Beasts of Beyond
Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - Printable Version

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Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - tikki - 09-08-2018

I get a 403 Forbidden message when I try to make a new thread on the Ascendants board with any account.
I've been able to post the thread that I was trying to make in my storage thread, but am unsure if I am able to actually post on the board itself yet.

edit;; I am able to post replies on threads, but not make my own, I was just able to post a reply without issue.

edit2;; I just checked to see if I could make threads in other RP boards, and I was able to. The thread was deleted right after since it was just a test. If a staff member wants to take the 32 gems off of this subaccount for making the thread, they can, as they weren't properly earned

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - rakue - 09-08-2018

we've been encountering very particular errors lately - april is getting the same mistake when she tries to edit her ultimate profile, and we get the same error when we try to manually edit it for her. i wonder if they're connected- could you try editing your ultimate profile and see if it gives you an error? we're not entirely sure what the cause is but we're going to look into it asap

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - tikki - 09-08-2018

I just edited my ultimate profile, and it worked fine!

&& Thank you!

edit;; I would like to mention that I just cleared my cookies and cache to see if that would help, and it did not

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - Orion - 09-08-2018

Odd. Looking into this right now as we speak.

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - dreamiplier - 09-08-2018

i just got a 403 trying to use ultimate profile to add my jin cursor, just so you know :,))

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - tikki - 09-08-2018

Trying to keep updates going, but I tried using a different browser instead of chrome ( as I read something about someone having issues with chrome with a 403 when I googled it ) and it didn't work on microsoft edge or firefox.

edit;; I was able to post the thread in the ascendants board on my phone ~

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - Orion - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  Try now! It should continue working. <3

//wrong account at first, whoops

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - tikki - 09-09-2018

and it does!
Thank you so much!

Re: Can't make threads in Ascendants board? - Orion - 09-09-2018

Lovely! I'm glad to hear it.