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I FALL APART WITH ALL MY HEART / nanohana - Printable Version

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I FALL APART WITH ALL MY HEART / nanohana - hana. - 09-08-2018

[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"][align=center]you're eighty pounds of wreckage in a mason jar
you're a bit combustible, dont break my heart ♡

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Re: I FALL APART WITH ALL MY HEART / nanohana - hana. - 09-08-2018

FULL NAME nanohana song, 송나노하나
— hana, nano, han, songbird
GENDER cisgender female → she/her
AGE 1 year, 1 month → unknown birthdate
— ages at roleplayer's discretion
RESIDENCE & RANK the ascendants → observer
— formerly pharaoh of the rosebloods

hana is domestic feline, more specifically the cross of a purebred oriental longhair and the average wild cat. her fur is a warm shade of milk chocolate, long and well-groomed to almost give the illusion of liquid. the entirety of her chest is a vibrant ivory that stretches down to encompass both of her front limbs, splashing her back right paw as well as leaving a reverse tear stain down framing her muzzle from her eyes. her eyes match her understated earthen palette, an expressive shade of chestnut a few tones lighter than her fur. hana is of a lithe build, bred to be nimble and quick on her feet over brutish and overpowering. her legs are spindly but proportionate, holding up a body with little to no fat although her thick fur can often make it appear otherwise. despite her long legs in comparison to the rest of her, hana stands a couple inches shorter than most other felines. her facial features are particularly angular, taking strongly after her oriental lineage to create a regal appearance displaced by her particularly large ears, borderline disproportionate to the rest of her body. hana's cheeks are adorned with small pink triangles of paint, customary of her old home to display one's rank. their structure, number, and opacity may vary on certain days (although they will always be triangles and always be pink), but hana's commonplace style is for them to be completely filled in and pointing in toward her nose.
— hana's companion animal, miso, is a massive dragon at a towering 10 feet tall. he is lean but adequately muscled, fires crackling in his throat that creates a glow when he parts his jaws. he is similar to a western dragon with four legs and broad wings, with a tail as long as he is. nimble single-pronged horns sprout from behind elvish ears, nimble and with no purpose for combat although hana can occasionally be spotted grabbing at them for support when she is on miso's head. normally she is nestled between his shoulderblades where his scales incline inward, providing a natural slope to hold her in place. thin spines sprout up along his spine, and during flight hana will grab onto them for stability. during particularly long flights, however, hana will curl into a tight ball in the curve of his shoulders and shelter herself from the overhead winds in the way a sled dog curls in holes to hide from arctic winds. miso is an albino, translucent scales revealing the pink flesh beneath them. because of this miso tends to look entirely pink in strong daylight, and in softer light his white scales glitter and pink can be glimpsed like a smattering of sparkles. miso's eyes are a deep, ruby red.

a shining star in a world of burnt out bulbs, hana craves the attention of the spotlight and will often dip quite low to achieve such. hana craves the approval and appraisal of others, at times willing to push the lines of her own morals for a commendation. hana is an actress in almost every sense of the word, making it her goal to entertain and please others as well as bottling up negative emotions behind a bright smile and leaving it to fester before inevitably exploding outward. hana's lips can run faster than her thoughts at time, putting her in unideal situations that her occasional snide comment can land her in. hana acts a notably younger than she really is, a childish mannerism she never fully outgrew. it is not uncommon for hana to start quarrels with more reserved, "uptight" individuals as she tries to rush a friendship and ends up pushing them away in the process and reaches a threshold where she grows tired of their snide remarks and bitter comments in response. time has lessened her harshness in this situations as hana has gained experience, giving her words a much softer edge: this does not prevent hana from rushing into friendships, however. hana has a difficult time finding a balance between being too straightforward and still getting her point across, more than often not coming off as hot-headed when in fact she is just passionate about the subject at hand. when not having to handle anything remotely business related, however, hana is a much more lighthearted individual: hana is a social butterfly, and will go out of her way to socialize with her clanmates as being away from them for too long drains her emotionally. around the right individuals hana's words can become particularly suggestive, although it should be noted her flirty comments almost never carry any baggage with them. when hana is not gossiping or gawking in the heart of a crowd she can often be found tucked away in the homes of her friends, striking up mild conversations and simply enjoying their presence. when forced to be alone as others are preoccupied, hana can be found in her small caveside home playing on one of her numerous handheld consoles. it should be noted that korean is hana's first language, and she will often speak to herself in it: although when speaking rapidly due to extreme excitement or stress she will revert back to korean, as she finds it much easier to converse in. hana's accent is mild but present nonetheless, and it becomes particularly thick when she raises her voice, such as in an argument.
— POSITIVE TRAITS: enthusiastic, benevolent, dedicated, true of heart, loyal
— NEUTRAL TRAITS: adventurous, loquacious, vehement, whimsical, energetic
— NEGATIVE TRAITS: brazen, overbearing, egocentric, stubborn, fragile, obsessive, unrelenting, two-faced

RELATIONS elias (npc) x ji-yoon/지윤 (npc)
ORIENTATION polyamorous biromantic heterosexual
STATUS single
— very easy to befriend, craves social interaction and can easily carry conversations. this can make her a very overbearing friend for more reserved individuals, as hana will often push for more contact and end up driving an introvert away
— for hana, there is no difference between "love as a friend" and "love as something more": love is love to hana, and almost anybody she calls a friend she has at one time swooned over, if she isn't still. this is why hana sees nothing wrong with polygamy, as she believes there should be no restrictions on the pure nature of love. she keeps lust separate from love, however.

DIFFICULTY difficult physically & easy mentally
— defensive fighting style, will rarely make the first move
— uses her small size to her advantage to dive under her opponents and go for the throat or stomach when she is dismounted. atop miso she opts to simply command the beast and stay physically out of the battle. will ALWAYS begin combat atop miso, and will only dismount when the dragon becomes too injured to continue fighting. can be caught off guard and thrown to the ground - miso's scales are also thick enough to be scaled with claws. those that succeed in knocking hana off should be wary of immediate repercussions from miso as he will attempt to scorch them.
BATTLE can powerplay nonviolent & peaceful actions
— ask about severe injuries: no capture or killing
— ping [member=158]Nanohana[/member] when attacking
POWERS air elementals, earth elementals, fire elementals, mental bond
— air & earth elementals used in conjunction to launch small stones at high speeds from a distance during combat. highly skilled. used by nanohana.
— fire elementals spewed at intense heats to scorch anything in its path, friend and foe alike. highly skilled. used by miso.
— mental bond shared between the two, allowing them to communicate without words and share each other's pain.

Re: I FALL APART WITH ALL MY HEART / nanohana - hana. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]01. pinterest
02. character playlist
03. in-character playlist
04. character study
05. comprehensive au notes

Re: I FALL APART WITH ALL MY HEART / nanohana - hana. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]01. by copper
02. by kyn
03. by sparrowstar
04. by pax
05. by chervani
06. by desmond
07. by paroxysm
08. by cheeters