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PARTY DRESS - open; joining - Printable Version

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PARTY DRESS - open; joining - rhosmari - 09-07-2018

A body of softest white, dancing with thick dapplings of creamy blotches and undertones slipped through the underbrush splashes of dulled red against the backdrop. Although something wasn't quite right with the way in which the tall yet slim creature walked. There was a pronounced limp to thin willowy shaped legs though her stride was firm and strong. There was an oozing of power from each step that the wildcat took despite the limp that seemed to slow her pace marginally. Dark eyes rested on the field that expanded out before her as she paused on the fringes of the forest she had just managed to get through. She already knew there was a grouping of animals that were living here and together no less. By now she would have thought they would have started tearing themselves a part. But they did think they were civilized. The word made a dark eyes roll in their sockets before she began to make her way out of the thick trees that had attempted to conceal her body within the shadows of their shady boughs. Not like there was much to hide anyway and her body moved along the tall grass as she effortlessly called out, making sure to keep some of the weight off of her right front paw. "Excuse me, I'm looking for some attention here!" Voice light and carrying across the wide open plateau the king cheetah would pause in her steps before giving a light but very much annoyed sigh.

Her thin form slowly lowered to the ground and she whipped her tail against it heavily before lifting her paw up to look at the damage. It was stuck in their pretty deep, the thick shark of glass glimmering back at her from the reflection of sunlight and to think she had been walking on it all this time. Oh, she remembered how she had gotten it but the reason why was neither here nor there at the current moment. No, she was just looking for some sorry sap to help her and get it out of her paw before it managed to break the flesh and skin all the way through to the other side. Time was ticking as they all said though it was moving faster for some than for others and the being narrowed her dark gaze to look back over the plain, debating on moving further into the place. After all someone to have heard the smooth tones of her voice in this empty place. "Hello!"

Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - BUGSY - 09-07-2018

So far, these ferals were turning out to be more c i v i l i z e d than he had initially expected. Having never interacted with a clan before, he would have never seen what was coming. Little had he known, these guys cooked human food, did human things, and were far from ( saliva-dripping, bloodthirsty savages. ) It was turning out to be quite nice so far.

It wasn't hard for Bugsy to notice a pretty visage when he laid eyes on one. The Beauceron watched as the King Cheetah's form emerged on the horizon, slinking through the grass in his direction. The way she placed her paws seemed a bit off, though he hadn't noticed her injury just yet. The brute approached her, managing a lopsided grin, "Slow your roll, girlie. Whatcha' need?" He had just assumed that she was impatient and was demanding attention right away.

That is, until his eyes darted to the shard of glass jammed into her pad. Widening his almond-shaped visionaries, Bugsy commented, "Whoa, that looks pretty bad. How'd you manage to do that?" He was genuinely curious, and seeing that she wasn't bleeding out onto the floor, he figured that he was at liberty to ask.

Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - rhosmari - 09-07-2018

Finally someone was coming and she was still impatient for the simple fact that it took so long. Well, long might be an exaggeration on her part but she just disliked having her time wasted. Even if it was just an infinitely looping cycle she had things to do before it looped again. Really, she hated that part but she focused on the here and now and also the creature that was approaching her. Oh, tall, dark, and danger. Hmm, he just oozed something and her void colored nose twitched a bit as she watched him walk toward here. Sadly he was a canine but then again when had that ever stopped her. A careless sigh left liquor stained lips as she allowed for her dark gaze to rest back upon her slightly lifted paw. Well, he'd asked a couple of question but she figured she would just go with the most pressing one that he had asked, which she figured was the last one. "Let's just say that I stepped on it. Care to help a girl out?" Her voice was soft, perhaps even luring as she lifted her paw up so that he could see the striking yellow colored and rather thick shard of glass within her foot.

It was not a small shard either and one would have to wonder how she had managed to even walk on that foot. The pain would have to have been excruciating but the woman merely waited with a arguably impatient look upon her soft white features though the red along her eyes made her black gaze stand out more. "Want to pull it out for me, hon? I'd appreciate the help and maybe I'll owe you a favor." Frankly just this once she wouldn't mind it considering the fact that it had to come out anyway. It was just an inconvenience she didn't need right now and thus she was pushing it higher on her list to get rid of. After all she couldn't remove it herself and so she had to have a bystander do it for her so hopefully he wouldn't mind snatching some glass from her paw. It wouldn't be so hard anyway and she was sure that he wouldn't feel guilty about the blood.

Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - imperia - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]A recent sickness prevented Imperia from getting out and about. It was not so much debilitating as she was concerned about spreading her virus to her patients. But the worst of it has passed and Peri is more than eager to get back into the swing of things. She does not do well being trapped in one place. Her heart longs to wander, to see the sights and enjoy the beauty of the world. As comforting as the cleric's hide can be, it is not where the she-wolf belongs.

Muted pawsteps subtly announce the arrival of another at the border; golden tendrils of grass whispering and dancing as the creature nimbly navigates the terrain. A brief moment of silence and then--a slender muzzles appears first, followed shortly thereafter by a pair of brilliant sterling steel eyes and a petite frame covered in a thick layer of silky grey fur. In comparison to the jaw-droppingly gorgeous cheetah, Imperia's beauty is of a simpler breed. Those large, doll-like eyes shine with an unusual sort of kindness and she carries herself as if unbothered by all the worries of the world. A faint aroma of lavender and citrus clings to her starshine pelt, though the scent is overpowered by the herbs which she carries with her in a leather satchel; the material worn from months of use.

"Bonjour," greets the halo in a gentle voice that is barely more than a whisper. "I can take care of your injury for you, mademoiselle." It is her job, of course. A pale silver gaze flickers over briefly to inspect the male who she has yet to meet before returning to the female before her. "My name is Imperia Arceneau. What is yours?" Although this stranger does not seem to be too upset about her wound, Peri finds that most people fare better when distracted by easy questions. The lovely she-wolf retrieves a cloth, some bandages, and a poultice to put upon the wound so it does not get infected before looking up at the unnamed cheetah. "Are you ready?" Peri would prefer if the female did not shriek and run away, so she decides to warn her.

Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - BUGSY - 09-08-2018

It was true, one could associate Bugsy with the "tall and dark stranger" trope, considering that he was . . . a tall and towering individual. Not that he necessarily was dark. He hoped that he didn't come off that way to everybody. Was it because of his rows of canines, as deadly as knives? Was it because of his confident and swaggering gait? Was it because of his shining chain necklace with a tooth on it? He appeared to be quite a d a n g e r o u s dog, especially considering his genes and his breed, but it wasn't good to make everybody fear you. While Bugsy could appreciate respect, he didn't want to ( s h a k e ) the very earth with each step he took, making others around him [sub]cower[/sub] in fear.

She stepped on a shard of glass and couldn't bring herself to pull it out on her own? Huh. "Well, most certainly." He was going to insist that she didn't need to repay him in any way, but then again . . . wouldn't it be nice to be repaid? Who knows, maybe she had quite a favor in store for him.

Just as the canine was about to try and fix his teeth onto the glass, a feminine voice had interrupted him, and it was not that of the stranger. Bugsy lifted his head and craned his neck to lay eyes upon the silvery she-wolf. Hey now, she had interrupted him! While that would slightly irritate him in any other situation, perhaps he could make an . . . exception for this. The medic that came along didn't look half-bad either. Were all of the ladies here as elegant as she?

The Beauceron tilted his head back towards Empyrah and commented, "Guess it would be best to leave it to her." Getting that favor would've been nice, but he was no medic, after all.

Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - rhosmari - 09-09-2018

"Oh, a beautiful dame come to help a damsel in distress." Her voice was light and almost teasing as she watched the canine come forward and speak to her in a lovely little french accent. Her head tilted to the side a bit as she watched the male that had come first as he was about to pull the shard of glass out of her paw but he stopped when the woman had spoke of her doing it instead. Was it some type of role thing they had going on here. What a bother. Frankly she didn't care who pulled it out as long as someone pulled it out. That was all that mattered to her in the end and her gaze narrowed a bit at her thoughts before she lightly shifted her raised paw to the lovely female before her. "I'm always ready, hon. But you can call me Empyrah and don't be afraid to give it a rather good pull. It's a little jagged and might get stuck." Turning slightly the king cheetah would focus back on the male then as she hadn't gotten his name.

She wouldn't mind having it and much more but she tried to keep herself mildly decent. Mildly Her jaws parted and she allowed her white tongue to snake out for a moment and swipe across her jaws as she debated over her words. Well, he had offered to help her and she felt back about not giving him something in return. Though it wouldn't really make much of a difference if she gave him something or not. Maybe it was just her own way of dealing with what was going on right now. Lightly her eyes fluttered, lowering her head a bit, dark eyes looking up through her lashes at Bugsy. "Can I get the name of my once upon a time champion?"

Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - rhosmari - 09-11-2018


Re: PARTY DRESS - open; joining - imperia - 09-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]In the face of this strange, ethereal creature who is both alluring and terrifying, Imperia struggles to find the words with which to respond. Perhaps she can be considered starstruck--most creatures in the Ascendants are young or are males, so she is unaccustomed to the presence of beautiful and mature women. So Peri decides to stick to what she knows. "I am going to have to bandage this as the glass is the only thing keeping the wound from bleeding profusely," is her reply, with only a faint blush in the wake of Empyrah's flattery. She takes a moment to gather her supplies before gently grasping the shard with her teeth and yanking it out (the lack of opposable thumbs makes some tasks more difficult than they could be). The lovely she-wolf wastes very little time in cleaning and dressing the cheetah's injured paw. "How does that feel?" she asks, straightening herself so that she no longer kneels at the paws of the unfamiliar woman. If it hurts, Peri might offer a couple of poppy seeds for the pain, but she would rather avoid giving out drugs, if possible.