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cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - MOONMADE - 09-08-2018

[size=9pt]/ this is human au because i do what i want.
also dw the last 3 paras are the only important ones.

So. He had responsibilities, now.

Meaning responsibilities he wasn't fully on board with. Meaning he had to drag himself out of his room in the morning after a blessed, fulfilling hour's sleep and figure out what the fuck a Cosmic General was supposed to do, what the fuck issues he had to resolve, what the fuck type of excuse he was gonna' use for sitting around in the Cleric's hide, today. See, Bast played it cool. With his damned smirk and his eternal state of nonchalance, he made it look easy, and even though, so far, Moon's new title changed nothing and there seemed to be no pressing issues that required he be stressed over-- He was, anyway. Because that was his goddamn choice, okay. It meant that if something absolutely horrific suddenly happened and everything came crumbling down, he was ready. The paranoia was a life hack.

Today, however, he appeared somewhat settled. The dark skinned boy sat atop a ledge in the observatory, slightly raised above everyone else-- one pencil in his mouth, another pencil behind his ear, two more stuck into his hair -- and stared into the bustling crowd of the Ascendant's members, thoughtful. He had a floral notebook in front of him. It was a planner. Pinterest gave him the idea. His latest bulletpoint, written in sickly pink glow pen, said; 'Is pineapple on pizza really sacrilegious?'

See, there'd been a lot of newbies turning up at the border, recently. They each came equipped with their own tragic backstory and bad attitude, and while Moon felt most of them were nice folk who could potentially fit in real well, things in the Observatory had been messy, lately, and it was probably hard for them to get into the flow of things. So this was meant to help. Scratch that, it was going to help. That pin he'd added to his Positivity Board, this morning, told him to believe in himself, so, yeah. He was doing God's work.

He snapped the notebook closed loudly and flung it somewhere behind him before sticking two fingers in his mouth and letting out a sharp whistle. It echoed. "Listen up! We're doing a little introduction thing. A meet and greet. An ice breaker. A stick-up-your-ass-remover. Whatever floats your boat." He waited for the inevitable attention before continuing, one hand rubbing sleeping at his eye as he spoke, "Right. So, if you wanna' tell us your name and your life story, or whatever the fuck, feel free, but this isn't A.A. We're doing something better.

"I call out a question and you guys give your opinion. A debate, kind of. Disclaimer, though; these are gonna' be controversial, so go wild. Get heated, yell-- knock someone out, for all I care. Just show some damn passion, okay? It's too civil, 'round here." A pause as he waited for nods before speaking again, "Alright. First question.

"Is cereal a soup?"

Re: cinderella wears sketchers + mass m&g / debate - BUGSY - 09-08-2018

He hadn't been here long. He only knew a handful of people, but not enough to fill a room. Not enough for his liking. Ben liked to surround himself with others, being the extroverted individual that he was. So, at the call for a meet-and-greet game, he lifted his head out of curiosity. He had just happened to be in the area when Moon called everyone together.

From the moment Moon had asked the question, though, the instructions to introduce himself were lost on him. This was most definitely a controversial question, one that Ben had to answer for himself straight away. "What kinda' question is that?" The dark-haired man had snorted, folding his arms. His dark eyes looked over the crowd for a moment before adding, "Cereal is cereal. There's nothin' to it." And whoever challenged that was an idiot, that was for sure.

Re: cinderella wears sketchers + mass m&g / debate - MirrorEdge - 09-08-2018

"Is cereal a soup?" Thea echoed, disbelief in her tone that anybody could actually think of that. Then again, this was Moon. He was more unpredictable when it came to these types of things. She didn't even have the energy to be cheerful, as most of it was being used to think of an acceptable answer to that question. "Uh, no? Because soup is something with stuff like chicken in it. Has water in it. Lunch or dinner or when-you're-sick item. Cereal is for when you're twenty minutes late to class and you chug a glass of milk with a handful of dry cereal, most of the time. Healthy breakfast options, all that."

She wasn't even sure her answer made sense, or why she decided to come here. For now, she just adjusted the red and yellow bandana on her head with pale fingers, before realizing something. This was a meet-and-greet. Her usual grin then graced her features, as she chirped, "Oh, and I'm Thea, for those who don't know. Pleased to meet you all!"
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Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - MOONMADE - 09-09-2018

[size=9pt]"A fucking valid one." replied Moon, grin growing steady as he preened at Bugsy. To be honest, he really didn't care for the logistics of cereal, but he was invested in this cause, so he'd give the devil a call and play his advocate, for today. He lifts himself up on his hands, adjusts his legs underneath him and flashes pearly whites at Thea. "So what about smoothies? What if I told you they're just fruit soup?"

/psa feel free to make ur posts Short As Hell. no one has time to write a novel about cereal and most of this is just dialogue anyway

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - BUGSY - 09-09-2018

Well, Thea had a point. Soup consisted of broth, which Cereal didn't have. It was simply just milk. However, when Moon inquired about smoothies, it was nearly laughable. "Smoothies are smoothies. Soup is soup." He then figured that he'd have to back up his argument, so after a moment, he continued, "Soup is served hot, yeah? They ain't the same." He cocked a brow towards Moon and added, "Unless you're tellin' me that you eat hot smoothies an' cereal." In that case, this guy was officially a nutcase.

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - MirrorEdge - 09-09-2018

A grin could be seen forming on the teen's face, as she added onto Bugsy's argument. "Yeah, plus, what, do you put strawberries and bananas into your soup? And if you're saying that smoothies count as soup, you could say milkshakes do as well, in a sense."
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Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - ISIDORE. - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 500px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]”I mean, eh, soup can be served cold but ...”

Isidore hesitated for a moment. Wait, how did he get himself caught up in this discussion. He’d been carrying his laundry back in when he’d caught the tail of Bugsy’s voice, and that’s when he stopped to listen. ”Like, uh, cereal is cereal. It’s got milk. Soup has broth. So ... then a smoothie is a smoothie, it has fruit ... uhhhh ...” Dory was left scratching his chin now, clearly a lot more interested in the debate than he wanted to be. ”I’m Isidore, by the way, whatever ...”.

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - rhosmari - 09-09-2018

A sigh left the woman's red stained lips as she heard the nonsense dropping from open mouths. Really, she had actually thought about skipping this but she understood this as one of those moments to better learn people so that she could possibly hurt them later on. Regardless of that fact she walked forward and leaned a little against a wall. Her dull creamy blond colored hair covered much of the left side of her face but her eye was visible, searching through the crowd. A part of her thought really she could be sleeping in and actually getting rest from her travels as well as having a large glass shard pulled out of her hand. The bandage she wore was already staining with blood but she seemed not to notice it at least not at the moment. But she was going to complain about the lack of quiet around here. Regardless, her lips quirked into a small upturned smile before she rolled hazel brown eyes to look somewhere else. "You do know, hons, that hot cereal is also commonly referred to as oatmeal. I really don't care what you call this or that. It's food. I'm Empyrah by the way." She lightly waved her fingers in the air in some semblance of saying hello before she pushed from the wall and walked over to the group of individuals hanging around.

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - MOONMADE - 09-09-2018

[size=9pt]He was getting more involved in this than he'd originally planned. Staring Bugsy with a frown as he spoke, he took a packet of Juicy Fruit from his pocket and unwrapped one. He popped it in his mouth, chewed thoughtfully. This was how it was obvious things were getting serious.

Hot cereal? He swore he'd heard of that before, or was at least familiar with something along the lines. "Yeah, but--" starts the boy, but is interrupted by a new voice. 'You know, Hons, hot cereal is also commonly referred to as oatmeal.' Dark brows shoot up, mouth ajar for a moment as if he's heard something revolutionary. He quirks his head at Bugsy, as if saying, how about that?-- before turning and pointing directly at Empyrah. "Lady in the back! You're absolutely fucking right. Oatmeal. Thank you for your contribution." He grins, pristine, but further examination of the woman leads him to her bandages and a frown graces the ex-Halo's brow, yet again, head craned to get a look at her blood soaked hand. "Your bandages are giving me a bad name. Come find me afterwards so I can fix that shit before I pull a Bast and impulse demote the whole Medic team." He didn't mention that 'the whole Medic team' consisted only of one person. It'd ruin the dramatic effect.

"Okay. Before you all have an aneurysm, next question." He leaves a foreboding silence for a moment, squinting into the crowd. Behind him, Laika is sprawled out like the massive sleeping bear she is, and he glances at her quickly to make sure she's still passed out. There were certain things a dog shouldn't hear. "Dogs or cats?"

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - MirrorEdge - 09-09-2018

"Wait, wait. We're just changing the topic like that?" If 'we're' consisted of only Moon, then yeah, apparently they were. It was clear the teen was lost on what the hell they were even doing anymore. "And you can't demote everybody. Weren't you the one who agreed with me that wasn't fair?" Which had quickly turned into Thea demanding a fight, and having everybody on her ass about it, but she didn't add that in. The newcomers didn't need to know that.

It took a few moments for her to finally give in and answer. "But cats. Dogs are loyal, sure, some of them, but cats are less likely to throw a shitfit when you leave them alone for a few hours." She liked dogs well enough, but cats were easier to care for. Teach them how to crap in a box, keep it clean and give them food and water, and they were fine. Even if many cats weren't a fan of Thea, she absolutely loved them.
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