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some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - Printable Version

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some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - ; albion - 09-07-2018

"alright fella's. no days off, lets get this bread." benny grumbled as he stepped over pieces of rubble from the crumbling pyramids. he climbed up a sizeable mound, hoping to get the attention from the others and sat up straight, curling his tail over his paws.

"come here for weekly tasks, cool cats! time t' make magic happen."

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - EscapedReality - 09-07-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
" Can I have one?" piped the young wolf pup walking over.  It was a curioius nature of what a child could do? Nothing too insane, nothing to dangerous but considering the notion that there might there was nothing to big or too small for anyone especially Essie.

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - guts - 09-07-2018

She trudged over after the pup, looking a lot more dejected and small than usual. Nevertheless she tried to smile as she addressed Benny. "I'll take one, too," maybe she could keep her mind off all these changes by doing some busywork.

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - ; albion - 09-08-2018

good, good, some actually decided to show up. his gaze first went to essie, quickly thinking over what to give him. he was small, but that didn't always mean weak. "alright kiddo, you're gonna do uncle benny a big favor, yeah? I want ya to steal somethin' from snowbound. anything, but make sure you're not caught, right? bring back t' me as soon as you can, and I can give ya another task if ya want." seemed simple enough. it wasn't a specific task, but one that required enough work to make him think.

next he looked to cosette and his expression fell into a relaxed smile. the tip of his tail twitched and he had to shake himself out of it, passing it off as a chill. "hello, princess. let's see... something domestic right now... gather a few of our fellow dwellers and paint a mural on the side of one of the pyramids. it can be a mix of whatever anyone wants. you know how to make paint, right?" there were plenty of fauna around the lake she could use, though benny definitely wanted to make an excuse to help her out with it.

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - guts - 09-08-2018

That was a good question. Did she know how to make paint? Not really, to be honest, but she wouldn't admit that. She wanted to look smart, especially in front of Benny, so she just nodded. "Oh, o-of course," hopefully that was convincing. Turning away, she walked off to gather everything she'd need.

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - rushy - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Gabriel appeared hesitantly after his fellow group members, tilting his head up to look at Benny before calling out "I'll take one," in a begrudging tone.


Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - EscapedReality - 09-08-2018

✯ — Love me, I beg Love me, I beg, Love me, I beg
Wasn't stealing bad?  Stealing from Snowbound no less, that shouldn't go straight to hell.  They shouldn't exactly hurt a kid right? Right?  Essie nodded taking his newly appointed job way to seriously than he should, already on the very verge of combusting from how hard he was thinking.  There really should be course for small idiots, how not to get caught 101.

" Okay!" he squeaks scrambling off as fast as his little paws could carry him.

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - COSMIIX - 09-08-2018

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - ; albion - 09-08-2018

he salutes to both cosette and essie as they leave to complete the given tasks. hopefully something will come up from both of them; he was certainly interested in what the little kid would bring back. or whatever story he would tell about it. for now, though, he had others to take care of.

"alright, alright. [member=2154]GABRIEL H.[/member]  be a cool fella and host a creative writing class. help get the kids a lil' education, ya know? uh, if you don't know how to do all that reading and writing stuff then tell me and i'll give you a different one." it was hard to remember who was literate and who wasn't. some of the slaves could write more eloquently than himself, and yet some equal to his rank couldn't even write their own name.

"oh! [member=2078]QUILL H.[/member]  you beautiful bastard! i'd recommend another dance class, but instead i want you to go on an exploration. gather up a team and explore one of the pyramids, or hell maybe someone else's fuckin' territory. make me proud, big man."

Re: some rain must fall ;; weekly tasks 9/7-14 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-10-2018

Strange, he actually wasn't one of the first to arrive. Ah, oh well, that was a good thing; it meant people were around to do things. Dante made his way over and looked up at Benny. "I'll have one." The hybrid grunted, flicking his shark-like tail.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE