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Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - Printable Version

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Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - jacob w.c. - 04-07-2018

//retro to capture

Jacob was excited for this but he felt his heart hammering against his chest. It was so hard, he thought the others might be able to hear it if they listened close enough. His paws were shaking. He wasn't sure why. This was a good day and he wasn't the one under observation. He would just be giving a simple lesson and observing and listening to how others answered questions. That was it. He had everything planned, with notes and herbs and props and everything. But he still shook. He forced himself to take deep breaths. He would do this today. If he didn't work up the courage now, he might never do it and put it off forever and that wasn't an option. When he'd collected himself enough not to shake everything out of his bag, he ventured outside and set out the herbs and bandages and a few stuffed animals he'd gathered. He looked over it all, taking note of the way his own lungs filled with air and released it. For a moment, he let his thoughts only fall to his lungs and his heart. It was slowing now. He could do this. He was designed for this. He wouldn't fail. "If anyone's interested in tryin' out ta' be a tenderfoot, my apprentice, then come on over 'ere. If ya' wanna learn a think or two 'bout medicine but aren't interested, jus' let me know n' ya' can watch and listen ta' everythin' n' participate as much as ya' like," he called, his tone growing more confidant the longer he spoke. He'd be a good teacher, he was sure of it. He'd be good.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - cry - 04-08-2018

  Jacob was okay. He was a pretty okay guy. She did not exactly trust him yet, but she had no reason to not trust him. She could tell her was a gentle soul and even though she did not like him bringing up his pet birds every single time he tried to talk to her, he was okay. She could respect his behavior, even though it was completely and rudely degrading. I mean sure! You know this creature is intelligent but naaah just go on about how you enslaved one of her species. Don't worry about it!

  Cry huffed. She was not his pet.

  Despite her inner turmoil, she still sat by his side. The bird was injured as she had a way to find herself in constant trouble (it wasn't her fault everyone in this clan was either three seconds from being socked in the jaw or being the person doing the socking! No in between, mind you!!). She was just trying to help. And if her own body got in the way? Then that was its fault, not hers!

  Cry yawned from where she was resting near by on a rock. She had no interest in healing. It was boring. What she would give to have her old body back. She would have torn of her wings herself just to grow replacements. So much easier. How do animals deal with this? She tilted her head, ruffling her feathers to keep warm. She kept an eye on Jacob. Attacks were frequent right now. Who knew what would happen.


Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - Dragon- - 04-09-2018

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Medical stuff was cool! Gon had gotten hurt quite a few times and it wasn't that fun, but it would be a lot better if he was able to keep himself..y'know, not hurt or heal himself. It'd be cool to be able to heal others too.
The german pointer puppy would make his way over to the older medic with an excited look upon his face. "I would definitely be up for learning and possibly being your apprentice!" He'd state confidently.

This would be a lot of fun!
"What sort of stuff do you do? I know that you are talented in healing people but I currently don't know a lot about healers. I am ready to learn!" Gon was definitely ready, even if he didn't quite completely know what being a healer entailed.

The stuffed animals, herbs and bandages on the ground caught his eye and he'd perk up even more. "All of this stuff looks really interesting! Do you use these herbs and fabric rolls to help heal people? I've had them used on me before but I never really knew what they were called!"

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - london r. - 04-09-2018

One with her condition would do well to learn of a couple healing methods. Most every lacerations had the potential to be fatal when there was a mutation in the way your blood functioned, as it was for London. She also had other traits that would likely make her a great candidate for such a position that had more to do with personality and less to do with genetic weaknesses. Healing could easily become another of her hobbies to add to the girl's growing list, as she did know how to memorize. And yet, it seemed like such a daunting task, to be responsible for the health of a growing group of creatures. Though at the same time it did not seem too impossible. If Jacob was able to do so when he was just a little bit older than her, she could manage as well if she found the right motivation.

The girl would choose to join the small group forming around the Frosthealer, a simple smile plastered on her maw. There was no denying the air of nervousness around  her as she studied the peculiar setup, but she did her best not to psych herself out. This session was purely experimental for her, to see if she would even confided a position as a healer, or if she was any good at this ancient craft. "I would just like to learn, if that's alright." she chimed, feeling the weight of the possible responsibilities she may have had a chance to receive evaporate once the words had left her lips.

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-10-2018

Killua knew that as soon as he joined the clans he was going to refuse anyone's help to try and heal his injury. He didn't like when other's touched him because he knew that it was just going to lead to questions after that. The assassin could just as normally fix himself up, although it wasn't really with the use of the clan means that just constantly used herbs and didn't poultices. Killua had been given basic medical training courtesy of his older brother while he was growing up. He knew how to set his shoulder back if it were to get disolcated, he knew how to reset his broken bones depending on the severity of the break. He knew how to stitch up his own wounds and make sure he did the process right the first time, his metal claws great at making the entryway for the needle a whole lot easier. Bandages and gauze usually did the trick most of the time. He hadn't managed to heal himself with severe wounds, as usually if that happened he was out for the count and would have to have others do it. This had only really happened once, and that had been after the last time that his brother had attacked him, nearly killing him and ripping out his metal claws from his paws. A group that he had good relations with ended up nursing him to health despite his dislikeness for others touching him. He didn't have much of a choice if he wanted to live. The injuries that he had given himself recently though he had patched up himself and refused to ask others for help. There was no point, even if they constantly pestered him he could do it himself. Why trust others when he could simply trust himself?

He had to admit though that Jacob was quick to the draw. As soon as he was promoted he was willing to see and who were interested in being able to help others. Killua himself had been promoted, not like he really thought about what that meant for him since he didn't really care all that much. The assassin made his way over, his sapphire blue gaze flickering over those that were in the room. Killua believed that he knew enough that no matter what happened he would be able to help himself get through it with his own methods and nothing else. The albino serval would sit down on the ground, watching with somewhat interest as for how Gon seemed really interested in the aspect of healing others. And then came the flurry of questions. The young male couldn't help but roll his eyes at the canine, his eyes flickering to Jacob and Gon as he wondered how the older male would deal with the onslaught of questions. "Ask him any more questions and you'll make his brain explode Gon." Killua would tease the other with a light chuckle. He stopped himself though when he could feel the stitches on his right side begin to pull. He wasn't surprised to see London offer herself up to the possibility of healing others. The Snowseeker, of course, took notice of the crow that was around, not really caring too much about the female since she didn't care about him. The other had been there when Guru had attacked, and that's all that he cared about. Killua would lower himself down so that he was laying on the ground, a good distance away from everyone else as usual. "Just watching." Killua said in a bored tone. God, he was tired.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - Ivylee - 04-10-2018

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - jacob w.c. - 04-14-2018

Jacob's eyes analyzed the group before him. With each new person that came, he felt tension building in his chest and stomach. He would mess this up. He'd get an answer wrong and they'd think he was stupid. No, no, no that wouldn't happen. He'd spent so much time learning all of this. He worked under pressure all the time, his entire job had to do with saving people. It didn't get much more stressful than that. Most of them stated they'd just be here to learn but then there was a boy he hadn't met before. Gon, as Killua called him. Even if he was hyper, an easy smile came to the scarred canine's face and he settled down. He'd intended to stand for the whole lesson but his legs weren't having it. They were shaking too much today for him to risk that. He was sure no one would mind anyway. "Well, like ya' said, we do a lotta healin'. It can be anythin' from puttin' some bandages on a little cut ta' havin' ta' stitch a huge cut or  jus' gettin' someone ta' take daily herbs when they don' taste too good. We also take care ah' mental health. If there's ever someone who needs ta' talk or receive emotional support, I gotta' be there for 'em," he explained. He then listened as the boy began to ask questions about the medical supplies and herbs. At this point, he glanced towards Killua with a light smile. It was good to see the other boy teasing someone like that. It reminded him a bit of Jersey, especially when he younger.

"Yeah! Tha's exactly what we use 'em for but they each got a different purpose. Like this-" he paused a moment as he put his paw on near a pile of marigold. "Is marigold. 'S for makin' sure tha' cuts n' stuff don' get infected. Ya' have ta' mash it up into a poultice and then apply it 'fore ya' put on any cobwebs or bandages or anythin'. I'll talk more 'bout herbs in a second, though. I wanna' focus on the cobwebs n' bandages n' how ta' wrap 'em. Most injuries need ta' have cobwebs or bandages put on 'em, so 's important ta' know how ta' apply both ah' 'em n' when ya' need ta' use 'em," with this statement he reached for the cobwebs and bandages, moving them so they'd be easily visible to everyone and setting them beside each other. "Now, does anyone got any guesses as ta' why ya' might prefer one ah' these over the other in different types ah' situations?"

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - Orion - 04-16-2018

tracking for later possibly(?)

Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - arcy - 04-19-2018

For all that Izuku knew about herbs, he'd never actually taken the time to consider being a medic. It was just sort of -- he's not sure. He'd lived for the fight, for being a hero, back when he was human, and had never actually thought about being a doctor. He'd wanted to be right up in the action, saving and helping people.
He couldn't exactly do that now, though. All fights were now, were just ... winning. Victory and glory and pain and all that. For the good feelings battle and training had given him when he was human, all the sight of the blood and fur gave him was nausea. Because what was the point? He didn't ever know why he was being attacked, or why he had to defend himself against something unwarranted like this.
But, well -- Izuku had heard about a tenderfoot tryouts session, over here. He was late, very late, but he couldn't deny that he was ... a little curious. He's not sure if he'd like it, the responsibilities of healing. He wasn't good at just acting as support, because he always liked to be in the middle of whatever may be happening. But it wasn't just healing, was it? It was also alliances, and Izuku wouldn't deny, that kind of sparked his attention. Nothing was stopping him from involving himself from whatever he wanted to besides responsibilities, anyways.
"... I'm interested," Izuku states as he wanders over, a somewhat conflicted look in his eyes. He's very late, and also the possibility of him getting chosen were very low, but he'd still have to think about it before wandering in blindly, you know? He didn't even know anything about mental health, either. Just physical wounds. Izuku was a little too rash at times to be a good medic, anyways.
Anyways, Izuku knows most of the stuff Jacob is talking about, he thinks. Well, except for the cobwebs thing -- he hadn't actually considered that a lot. He knew they were used, he'd just avoided it because they seemed kind of unhygienic and all that. But come to think of it ... cobwebs could be used in place of bandages, couldn't they? It'd hard for him to put in words, though.
"I'm -- I'm guessing that it's easier to put cobwebs on smaller wounds, or the torso. You have to wrap bandages completely, while cobwebs can just stick it on?" The feline tries, a somewhat puzzled look on his face. And -- oh, there are some more ideas. "I'm guessing that bandages are better are keeping pressure on the injury, too," His face twists a little as he says it. That didn't sound right, either. While Izuku may be good at analysis, that only happened to be on people and quirks. Not medicine. And Izuku was hardly a natural at medicine, either. It was only grueling studying and tests that kept him up with what he was supposed to know. This wasn't to say he didn't enjoy herbs and healing, he was just slow at learning about it.
//sweats as i post on an old thread w my v new char


Re: Practically perfect // open+tenderfoot tryouts // in every way - jacob w.c. - 04-20-2018

Jacob looked towards Mike, barely suppressing a smile. "Cobwebs are sanitary 's long as ya' prep them with the righ' herbs. I can explain tha' more later on," he answered before his gaze was pulled to Izuku. He gave a wide smile and nodded a bit as the boy spoke. "Yes, one of the advantages ta' cobwebs is ya' don' gotta' use so much ah' 'em but actually they're real good for big wounds that are bleedin' a whole lot. Because they're so sticky, they help pull it together n' stop the bleedin' a little faster than bandages would. They're also a lot easier ta' find in a place like this. Bandages don' jus' pop outta' nowhere," he explained, "But they're also harder ta' carry in a bag 'cause ah' how sticky they are, ya' don' find as much of 'em at once, n' ya' can't wash or reuse 'em." He paused once again, trying to make sure he wasn't talking too fast before continuing a moment later, "Bandages can be washed ta' reuse, dependin' on the material, n' they're easy ta' carry n' usually ya' find a lot at once. You're also right in sayin' they're better for keepin' pressure on a wound 'cause cobwebs are a li'l too light for somethin' like that. Like ya' said, ya' have ta' use more ah' it n' ya' don' really find 'em by just wanderin' around."

Jacob fell silent and grabbed the stuffed animals and presented them before the group in front of him. "Now, unless any ah' ya' got questions, I wanna' move onto this next section," he began, setting some bandages beside each animal. "I want ya'll ta' show me how ya' think the proper way to wrap a wound would be. Ya' can try any wrap ya' want, whether i's on their arm or their tail or whatever ya' want."

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━