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SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Printable Version

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SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 04-07-2018

One moment the female had remembered being standing next to Roy and the Elric brothers. She didn't remember much but it was all slowly coming back to her. Roy must've done something, not that she blamed him- or one of the brothers messed up something. The last she clearly remembered before waking up was- the pain of being ripped apart, from limb to limb and crying from the agony.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Riza took note of the observatory and lost in thought, she stumbled and landed on the ground. A somewhat shocked gasp followed, as the female saw her paws. She wasn't a human anymore. She'd turned into an animal.

Mildly cursing, the maned lioness found herself approaching the large dome and wondering if there was any others around, not really caring if they were human or not.
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Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Roy Mustang - 04-07-2018

Roy wasn't exactly sure what happened back there, with Riza and the Elric Brothers. He wasn't sure if he was to blame, or perhaps Fullmetal and Alphonse, or maybe all three of them. He certainly had no intentions to activate some strange, never before seen transmutation circle. If it was his fault, then he certainly didn't mean to do it. After all, it was quite terrifying seeing that red, flashing light and then his body being torn apart as his gaze went dark. It had been loud- he heard cries erupting from Riza, the Elric brothers, and even himself. Honestly, he thought he was the only one getting caught in the circle- he thought they were screaming out in fear for him. When his vision went dark, he didn't notice that Riza was being torn apart, limb by limb, just like he had.

It has been days since he woke from the freak accident, and ended up here in the Ascendants. He had been just as lost and confused as to where he had been, and just as freaked out about the whole different kind of animal situation. He still felt panicked about it, in all honesty, he was just good at keeping it down. He wasn't sure why that transmutation circle changed him into this strange, oddly colored tiger- but he wasn't about to let the Ascendants know of his concerns. He still can't seem to trust them, not yet. They greeted him too casually when he had been padding around, unsure where he had been. But this was his home for now, until he finds a way to return to his original body and go back to Amestris.

Roy found himself padding out of the observatory, still a lot on his mind. He didn't want to stay inside his private quarters for awhile, it still felt strange to call that his room and not his house in Amestris. He can't really get these thoughts off of his mind temporarily while being coped up in there. So the best thing he could do is walk. As he began to pad away from the observatory, someone happened to be padding towards it. This wasn't someone Roy immediately recognized, he didn't really know his new groupmates that well and there were plenty of faces that he had no names to. But something about this lioness felt different, and also smelled different too. His nose scrunched up at the unfamiliar scent, Roy has been getting used to his new sense of smell, and the scent of the Ascendants had been getting quite familiar too. So that must mean she is an outsider, just like he had been. He knew it wouldn't be long before his groupmates began to approach this lioness, and begin introducing themselves to her. He wanted to beat them to it, since he could only help it but wonder how she managed to get so far in the territory.

When he came padding over to her, he got a closer look at her face. She looked aggravated, confused, and shocked much like he had been. And there was something else that caught his attention- those silver studs in her ears and her eyes. Riza Hawkeye, one of his best friends and bodyguard, had worn silver studs just like that back in Amestris. Her eyes, oh god her eyes. They were dark brown, just like how Riza's had been. Was this just a coincidence, that this lioness happened to be wearing the same silver studs as Riza and has the same eye color? Or is there a chance that he wasn't the only one that got torn apart, limb by limb by that transmutation circle? Possibly, perhaps he wasn't the only one that fell victim to it, as he remembered Riza standing beside him.

He guessed there is only one thing he can do to see if this lioness is somehow Riza Hawkeye. And if it isn't her, then he is going to look like a complete idiot. He will feel like an idiot too, for thinking some stranger might have been one of his best friends. The male's green optics landed onto Riza's dark brown optics, drawing a breath back. He then opened his mouth, to speak one single word that would either confirm or deny his assumption.


Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 04-07-2018

Riza was leaning on putting the blame on one of the brothers but she was unsure if she should blame Roy or not. If she ever found her way back to Amestris- she'd be very glad to be a human once more.

The maned lioness had noticed the somewhat unfamiliar tiger male wandering on over. Raising a single-brow, Riza found herself staring at the male, studying his oddly-colored pelt. Strange. There was something off about him, as if he was missing something. Than, she saw he was staring at the studs in both of her ears. Before she knew it, he opened his mouth to speak.


Riza continued to keep a emotionless face as she answered Roy. Somehow they had both came to the same world, so maybe they'd find a way to get home together.

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Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - BASTILLEPAW - 04-08-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille didn't like Roy. The guy seemed arrogant, more cocky than confident, and that wasn't exactly his style. He was very quick to snidely knock someone off their pedestal, but unfortunately, Starry wanted them to be kind to the newcomers. Which meant Bast had to wait until he showed more of his dickish nature so that he could justify the remarks, basically. In the meantime, the agitated bengal would go about avoiding him in an effort to hold his tongue.

That being said, the dude was shady. He constantly looked confused or lost, when he wasn't busy looking lost in memories, and he had a strange aura. He didn't share much, and seemed dodgy about where he had come from. (This guy shows up, and Luna disappears almost immediately after? Bast wasn't much into conspiracy theories, but hey -- he was consider every possible angle.) What the hell was his damage, really? Bast didn't like it and didn't trust it.

So, when he saw Roy and a stranger on the border, he inhaled a sigh and headed towards them. Who knows what this asshole was saying to a potential joiner (or potential threat). He arrived just in time to catch the end of their exchange, and his gaze flickered between the two of them as he said idly, "So, you two know each other." Interesting. Roy couldn't hide that, now could he? His attention focused more on the girl as he added, "I take it you'll be staying too, then."

Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Roy Mustang - 04-08-2018


Roy's ears pricked up almost instantly at her response, immediately recognizing her voice. That is Riza Hawkeye, and her response to his single word question proved it even more. He couldn't help it but feel a sense of relief in his chest, it's really her- he's no longer alone in this new, unfamiliar world. He finally has someone he knows he can trust, and who won't leave his side. The two of them back in Amestris had been like a pair- Riza had been his bodyguard and he knew her back when he was learning alchemy from her father. Sure, Roy certainly had some feelings for her, and maybe Riza did too, but they were never allowed to experience such feelings. It wasn't allowed in the military, it was forbidden actually. If she wasn't his subordinate, if she didn't join the military, he would have happily dated her. Roy trusts her completely, she is definitely the one with the most trust in his team. He even trusted her to tell her to shoot him in the back if he ever went the wrong way and was no longer going down a righteous path.

So the male smirked lightly, with that familiar cocky expression Riza must have gotten used to by now. "You don't know how glad I am to see you, Lieutenant." The Sumatran tiger spoke up as he kept his gaze locked onto her, his tail slowly swishing behind him. It has been a long few wild days, it was nice to talk to a friend you feared you might never see again. "I'm assuming you got caught up in that accident too," He began to mutter, as he shook his head, ears pinning back, "I'm not certain about Fullmetal or Alphonse though." He still felt some guilt for what happened, now that he knew Riza truly fell victim to it as well. It wasn't clear what happened, but hopefully the two can find a way to return home together.

His ears would prick back up as a new, though familiar for Mustang, spoke up. Bastillepaw, ugh. They were the kid that was ignorant at the border- he believed Roy wanted them to beg him to join. He had seemed to take an offense to Roy's clear thinking, and Roy had made sure to let the tom know he didn't want them to beg. It had been the opposite, actually, and the Ascendants managed to persuade Roy enough to stay here. His eyes narrowed as he glanced over at Bastillepaw, flint claws digging roughly into the ground. "Yes, you're correct on that." He confirmed Bastillepaw's statement, his tail swishing behind him. It was probably obvious that the two knew each other, Roy hasn't really been so open and trustworthy to any joiners lately. He wouldn't have approached Riza the way he did if he didn't know her. Now, regarding Ms. Hawkeye joining, he would glance over to her after Bastillepaw made the second comment. It was really up to Riza if she wanted to stay here, but he was going to give some advice to his subordinate. "I recommend you stay here Riza." That probably wasn't expected, right? Just wait a minute, he's going to keep explaining himself. "There's shelter here over in that Observatory, and the people who live within it explained everything to me- they claim they are a peaceful group." Perhaps Riza could catch on that Roy wasn't saying that he trusts these people completely, but that they were willing to offer her food and a roof over her head. That was why he is currently here, he certainly can't get himself to trust his new groupmates yet. So far they have stayed true to their word, but he can't let his guard down, especially when he doesn't know any of them personally yet- just names with faces. "There are apparent other groups out there that won't offer the same hospitality- though it's up to you, but at least you won't have to be here alone."

Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 04-08-2018

When Bastillepaw approached, Riza was quite surprised to see another animal around. She had thought she & Roy were the only ones in this strange world but she had been incorrect.

"Yes, I know who he is." The maned wildcat said with a calm tone to the Starstruck Guardian, taking note of his very impatience and stubborn manner. It almost reminded of Roy. Than her companion spoke once more, informing her of the group. "I shall think about it- but a peaceful group, despite it sounding very nice, is not very suitable to my tastes. In a manner of few days, I shall think about if I wish to stay or go."
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Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Starrynight ! - 04-08-2018


Starrynight had briefly watched the interaction go down from a short distance before coming closer. Roy knew her! That was nice. He did seem rather uncomfortable in his new surroundings, but that was okay. He would become accustomed to the observatory soon enough! "Wow, you found an old friend, Roy? That's cool!" He then turned to the lioness, head tipping up to meet her eyes. "My name's Starrynight, the leader of this place! Roy joined not too long ago, and I think he would be happy if a friend joined him!" But that wasn't for him to decide, of course.


Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - Roy Mustang - 04-11-2018

Roy would hate to admit it, but there are times where he sees himself in Bastillepaw as well. That kid can be just as, or even more so, stubborn as he can be. He would look back over at his old friend, tail slowly swishing behind him as he listened to her give a response to his recommendation. Roy could understand why she might not want to stay here, as in all honesty it's not that suitable in the tiger's tastes either. But when he joined, he had no where else to go- he didn't have an old friend at the other side of the border with advice and recommendations. He opened his mouth to speak, but was abruptly cut short when Starrynight's peppy voice barged in. The tiger quickly shut his mouth as he glanced over at Starrynight, deciding not to make a comment.

He guessed it's alright for them to be surprised to see Mustang with an old friend- they must have thought he was an anti-social or something. Well he didn't have a huge list of friends, he had his team and his best friend Maes Hughes- but it was hard to think of them now. Almost all of them aren't here, besides Riza. And he can't even be sure she is going to stay in this group. His gaze landed back onto Riza, the Flame Alchemist deciding to speak up. "Just make sure to let me know what you decide to do, alright Lieutenant?"

Re: SCARS TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL / o, lost - BASTILLEPAW - 04-12-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille was not quite as willing to admit to any similarities to Roy, but he would admit to a surface level of alikeness -- a lack of happy go lucky demeanor, inclination towards aggression to solve his problems, and general disregard for strict manners. Otherwise? Roy was a shady motherfucker, too cocky for his liking, and clearly didn't know how to be part of a working body. Sure, Bast wasn't huge on teamwork -- but at least he recognized the necessity of going along with groupliving when he had to. Roy liked to be antagonistic about everything.

Regardless, Bast wasn't paying much attention to Roy. He was eyeing Riza, snorting in amusement at her comment. "Welcome to the club," he drawled idly, referring to her opposition towards pacifism. It seemed there were quite a few of them who didn't actually believe in it but were loyal enough to Starry to go along with the practice. Speaking of... He glanced at the Seraph as he came bounding over, content to listen to him speak before his gaze was snapping back to Roy. There was that title again -- Lieutenant. Roy was far too at odds with Clan behavior to have come from a similarly structured group; even a group with different customs would have at least the bare bones of similar style, and Roy seemed confused by all of it. So where did he know Riza from? And where were the titles coming from?

Instead of calling Roy out on his shadiness, Bastille simply watched, his gaze lingering on the guy before flickering back to Riza.