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HOW TO PIMP A BUTTERFLY & body change - Printable Version

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HOW TO PIMP A BUTTERFLY & body change - NUI HARIME - 09-07-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

//tw for blood and nui being a very very bad girl. tldr; nui eats herself into oblivion, bloats up and is unable to retain her current form any longer.

snowbound sung with victory and mirth at their freedom. the pitt were chased out; the tyrants within their home no longer.
as day turned to sundown, and the cerulean skies shifted with the orange burn of the sun’s dying light, nui slipped from camp.

coming darkness kissed the strand of woods bordering on the edge of snowbound’s territory, the night sky making way for it’s glorious arrival. while the others were busy preparing for sleep and still celebrating with family and friends, nui was celebrating in her own special way.

the frigid embrace of snowbound cradled her lean form. within the darkness of the woods far away from camp, she inspected a limp and cold corpse. long ago chilled by the gelid wind’s fingers. the frigidness would ensure that the body was nicely preserved. lucky for her.

it was a pittian. small and ugly. killed in the battle hours prior; some ecstatic snowbounder had gone too far in their endeavors. fighting for vengeance rather than freedom, and thus smote the wretched thing, securing a kill.

but a frown laced the feline’s dainty face, tongue clucking against the roof of a pink mouth with utter disappointment at the callous display at such a waste of meat. how dare they leave such a plump body to the winds to rot? she ought to show them true manners. nui would rather find the offending snowbounder and shovel the cold corpse down their throat herself; teach them to finish food before abandoning it. she had been starving during the battle and the monstrous girl was ravenous; muscles rippling underneath taut, well groomed fur in apprehension and all consuming hunger. her stomach was like a pit; never satisfied, and to see such an ideal pick… saliva dribbled from her maws unabated. gaze feral and twinkling with downright with the kind of look that big cats would direct towards cornered prey, nui decided what her first pick of the body would be.

the grandiose fantasies of thoroughly suffocating a poor, nameless animal with a chilled body halted. she'd rather help herself to the flesh first.

‘show em how it's done, nui.’

‘don't mind if i do.’


‘how many licks… how many bites would it take to get to the center of the chest? the heart? twenty, apparently.
hah! it's just like a lollipop! delicious and takes no small amount of effort to reach the good part.’

red juice and stringy meat hung from her jaws in ribbons as nui emerged from the forest, pausing to clean herself thoroughly. stick crimson was quickly washed with smooth licks and wet paws cloyed with snow. a lady always did her best to look presentable, no matter how dirty the task had been prior--especially if disposing of bodies.
the sky was well into night by the time she made her way home. the heavens were twinkling and the air was sharp and crisp, and she took the time to reminisce with satisfaction about how easily the corpse's eyes and heart had squelched between her teeth.

nui, full like a tick, was halfway across camp into her cabin when her stomach roiled. then her skin shifted.

and she bloated.

her flesh seemed to expand as the glowing fibers that made up her very blood and bones writhed terribly, and for a split second, her limbs seemed to be coming apart at the seams.

she was stinging. itchy. hot all over. nui was devoid of all sensation in that moment; lost in the feeling of her limbs untangling and reknitting it’s stitches, and a singular optic transfixed onto her rapidly transforming body. curious of her own undoing. her parasitic tendencies, aching for blood after so long and being indulged viciously in it’s craving, could no longer hold itself upright.

this was the result.

The gal’s body tingled, and she could see the bright red glow of ribbons and muscles as her mass strained with the sudden onslaught of her mass and bones shrinking. tendons and ligaments popping back into place. inner stitching done once more, and still aching beneath the skin, she was vulnerable. compact. the predator had turned prey.

and now, she was undeniably soft.

two elongated ears twitched forward, red against the sharp cold of the air. this new body was unused to cold climate of snowbound, and blood now flushed to her bunny ears.

she took a step forward, and then flopped uselessly onto her side. shapeshifting had never felt like this before. Within moments of transforming, she was fully able to utilize the capabilities of the foreign animal she had taken the shape of, and ready to utilize it to her will.

but adrenaline spike through her veins. and though she could feel no pain, her limbs were wobbly like a newborn foal.

“something’s happened to me,” nui wailed, kicking all four feet uselessly at the air. flexing her limbs. testing this newfound vessel. “and i need… i need a mirror.” out of breath, too. what a peculiar day.


Re: HOW TO PIMP A BUTTERFLY & body change - delphinium - 09-08-2018

- Cannibalism. Murder. These were not particularly new concepts to Delphinium. She had been spared of ever having to partake in either, in her youth knocking her opponents unconscious rather than cleaving their weak spots or avoiding their heavy strikes if they took the offensive first- even in the rebellion of Snowbound she had been away, acquainting herself with the edges of their lands rather than risking her life for people she did not even know the name of yet. Cowardly, selfish, clever, self-defensive, Delphi had labelled herself with every descriptor she could think of when she knowingly stepped away from the uprising against the Pitt. It was not a bloodshed she wanted to see, it was not her war to fight nor was it her victory to celebrate. Childish as she may be at times, as common her habit of turning a blind eye to things she disliked, Delphinium would not pretend that she did not know what came after war. Bodies, blood, death, decay. Disgusting to all the senses, but necessary. Giving back to Earth what had been taken away from it. A sickened part of Delphinium wondered what happened to those that died at the Sanctuary, either from natural causes, intense experimentation, or wounds that could not be healed from aptitude tests. Wounds that the humans sometimes refused to heal. Nature was cruel, but mankind was crueler, and at least those who flung themselves recklessly into war were met with a relatively quick demise. Not death at the hands of a curable disease. A death with honor, even if it was shrouded by pride - or cowardice. There was honor to be had in fighting for a cause one believed in, rather than being selected to die "for science" by someone else.

The navy blue kitsune had been busy in her cabin tending to her few planted seedlings, paws caked with a thin layer of dirt as she gently nudged the planted seed of a larkspur onto the windowsill. She hated the grime it created, the grit between her toes was a sensation that lingered far after having submerged her paws in a stream to cleanse them. But Delphi tended to them nonetheless, murmuring half-hearted prayers to any entity she could think of that her seeds would sprout come springtime. Past the potted larkspur came a sudden burst of light, immediately catching Delphinium's attention as olive green eyes snapped up from her pet project to the lands beyond her cabin. She did not recognize the glowing figure, but she certainly recognized as Nui collapsed, struggling on her side. Immediately the mythic pushed off of the window, clipped wings instinctually flaring outward and flapping uselessly as if it would help her move any faster. As Delphinium neared the rabbit her wings drew in tight once more, replaced by the flaring of her eight tails behind her. "Are you alright?" Delphinium questioned despite Nui's blatant announcement that "something's happened to me". An onyx nose reached down in an attempt to help stabilize the rabbit, but she withdrew her touch at the next inquiry. A mirror? It was an... odd request, but - "A mirror? I, ah, I might have one," although, truthfully, she wasn't entirely sure where it was. It certainly wasn't hers to begin with, not vain enough to warrant the desire of keeping polished glass simply to look at herself. But a small handheld mirror had been collecting dust in the cabin Delphi moved into, and she never bothered to throw it out. Turning heel quickly, the kitsune hurried back to her cabin.

Her home was mostly gardening supplies at the moment - clay pots, treated earth, small seeds kept in individual sacks. The silver mirror was a stark difference from the earthen brown of the rest of her home. Not wanting to grab the mirror directly in her mouth after it had been collecting a hearty layer of dust for who knows how long, Delphinium instead opted to lift it telekinetically, watching it wobble in front of her as her nerves slowly got the best of her. Once again the kitsune turned rapidly, pushing the door open so the mirror could follow behind her. The trembling in the object stopped as she left her home, centering her mind and choking down any fear of the worst. Returning to Nui, Delphi let the mirror drop onto the permafrost, dulled glass facing upward. "It's not clean, but it's a mirror."

Re: HOW TO PIMP A BUTTERFLY & body change - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-09-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
There was a difference between fighting for freedom and fighting for revenge, but Atbash couldn't say she was mad at the Snowbounders for happening to kill their Pittian invaders. After all, they had disabled their leader and acted like they owned the place, despite not really doing anything other than just being bullies and using Atbash as a leash. It was justifiable, unlike what her brother had done, so Atbash was quick to forgive anybody who admitted to slaughtering any Pitt member. Most of them seemed to regret it, though there was a select few that was fine with her actions. But that wasn't something to worry about right now, no, they needed to focus on their victory. After all, Snowbound was no longer bound by The Pitt! They were free once more, to do whatever they wanted without worrying about anybody being punished - Atbash included.

However, if she knew what Nui had done, she would likely be extremely upset at what the feline-turned-bunny did. Cannibalism wasn't right, no matter how you looked at it, and Atbash couldn't condone it. It... wasn't something to exile over, especially considering Nui had eaten an enemy body, but still it was... disgusting. Perhaps worth a temporary demotion? Possibly, but luckily Atbash didn't really know what Nui did. Although she did know the former Polarheart was a tad bit... unstable, to say the least, but the Hailcaller believed she meant well.

The flash of light is what attracted the leader over to the scene, blinking her good eye at Nui for a couple of seconds as she tried to register what happened to the other girl. It took a couple of heartbeats for Atbash to properly focus on Nui's new form and she had to tilt her head a bit. "What happened to you?" She asked. Of course she knew about shapeshifting and possession, but she didn't think Nui had the ability. After all, she thought that was mostly just a demon attribute, but then again... Izuku wasn't a demon, and he was able to shift bodies.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HOW TO PIMP A BUTTERFLY & body change - NUI HARIME - 09-10-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #fcb3b5; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]LA VI EST DROLE!

nui had not thought twice of it. what was there to think of, either way? she had gotten a meal, and there was one less body stinking up snowbound's terrain. had she been discovered, nui would have been disturbed at the (righteous) rebuke to come her way. her grasp on morals was obsolete. the shifted bunny was under the firm belief that if anyone could get away with it, then surely they would succumb to murder and gore? they were little more than filthy beasts, their baser natures clotted with morals and heightened intelligence and awareness. their values were a hindrance. values and virtues. a concept a worthless concept to her. she'd think herself to be doing her clan (since when had she considered snowbound her's?) a favor. nui did not comprehend the weight of what she had done.

delphigium is an unfamiliar face. the sight of the kitsune inspires awe and curiosity within her thumping little heart-- her predicament momentarily forgotten. she sits up, grateful at the other's presence and their mirror (albeit begrimed with dust), but still a mirror nonetheless.

lack of concern for the dirt aside, she reaches out a paw as soft as velvet to brush away the grime. her reflection is instantly known.

the hue of her pelt was no less different than before, yet--

were those her ears now? the gal is stunned into silence.

"i'm a bunny!" she chirps, voice riddled with a hint of pleasant surprise. she isn't so sure what to think. to be glad because she could have morphed into something worse? "this is quite the turn of events," a chubby paw pushes against her cheeks, pressing them outward.

the icestriker notes the atbash's presence, picking up the hailcaller with ease and swiveling a head to face the other.

"miss atbash! look! i'm not to sure... i got a terrible belly ache, then my body started going all wiry on me."


Re: HOW TO PIMP A BUTTERFLY & body change - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-12-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Honestly, Nui's reaction to her new body was funny and Atbash couldn't help but let out a mrrow of amusement at the Icestriker's exclamation. "Shapeshifting, perhaps?" The she-cat suggested. "It's an ability some people can have. I know that before I came to earth, I had the ability to possess other bodies." Of course, coming here stripped her of those powers, but they were seemingly coming back (albeit very slowly).
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi