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NINA CRIED POWER | open - Printable Version

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NINA CRIED POWER | open - Ilijas - 09-08-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Okay. Okay.


He really needed to get his shit together.

Old habits died hard, Ilijas supposed as he situated himself on his porch, brown eyes squeezing shut to block out the suddenly blinding sun. He had spent the last several days exploring the mountains, his time and energy dedicated entirely to photographing the natural beauty that the rocky peaks and flower-speckled valleys provided to him. He had responsibilities though, this whole position thing that he had been lucky enough to earn in the first place. God... he had really almost disappeared and pulled his same old same old, hadn't he? He supposed he could thank Beverly for bringing him back, the knowledge of her presence here successful in roping her back in, satchel in hand and weariness written plainly across his features.

[color=#454843]"Hey y'all," He called out, chuckling as he used the word that he knew Bev and his sister despised so greatly, [color=gray]"How's everyone been doing?"
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: NINA CRIED POWER | open - PIERCE - 09-10-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
"Ilijas," purred Pierce in a kind greeting, dainty paws carrying him in the direction of the younger man with the beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips. At even a passing glance, Ilijas looked tired, and he'd been gone for a little while now. Was he okay? Pierce couldn't help but be at least slightly worried for the other tom, even despite the fact that they weren't really friends- hell, he didn't think they'd ever even had a private conversation. Of course, Pierce being Pierce, he cared for quite literally everyone, whether he wanted to or not, and Ilijas was certainly no exception. "Are you doing okay? It's been a while." He hoped the other hadn't run into any  trouble, or anything.


Re: NINA CRIED POWER | open - rhosmari - 09-11-2018

Really, he couldn't blame Ilijas for disappearing for a while. The male had also not been as prominent the last couple of weeks. Though he had been taken from his home and his own moods had soured and he'd locked himself up in his home as he healed. He'd wanted to keep his distance because he was just disturbed and he still kind of was. Now he was a bit more cautious and he had a different mindset, one that was very much against some warbound notioned groups but he kept his thoughts to himself. There was no need to cause any trouble really. When male saw both males he allowed an easy smile to pull along his muzzle, paws stepping forward in an easy gaunt. He dipped his head to both of them before he plopped down, sprawling out his body as he stretched, careful to not over do it and crack open his scabs again. "Hiya, nice tae see the both of ya. Pierce, Ilijas. I've been gettin' better by the day and my wounds are almost healed up. What have he both of ya been up tae?" He asked with a softer tone of voice as he thudded his thick finned tail against the ground, gaze warm and bright on the other two.

Re: NINA CRIED POWER | open - REBECCA MACK - 09-12-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Responsibilities was something that Bex didn't have, or at least something that she didn't have anymore, and wasn't even sure if she wanted any ever again. Though at the same time that was a conflicting thought to her, since she did feel like some big part of her was missing. Her transformation into a canine wasn't exactly an easy adjustment. Her life was entirely different now, and as much as she wished she could go back, she knew she'd have to accept it. There were still memories that she clung on to, however, and she knew that she'd never let those go.

Unlike everyone else that had gathered her so far, Bex didn't know who Ilijas was. That didn't stop her from approaching to socialize, though. "Hey guys," the collie greeted in a calm, friendly tone. She also didn't seem to know who the serval was, only recognizing Monroe out of those gathered so far. "I'm doing well... I just joined recently," she explained, nodding. "I'm Bex, by the way." She thought that she might as well introduce herself to those she didn't know and get that out of the way.