Beasts of Beyond
ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - Printable Version

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ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - rhosmari - 09-08-2018

It was dangerous being out and he was still healing. He knew this but frankly the Warden didn't have the time to dwell on that. Every motion of his body was a pain that he could deal with as his body healed. Even though he had suffered from major splits in his skin on nearly all of his form he was going to get better. Webbed paws slipped along the surf of the waters, scabbed over form drenched in salty water that caused him to wince just briefly. Shaking his head a bit the male would lift up his pearl colored gaze, shifting them over the landscape as he gave a light breath in. It was going to be a short visit as he had multiple other places to go and invite to the session he was hosting. Perhaps he would take a breather in between but right now he was on a mission. Clearing his throat the mutant would call out just lightly. "Oi, Typhoon! Name's Monroe and I'm here tae invite ya whole group tae a healing session in Sunhaven. Ya healers are more than welcomed tae pitch intae the lesson if they wish tae share their knowledge as well."

- link:

Re: ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - Character Graveyard. - 09-08-2018

Kirishima had just healed from his recent injuries fully, so he had been out-and-about a lot nowadays. He hated that he was weaker then most of the others, though he wouldn't admit that. He had been patrolling around the Typhoon' borders, when a unfamiliar voice called out, announcing something about medics and a lesson on healing. This didn't really interest the young Striker, but he decided to approach anyways. "Noted."
tags :: updated 9/07:

Re: ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - bubblegum - 09-08-2018

Re: ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - PINCHER - 09-10-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn't know what the deal was with Sunhaven. With hearing Quantum stepping down and having someone else take over, he knew that meant different ideals and different standards. Who was it now? Whispers had told him it was a peculiar creature named Monroe, one that held fish-like features that would have blended well with the Typhoon as well as Sunhaven although Typhoon was surrounded by water due to living on an island. Yet, he didn't know the male that well and frankly didn't want to jump into the belief that they were open for an ally. He wouldn't mind being allies with Sunclan but he knew they were allied with a lot of what Pincher considered a target or enemy, specifically the Ascendants. However, he decided to keep his opinions to himself as he was trekking through the long smooth hills of ivory peach sand that lead him towards the border, the scent of Sunhaven having caught his attention.

The broad-shouldered towering figure of the ash gray jaguar stalked forward shortly after his daughter, his calculative ice blue gaze locked onto the figure of the new leader. He kept a neutral expression yet one with clear sterness that he would not budge on what he would say. "No. We aren't allies so the invite is not for us." Pincher stated flatly, his jet black ears twitching behind him as the wildcat wondered if Monroe was even interested in allies with the Typhoon or was just inviting everyone to the medical session. It was good to know a wide range of medical knowledge but Pincher was not going to offer his healers to relationships that were not secure in politics.

Re: ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - rhosmari - 09-10-2018

The first one didn't seem interested which was fine. They didn't have to be and he merely gave a light nod of his head to the other that had spoken. His tail shifted behind him as he turned his gaze toward the young female that came forward. She looked more thoughtful about the situation and he allowed a more easy smile to linger on his muzzle for a moment. He figured that a healing event should be for everyone in an attempt to better all the groups healers and show them new ways of doing things or new methods of healing. After all healers were always learning within their craft and he tilted his head a bit when she spoke up about not knowing if they could go because they weren't allies. Well, he knew that but he also didn't think that would or should stop them. After all Sunhaven was neutral with just about everyone and it would remain that way unless they had a reason to branch out more. But it seemed he was a bit too optimistic because when the leader showed up he was a little surprised to be turned down because they weren't allies. The shark mutant would pull back his ears for a short moment as he thought over it before he allowed himself a small shrug of his shoulders. It had been worth a shot and he guessed he should have seen it coming. "Alright, tis was nice tae meet all of ya." The helion spoke with ease before he turned and proceeded to see himself out and make his way to the ocean waters and back home.

Re: ABSOLUTE - open; sunhaven invite - FELIKS - 09-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]It was a simple enough gesture, a neutral inviting another neutral to some inconsequential little event, but the Typhoon's caution to strangers should've given the Sunhaven gent a verdict on what the answer would've been. If the pirates hadn't been willing to give information out to a 'lost' stranger who had a limited knowledge on the lands, then he'd be flabbergasted if they allowed their most precious animals to join in a medical session in lands not owned by the Typhoon. With this in mind there was an aura of smugness around the griffon as he approached, eyes lit up as his brain searched for a means for his mischief. One second, two second, now the stranger was flopping away... ah! He had it! The feathered fiend coming to a standstill, Feliks' hips and shoulders began to shuffle, swaying like the waves the Helion appeared to have came from. Shark cats, can't live with them, can't live without them. "And when I get that feeling I want... sexual healing," the gryphon hummed, bobbing his head up and down to the tone deaf tune slowly. It wasn't exactly like Monroe had specified what type of healing session it was, he figured he could be forgiven for a very easy misunderstanding. "Oh baby, make me feel so fine, helps to relieve my mind... oh hell yeah I'm a popstar," he stopped with an exasperated grin, shaking his golden plumage to stop it lying flat against his neck. "Oh yeah and later dude!" he called out to the Havener, chuffing.