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FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - Printable Version

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FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - EROS - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The first crack of the whip unleashed a torrent of fire against his spine. He shouldn't have done what he did and he understood this now. Though he had expected some form of punishment to come he hadn't thought it would be something like this. But then again having Dante as his master left no room for error, nor room for any sort of mix ups, no back sliding. The second crack of the whip against his back caused his eyes to roll from the intensity of the pain that almost made him pass out. How many was he supposed to get? Ten. Could he survive ten? Three and four tore open his already tender skin and left wide slashes that began to bleed. It was a slow bleeding as if the fluid was too thick to leave the body. The tone of the blood was a strange grey, that dripped as it sluggishly made it's way through his fur. His breathing was harsh and he squeezed his eyes shut to attempt to ready himself for the others as there were six more to go. His jaw trembled and he tried not to allow a whine to leave his throat. He deserved this for his disobedience but he knew what he had done was right. He couldn't allow for that Tanglewood member to go on and suffer when she hadn't done anything to offend anyone here. She had just been plucked from her home with no other reason but to satisfy someone else's sick wishes.

Five and six followed swiftly and the large creature almost immediately lost consciousness, head lolling to the side as too shallow breaths left his throat. What happened after that he didn't know as the seven, eight, nine, and ten he vaguely remembered. Each strike against his body tired to bring him back to consciousness but it seemed he refused to do so. How long he stayed out the slave didn't know but when his eyes opened up he felt sick to his stomach. Just small twitches of his legs sent pain through his back and lower form. A whine finally left his throat as he tried to look around and see where he was but he could barely lift his head. The taste of blood was in his mouth and he felt the grey substance drip from the corners of his mouth. His back was nothing but a coating of blood and angry dark grey red tinged flesh that was exposed to the world above. Slowly he pushed himself to stand but almost immediately he stumbled and fell back down, head dragging against the ground. A part of him wanted to vomit but he already knew nothing would come up as he hadn't eaten in days. So he laid there, taking in what air he could to sustain himself, eyes flicking around from where he laid near a broken down building.

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - TSUYU. - 09-08-2018

"It sucks to be punished, doesn't it? For taking back someone elses prisoner." Tsuyu's hushed growl came from the dark as she walked over to the sight of the severely whipped creature, her face not showing a speck of amusement on it. She was angry, pissed off, and furious that he would even be punished for it by Dante. She wanted to punish him herself! Then again, from being slapped by Yes Man, maybe she should just let Dante do it. She wasn't a fan of whips. "Do you keep any medical supplies around, you brat?" Tsuyu asked stubbornly, not looking at him in the face but the wounds on his back that seemed to ooze with pain. She would help him this one time, but she still hated his fucking guts.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - guts - 09-08-2018

She could remember getting lashes a few times. After the first, she tried to be good, do everything her superiors asked of her. but sometimes she messed up. They were never this bad, though, maybe four or five good lashes. Even so, the pain still stuck with her, the scars hidden under her fur but definitely still there. Looking down at the wounded Valkyr now made a deep sting run along her back. She visibly winced, but tried to ignore both it and the memories flooding back to her, unsavory ones she would rather not think of at the moment. Instead she focused on figuring out what to do, or how to help him. She knew she would probably get reprimanded for helping a slave, but a large part of her didn't care--besides, it would be their loss if he died.

"I'll, um, get some water." Cosette mumbles before hurrying away to find a cloth and something to carry the water in. She ends up settling with a bucket, as they had no shortage of those laying around, filling it up to about halfway before awkwardly padding back over with it. She spared one last glance at the male before pushing the bucket and cloth towards Tsuyu. She didn't really trust her to take care of him, honestly, but she had zero medical knowledge. She didn't want to risk making things worse, so she just sat by if they needed anything else.

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - melantha - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]Melantha will never say it, but she's pleased that Valkyr did what he did. Prisoners of war are one thing, but prisoners just for the sake of harming another creature? Sick. Vile. Disgusting. Plus, the strong arm is unabashed about her hatred for Dante, so anything that pisses him off pleases her immensely. On the flip side, she also feels sorry for Valkyr to have to work under a mega dick like her colleague. Melantha may not be a good person, per se, but she does operate on a set of morals which allows her to feel empathy for those in pain--even if she does not outwardly show it. "If he was worried about the punishment, he would not have done it, little pest," the strong arm grumbles as she shoves past Tsuyu on her way to tend to Valkyr's wounds. The frog hybrid is only slightly less annoying than Dante and Mel does not bother to pretend to like the slave.

"Thanks," says the mountain lioness curtly in response to Cosette's initiative. She glances back at Tsuyu. "I will get him back into working condition. Why don't you hop away and bother someone else?' Okay, so maybe she's a bitch, but clearly Mel does not care. Some people do not deserve her civility, as far as she is concerned. The solitary predator turns her attention back to Val as she dampens a cloth and begins cleaning his wounds. "Try not to squirm," she warns. Melantha is no healer, but she usually carries around a first aid kit and can typically keep someone from dying if the wounds aren't too severe. After what happened to Esklav several weeks ago, Mel made sure that she can help save a life if necessary. Luckily for the slave, he will not die of these wounds. But they will hurt like a bitch for a while.

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - COSMIIX - 09-08-2018

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - TSUYU. - 09-08-2018

Disgust, disgrace, unhinged hatred.

Tsuyu's eye seemed to twitch when Melantha came to the scene, ignoring the presence of Cosette to merely listen to the ear-wrenching voice of the other female. Likewise, Tsuyu didn't like a lot of the people in the Pitt, but this was her home now. She was merely a visitor here, and with the 'fuck off' from Quill, Tsuyu did as she was told, backing off.

Flashbacks. She didn't like flashbacks, and her eyes showed a flicker of pain before it turned back to it's familiar glance of hatred before she turned, hopping away from the group. She had better ways to make herself useful. She didn't need friends here, friends were useless.

She was strong, she wasn't going to let her life be boring and uneventful. Not anymore.

And so, Tsuyu was gone as fast as she had came, slow and glowering as she hopped back to her place in the river biomes.

[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Gabriel was cruel by nature. Not unnecessarily so, but to those he didn't like, they could expect to end up inside out at some point. Point taken, Gabriel didn't dislike poor Valkyr by any means. But he supposed what had to be done had to be done. He wouldn't say that he approved that Valkyr had pissed off Dante- even if that was the truth- because he didn't want to get his own ass beaten.

"Can I do anything to help?" the serval offered, both his gaze and tone bored as he scanned the slave, Melantha, Tsuyu, and Cosette in turn. Though, he was grateful when Quill approached their tiny pity party, looking on with interest as the lupine stated his concern and offers to help. He was also grateful when Tsuyu decided to fuck off finally, since she generally give Gabriel the creeps.

/rushed + ic opinions! sorry hes a shithead

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - EROS - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]He didn't want her to touch him. The last creature on this forsaken earth that he wanted to try and heal him was Tsuyu thank to their relationship. They hated one another and he felt himself attempt to turn away from her or at least he tried to though he gained little ground in doing that. But there was no point to his movements because soon other creatures were walking up and most were talking down to the other slave and telling her to leave. His jaw clenched tightly on a sudden and sharp pain down his backside as he pressed his muzzle heavily into the ground. Cosette had brought some water with her and now Melantha was cleaning the gashes in his flesh, telling him not to squirm. "I'll try...." His voice was a mere murmur as he felt the cloths slide against the fridges of his new wounds to smear off the thick blood that had soaked and crusted into his ink black fur. Eyes shifting he took a shuddering breath in as he located Quill, confusion glimmering in his gaze. A gift? He was giving a slave a gift?

There was a moment where he wanted to refuse, the sharp nagging that taking this would be wrong but he didn't. He stretched up his paw, the trembling mess lightly taking the cassette from him and sliding it closer to his body. He wouldn't get it dirty because then it wouldn't play the music for him. Blurry gaze wandered for a moment as he heard something, a lulling thud in the back ground that seemed to want to hold his attention. But soon he fixed Quill with his pink marble stare once again. "Thank you....Quill. I appreciate it." He really did and he allowed a weak smile to pull at blackened lips as he rested there, legs shifting underneath himself. Melantha was right on her thoughts. These wounds were going to hurt like a bitch for some time to come and he also knew that. He'd still have to work no matter the amount of pain that he was in. Upon Gabriel's approach the sha creature would lift his head a bit as the thudding sound increased in volume and slowly his head tilted to the side as his stare remained on the side of the male's form. It was a pulsing, a pace that was consistent and his mouth began to water. Immediately he understood and he forced his head down against the ground, shoving his paw against one of his ears.

Re: FLAWED HEART - open; fresh wounds - melantha - 09-10-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]A audible sigh of relief escapes the predator's lips as Tsuyu finally takes her long-awaited leave. Granted, it's mostly an exhale of her annoyance than anything else. She was unsure if she could hold it in any longer. After a moment's pause, the young puma returns to the matter at hand. A grateful nod is offered to Quill. "Do you know how to make a poultice? Preferably a marigold or a horsetail poultice?" Anything to stave the bleeding and prevent infections, preferably, but they will have to make do with whatever limited resources they possess. Besides, Mel is no seasoned medic--she only knows enough to fix minor injuries and keep people form mostly dying. Pallid olive eyes flicker over to Gabriel, as if to inquire the same question. She mutters something under her breath; perhaps a string of curses.