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Happy to sleep on the floor [o, house] - Printable Version

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Happy to sleep on the floor [o, house] - Owlie - 09-08-2018

"Life could be a dream, Life could be a dream," He preferred old songs and concert pieces. Maybe singing under his breath help give him the impression he was human.

He picked a house that had been about 3/4 the size of his former one room apartment. He knew that his smaller, gangly form was suited for tree travel, that’s why the hands were naturally curled. He’d strung ropes across the home, and currently hung from one as he imagined how he’d set up the room.

A weightless entity joined his side. Looks more like an enclosure to me than house. He growled, delivering a quick, snippy “shut up.”

He moved across the rope, blurred vision clocking in on the corner. 
"If I could take you up in paradise up above, sh-boom,”
I’ll put a bucket of water there for a sink. I’ll need to reserve one of these walls for reasearch. Try to figure out the reasoning behind this.

There’s nothing to figure out Ed! You’re an animal now! You eat, sleep, and shit!

"If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love. Life could be a dream, sweetheart,”

What was Strange’s motivation? To see if the animal brain would take over the human consciousness? The gibbons instincts were strong and Ed’s need of order and cleanliness, clean killing, needed to over come that.  His feet hanging from the rope, he felt the gibbons fangs again, test biting his arm and hands.
He’d already witnessed a fight and didn’t think he would stack up well. He needed a weapon.

You could choke them. You have hands and they don’t. His other self wrapped their hands around their neck, fake fell to the floor- Ed shook his head, Mrs. Kringles body briefly replacing the other gibbon.

"Edward, please...”

He released an uncharacteristic howl and threw the closest object- a toothbrush, at the apparition. It skipped over his target, hitting the wall next to the door as he heard a knock.

"Maybe now’s a good time to tell them you’re crazy?”

Re: Happy to sleep on the floor [o, house] - buckingham barnes - 09-14-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Thanks to Bucky's enhanced senses, he heard Edward's howl and an object being thrown at a wall from the other side of camp. At times like this, enhanced senses can be a disadvantage, especially when you aren't expecting to hear loud, sudden noises. His ears instantly pricked up at the howl, Bucky jumping a bit with surprise. Bucky wasn't sure where Edward was in the seatown, but he probably should check on them. He just needs to track their scent, and follow the noise they made. A sigh escaping his lips, the former assassin silently made his way through the town, the boardwalk barely creaking under his light paws. Soon enough, Buckingham was at Edward's door, knocking with his metal paw. "Hey Edward, are you alright in there? I'm coming in." The maine coon spoke up, as he began to push the door open wide.

Re: Happy to sleep on the floor [o, house] - venus - 09-18-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

a choice in home could typically say so much about the inhabitant living it. from whether they loved it would paint their true ambitions, their culture often embedded in the home's style. and of course, a little piece of one's personality was in every single trinket that adorned the room's walls, corners and tables. it was fascinating that so many creatures lived in these lands, and how well you could understand their psyche just from their home's appearance alone. truly exciting stuff. for venus, they supposed that their cluttered and messy abroad - with research papers and unfinished thesis spread across the floordrobe for another day - it depicted just how the kitsune was. a cluttered and unorganised mess.

aimlessly wandering around, venus' gaze drifted along sunhaven's picturesque scenery with curious eyes formulating a mental image that the kitsune would no doubt want to sketch later, in their cluttered home. it was nice to just get a grasp of the territory that you lived it; it was important to be more informed than anyone else. it was useful to know your enemy. but sunhaven seemed like just a simple group at the moment - nothing out of the ordinary yet. yet, being the key word. and as bucky's word floated their way over to venus' ears the kitsune let their sapphire eyes be drawn by the odd man, venus intrigued by whatever bucky was trying to do. or who's attention he was trying to grab to be more accurate.

slowly making their way on over to the former assassin, the kitsune spared a glance at bucky's tense form with curiosity. "what's going on? is something wrong?" confused by the commotions, the kitsune rested their gaze upon edward's door, almost expecting someone to burst out at any moment. the thought made the silvery kitsune back up a little. scary.

Re: Happy to sleep on the floor [o, house] - Owlie - 09-18-2018

Deep breathes, trodding over to the toothbrush and inspecting it for dirt, holding it up to the light. A toothbrush gave him that little impression he was still human. It made him feel good.

Ed sat against the wall as Buckingham entered, rubbing the cleaning utensil between his fingers. "I’m fine, Buckingham. Just thought I saw something.” That wasn’t too far from the truth. ”Threw my toothbrush at it and missed.” He shut his eyes and rubbed his face, briefly looking over his hands for the other Ed. He didn’t see the green-suited bastard anywhere.

”Sorry to bother you,” He rose up, jumping to one of the ropes, hanging off and putting the toothbrush handle in his mouth. He went over to his ‘sink’ and dropped it off, then hung upside down to look at the pair that entered.

”I, uh,” he eyes still spotted around, looking for the other Ed. ”Sorry, just worried it was still in here.”

[color=limegreen]Tell them you’re crazy.