to admit that out loud.  His aquamarine optics set on Pincher, his blue-green eyes tired but with an absolute refusal to acknowledge it and do something about it.  ”We appreciate it greatly, thank you.”

Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]The fire that had taken The Rosebloods' home had been no natural disaster, but Lydia wouldn't dare voice anything against free help. Especially not from an ally as valuable as The Typoon. Her eyes grew wide as Pincher had flown overhead, carrying a large box of something she was unable to identify. In all honesty, at first she'd thought it was The Pitt coming for round two and had flinched deeply. Experiencing something to destroy them when they had already hit rock bottom just seemed right at this point.

But oh, no, it wasn't. The tabby watched silently through widened baby blues as Pincher ripped the top off the crate he'd been carrying. Inside, she was shocked to find a good replacement to many of the essential things they'd lost. Everything from basic to few advanced herbs, and a wide range of game. After a moment of silent disbelief, Lydia managed to choke out "Thank you so much, we owe you our lives in the future."

Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - Character Graveyard. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —Ever since the fire, Stockholm had been shaken up and he had become more anxious. He had been graceful that Sephiroth had saved his life as he hadn't been able to do anything to help anyone. He'd been trying to gather as many herbs he could get, so he could assist the others if they were injured. The small pink feline arrived on the scene, right after Lydia had and he blinked in Pincher's and Lucifer's directions. He was intimidated by these large males, so he decided to duck low and he would hide beneath Sephiroth, peering at the Typhoon members with wide pumpkin-orange eyes.


CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had seen fires before and how powerful one could become when its flames fanned to outrageous highs, towering over so many with the intend to kill and show no mercy. Luckily, a fire had never started in the Typhoon and it was rather easy to take care of it if it ever happened due to being surrounded by the long miles of ocean waves. Pincher was a strategist and had picked the island for it was the most beneficial especially with the volcanic fertile earth and all the minerals it supplied them. The only tragedy and risk was the stormy weather and merciless sea coming to attack in tidal waves. But then again Pincher had planned and prepared if that were ever happen again such as building treehouses at higher heights and stocking up. Sometimes it was good to have a paranoid mind, one wound up with the fear of what the cruel world could offer. The male's slender ears pricked as he heard the Rosebloods arrive one by one, just in time for Lucifer to land beside him with another crate. It was a lot of supplies but the demigod felt generous since they were still rather bountiful from their pillaging of Snowbound and the Ascendants.

Pincher's frigid eyes snapped onto each figure that appeared to be injured and the male's left fictional eyebrow quirked up as he decided he might as well show that he brought extra help. He spread and lowered his jagged right wing to the floor so one of his healers could step off. "This is my son, Silus. He is a healer and has offered to come and patch up anyone that is hurt or needs to be rebandaged or whatever the fuck you need. Some of the herbs are native to the jungle but they are known to soothe and allow for a quicker recovery so don't be shocked if it feels a bit weird when applied." He was used to it but he knew that it was a different sensation for ones that didn't live in the Typhoon's specific biome. He was ready to shut up and let Silus do his work but a thought popped inside his head and the male mumbled a soft Romanian curse for almost forgetting before tipping his head to rummage through his crate to sink his teeth on the edge of a large potato bag. He pulled it out and let it thump on the ground before him with his dark talon pointing at it.

"I did some research on your territory and I found some plant seeds that will fit well with the climate and not die so you can grow whatever you lost." Pincher stated flatly with his long forked glowing tongue flicking out briefly to taste the air. Still no Prestige but he was sure the male would arrive so Pincher could say what needed to be said before heading back home once business was over. He knew his crew could take care of themselves but that did not mean he liked being gone from them for too long.

( mobile )

Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - emil - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the fire that had swept their territory was devastating. devouring their mansion and the surrounding forest, they had no shelter, side from the burnt and broken ruins of their home. they needed to move, that much was obvious; though with little knowledge of any unoccupied territories close by, the snow leopard was afraid that they would be facing a long journey to find a new home.

he had seen the shadows in the skies, slowly descending toward the edge of the territory, enormous and almost frightening. for several moments prestige had waited for more fire, more danger, more destruction to their already broken territory, but instead, the dragons only landed and waited. he watched carefully as his members approached them, and as the scent of the typhoon washed over him, the pharaoh padded faster along the ashy trail to meet the envoys, eyes focused on pincher as he neared.

"pincher," prestige greeted weakly, turning his eyes to the massive crates and dipping his head low. "thank you... we're lucky to have you." he murmured. he lifted his head again to face the much larger creature, casting his gaze over the dragon body he inhabited for the visit, and felt himself mentally shrink back. with everything that had happened in the time since becoming allies with the group of pirates, prestige had not been able to find time for a visit, and he could tell by the captain's composure that he was less than pleased. an exhausted sigh breathed past his lips and he lowered his head briefly again. "i'd like to apologize for the lack of ambassador visits. this fire hit us... very hard, and uh, i'm not the most experienced of leaders, i'm sure you can tell." a forced laugh escaped him. "we appreciate everything you've done for us; we owe you a great deal. i promise, i will do my best to return the favor."

he felt almost weak, exposed and almost ashamed as he admitted their hardships and his own weakness to the typhoon leader, but a quiet obligation told him an apology was expected and mandatory. he wasn't doing well, not with the stress of everything; leadership being dropped on his shoulders, followed by a fire, and the stress of scouting new territories. it was getting to him, catching up and nipping at his ankles like the flames that had nearly killed him. prestige raised his eyes to pincher once more, ready to hear what the male had to say to him.

Re: DEVIL'S DICE / TYPHOON - no more - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]He had grown accustomed to the sensation of being atop another, Lucifer had been kind in those days when the child was first injured and walking had proven a great hassle, the pain of it enough to drive him to accept the offer, though it proved unwilling in those first times. But flight was strange to him, something he had not experienced before this moment. Huddled where neck and back met the tiny bengal had lifted his head and enjoyed the sensation of the wind, digging chilled fingers into his fur, thick though his home harboured a more tropical and warm climate, suited to the weather if to a lesser degree than this.

A quiet sound escaped, breath huffed through pursed lips speaking of a faint pain, racing up his left foreleg as it came down hard to help keep him balanced, not quite healed. Lifting the leg he twisted it, stretching it out as he listened to the conversation about him, never finding a break in which his own input proved necessary just yet. Dark eye rose as he felt muscle shift beneath him once more, bracing for a short time before be realised it was an extension of a wing to allow him easy departure rather than Pincher lifting into the air once more, a sensation he much rather not experience for it felt horrid, body unused to such things.

Taking a slow pace Silus listened to the words his father spoke, brief the pause as he said son, curl of a smile noticeable for only a second before he was moving along the wing, lightly stepping off. Across those present did the single eye move, the other nothing more than an empty hole covered by a plain patch, making note of the state each was in. Some seemed singed while others held clear burns, the first to speak clear in her favouring of one side. Approaching the potato bag himself it took only a few moments for him to pull out the necessary items, both meant to help sooth the burns and any other pain present, including a few jars of honey for any who had inhaled smoke of any great quantity.

“Ya got any 'ealers?” Throwing the question out as he worked Silus proved unwilling, or otherwise uninterested, in lifting his gaze, attention focused solely upon the items before him. It was not a necessity but it would prove a great deal easier to have others, trained or simply willing to assist in anyway, burns one he knew for he had worked on a rather nasty one using a blend of his own making yet his joining on this had been last minute and so he lacked the concoction.


peytriviing's pride would probably not allow them to say it aloud, but the rosebloods would have surely perished without their sole ally. in this situation, they were able to swallow it. they were grateful that they were still being looked out for despite the lack of activity on their side. though they had set out a weekly task for one of them to visit the typhoon, they hoped it had been done already or relatively soon.

peytri themselves were not so fatally injured, but some of the burns could use attention to. they had first and third degree burns scattered across their legs and wings. fur had been singed where they had clumsily bumped into the walls in their haste. though for now they would allow those who needed more serious attention to be treated first.

"unfortunately, no. we have yet to see the potential in a healer from our members, though I have been trying to work on a basics training class. though.. I do believe my information is a bit outdated." the last group session they had was when they were in their first original life form two years ago. when clans were still using the bare bones of plants and roots that they weren't even sure grew in their territory. if any survived at all as well.